Pchome.com.tw - News ▷ PChome 新聞 - HypeStat

pchome.com.tw Pchome.com.tw - News.pchome.com.tw

PChome 新聞

Domain Summary

What is the traffic rank for News.pchome.com.tw?

• News.pchome.com.tw ranks #560 globally on HypeStat.

What percent of global Internet users visit News.pchome.com.tw?

0.0769% of global Internet users visit News.pchome.com.tw

How many people visit News.pchome.com.tw each day?

• News.pchome.com.tw receives approximately 3.8M visitors and 22,974,146 page impressions per day.

Which countries does News.pchome.com.tw receive most of its visitors from?

• News.pchome.com.tw is mostly visited by people located in Taiwan,China,India.

How much News.pchome.com.tw can earn?

• News.pchome.com.tw should earn about $6,874.09/day from advertising revenue.

What is News.pchome.com.tw estimated value?

• Estimated value of News.pchome.com.tw is $6,529,031.71.

What IP addresses does News.pchome.com.tw resolve to?

• News.pchome.com.tw resolves to the IP addresses

Where are News.pchome.com.tw servers located in?

• News.pchome.com.tw has servers located in Kansas City, Missouri, 64184, United States.

news.pchome.com.tw Profile

Title:PChome 新聞
About: 新聞入口,提供即時新聞及新聞搜尋。
這句話讓他挺過倒債危機 成功拓展國際市場且訂單接踵而至, 九州豪雨釀災至少18死 雨勢或持續, 生合生物科技、體育大學合作 研發運動乳酸菌TWK10發表, 慈濟大學大傳系迎新 新城警宣導青春專案, 雲林縣大埤臺糖原料區閒置倉庫 化身北和社區關懷據點, 捷運綠線G3站備援行控大樓 扮演北屯機廠行控中心後盾角色, 由越南新娘阮錦麗籌組的「社團法人國際麗麗微沙雅協會」正式成立。, AKB48 宣布台灣徵選活動 官方海外姐妹團 TPE489正式開跑, 【專訪】葉德嫻支持佔中 許鞍華不怕封殺「最多不拍嘛」, 「綜藝大熱門」邁向五年一千集 吳宗憲等主持人籌備圓夢計畫 為弱勢家庭募款, 鬼鬼吳映潔激戰高速旋轉籃框 嗆聲籃球好手毛弟邱翊橙, 李宣榕舉辦人生首場EP簽唱感謝歌迷支持 猛男師兄王家梁上陣送新娘抱打氣加油, 神級Live唱將李玟林俊傑首次帝都同台 合唱《月光愛人》震動人心, 《謝謝你,在世界的角落找到我》台北電影節首映 配音Non,製片真木太郎興奮訪台, 兩岸/中評鏡頭:杭州中山中路 重現民國風華, 【獨家】力挺同性伴侶平權 各界聲援台灣男同志訴訟, 前瞻首期1089億 城鄉最高水居次, 前瞻納少子化 擬多設公托親子館, 遭阿拉伯國家封鎖 卡達擬尋求補償, 退將赴陸管制 朱立倫:無限上綱將損及尊嚴, 林佳龍:台中INGO中心 101個NGO有意進駐, 南蘇丹獨立6週年 得了自由沒和平, 立體雕塑刻劃人間溫情- 臺中市雕塑學會「雕形•塑意卅一特展」大墩文化中心仲夏揭幕, 海祭會前賽落幕 十強十一日揭曉, 板橋童軍夏令營 弱勢家庭童FUN暑假, 國際少運會閉幕 新北10金 2銀 6銅, 倪玉珊個展港藝中心登場 溫柔刻劃生命的印記, 溫網/毫無破綻!費天王強勢晉級直指王座, 溫網/失之毫釐差以千里 詹皓晴混雙惜敗, 紅襪光芒第3戰 林子偉首打席遭三振, 2017台灣國展油畫比賽頒獎典禮 林富男:彩繪台灣, 氣候自貿都妥協 G20川普贏得半壁江山, 從「自作自受」到「自做自售」 青玉牛蒡茶包堅持「天然尚好」, 百萬電子耳納健保 「聽到孩子叫媽了」, 外籍醫師:劉曉波情況可安全離境 惟須儘快, 白宮新聞稿兩犯錯 過去所在多有, 709大抓捕2週年 台灣律師同聲援, 暑假人潮洶湧 藏金閣所得30餘萬再創新高, 結石治療新選擇 新營醫院引進體外震波碎石機, 愛水餓肚子 當心肌少症, 有哺有保庇?