Introducing new default skins | Minecraft

Introducing new default Minecraft skins

Meet Alex and Steve’s new friends!

In the beginning, there was Steve.

Then Alex came along. 

Now, almost ten years later, we have Noor, Sunny, Ari, Zuri, Makena, Kai, and Efe! 

Whether you are a new player about to punch your very first tree, coming back and want a new look, or you’re just tired of 30 Steves running around your SMP – you will now be able to make your way through Minecraft in seven new default skins. 

What are Minecraft Skins?

Minecraft skins change the appearance of your character. Skins let you change your character's hair color, clothing, and more. When you launch Minecraft, you are given the choice of creating a skin or choosing one of our default options. Creating your own skins is a big part of the Minecraft community, and we are constantly impressed with the creations you come up with! The default skins are simply a ready-to-wear option, allowing you to choose from nine skins instead of just two and all of them will be available in both wide and narrow models.

Minecraft is a space for everyone. Whoever you are, wherever you are, however you play – you are welcome in here (yes, even those of you who voted for the phantom in the MINECON Earth 2017 mob vote!) But we want to keep working towards making Minecraft feel both welcoming and familiar. When you create your own stories across the Overworld, you get to shape them anyway you want. We’re here to give you the tools that you need to do this, and that includes more than just blocks and pickaxes.  

We want to help everyone see themselves in Minecraft, so we have created more options that better reflect our community. These new skins will be popping up in all sorts of places, just like Alex and Steve. They’ve already made their on-camera debut, and honestly, I don’t think we could pull them out of the limelight if we tried. 

We love Steve and Alex, and they aren’t going anywhere. But we wanted them to have some friends, both in the game and the content that we create for you. Hopefully, you will see a bit of yourself in these skins and will grow to love them just like Alex, Steve, and everything else that makes up the blocky world that is Minecraft!  

Sofia Dankis
Sofia Dankis

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