不想二度中獎,哺乳期「愛愛」好安全?, 美足健康秘密 挑鞋5訣竅告訴你, 擔心病從口入?公筷母匙很重要, 肚子痛拖半年 竟是十二指腸癌, 精力旺盛竟是過動?太晚睡害的!, 甩開運動不便 近視雷射手術增5成, G20峰會抗議動盪 數萬民眾最終日上街和平示威, 與中國看法不同調 美德醫師:劉曉波可盡快前往國外治療, G20峰會代坐川普位置 伊凡卡受抨不符外交禮節, 加拿大卑詩省百起森林大火 7000多人被迫撤離家園, 【影片】北韓4日成功發射洲際飛彈 美國計畫THAAD新測試, 好貓咪帶營收上天堂!日本「貓咪經濟學」讓主子更高貴, 【影片】川普政府備受爭議 氣候議題遭G20各國孤立, 【影片】意料之外的勝利 委內瑞拉反對陣營領導人獲准出獄, 玉山金銀行收益亮眼, 中油聯名卡業務 9月後評選, 國泰金股利入帳高峰, 譜瑞eDP晶片需求熱, 中壽併購題材加持, 中信金6月獲利創高, 聯亞營收逐季增溫, 大成下半年營運熱, 上海銀 07/10除息, 州巧 07/21除息, 萬達 07/13除息, 優你康, 利汎 09/04除息, 豐鼎 07/17除息, 全球 07/17除息, 聯線上 07/12除息, 揭開麥當勞咖啡秘密 五星咖啡師客製拉花, 百年媽祖會台中登場 裝置藝術進駐台中港, 巨星凱特溫斯蕾超有愛 限量3只聯名錶款豪捐七百萬台幣, 首屆國際高中籃球邀請賽 富邦人壽力挺松山盃, 沁心味蕾新食感! Petit Doux降溫系輕料理盛夏限定, 南韓女星NANA最愛唇色大公開 精品唇彩來台設快閃店, 巴黎高級訂製周落幕 精品大玩睡衣禮服與花朵派對高訂服, 佛教正心會於板中舉辦殊勝法會, 雙溪荷花季 賞花吃有機農產品, 13年耕耘 成就全球千店榮耀 85ºC全球第1千店 休士頓Bellaire開幕 休士頓市訂7/7為85ºC日, 相機街、影音街、書店街、鞋子街 走進北門,街拍老台北美麗身影, 中市新秘境 大里草湖自行車道完工, 雲林縣古坑鄉嘉興宮池府王爺聖誕千秋祝壽活動, 2017北橫探險節鐳戰大賽 24萬元大獎等您來拿, 「高雄海味」產地直送 安心食材京站開賣, 疲勞駕駛形同酒駕,有多危險你知道嗎?, 喜門史塔雷克 EZ10 Level4 無人駕駛巴士於臺灣大學水源校區舉辦試運行, Mercedes-AMG 喚醒熱血爵士魂,「兩廳院夏日爵士快閃音樂會」就在 #AMGPopUpTaipei, SUBARU 全新XV彰顯深厚硬底實力,銷售首月開出紅盤佳績, 美國龍頭寶座拱手讓人!Model S 撞擊測試表現不佳造成 TESLA 股價重挫, 地表最嚴苛挑戰,JAGUAR 全新 E-PACE 首演挑戰最終測試7/13日登場, Mercedes-Benz 銷售成績月月告捷,七月購車優惠 「4年保養套裝」輕鬆享有, PSA 集團對 Opel 收購案獲得歐盟反壟斷機關核可, 國泰日本單日反1(0.1329%), 富邦香港H股反向1(0.9981%), 未來資產亞高債A(12.2638), 元大新中國台幣(10.0600), 元大大中華TMT人(54.7697), 新光兩岸優勢(12.3000), 安聯全球債券B台(10.8462), 元大澳幣貨幣澳幣(0.0030%), 【亞洲對抗賽Day4】韓國最強賽區宣告殞落 LPL三比一擊敗LCK勇奪冠軍, 【亞洲對抗賽Day4】EDG全面壓制SSG LPL賽區奪下系列戰首勝, 【亞洲對抗賽Day4】最強賽區換人當 RNG擊敗MVP宣告封王, 《英雄聯盟》亞洲對抗賽決賽結果出爐 LPL 賽區以 3:1 大勝 LCK, 【亞洲對抗賽Day4】WE爆冷門擊潰SKT LPL賽區宣告聽牌!, 【亞洲對抗賽Day4】KT成功守住賽末點 將比賽帶入第四盤, 丹麥選手 Hoej 擊敗 K 神奪得《爐石戰記》全球巡迴賽春季冠軍賽冠軍, 《爐石戰記》HCT 春季冠軍賽 K 神等選手晉級四強 旅美台灣選手鍋貼八強止步, 政院:前瞻特別預算各項目金額 院會通過後公布, 南投市城隍爺遶境 林明溱點起馬炮, 中市持續推動鐵路高架周邊路平 建國北路即日施工, 101個NGO欲進駐台中 台中正夯, 嘉縣太極拳錦標賽 多位80歲以上長者參賽, 被誤認寵物犬遭拒 南市教導公車司機認識導盲犬, 扶難濟困 大里區瑞城百姓公慈善功德會成立, 惠德宮城隍爺遶境 林明溱團拜祈福, 捷運南北環段延宕 雙北:同時興建, 預售屋廣告費 列帳錯誤要補稅哦!, 別高興太早 北市:囤房稅將觀察1年, 華航與波音簽MOU 鄭文燦:提供最好土地, 遠雄弊案進展 綠委吳琪銘無保請回, 憲兵退役上校,如何搖身一變物業經營高階主管? Edit Site Info

What technologies does news.pchome.com.tw use?

These are the technologies used at news.pchome.com.tw. news.pchome.com.tw has a total of 8 technologies installed in 6 different categories.

news.pchome.com.tw Traffic Analysis

News.pchome.com.tw is ranked #560 in the world. This website is viewed by an estimated 3.8M visitors daily, generating a total of 23M pageviews. This equates to about 114.9M monthly visitors.
Daily Visitors3.8M
Monthly Visits114.9M
Pages per Visit6.06
Visit duration06:19
Bounce Rate37.48%
Is this your site?Verify your site's metrics.
Daily Unique Visitors:
Monthly Visits:
Pages per Visit:
Daily Pageviews:
Avg. visit duration:
Bounce rate:
Global Reach:
SEMrush Rank:
*All traffic values are estimates only.

Visitors by country

Taiwan 91.8%
China 3.4%
India 1.1%
Hong Kong 0.7%
United States 0.6%

Where do visitors go on news.pchome.com.tw?

Last update was 721 days ago
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*HypeStat.com is not promoting or affiliated with pchome.com.tw in any way. Only publicly available statistics data are displayed.

Search Engine Indexes

Search engine indexes are huge databases or collections of net pages that search engines like google like google and yahoo use to retrieve applicable facts while customers carry out searches. These indexes are created through search engines like google and yahoo through crawling and indexing net pages from throughout the internet.
Google Index:
Bing Index:


SEMrush is a complete on line advertising and marketing platform that gives a extensive variety of gear and functions to help companies and entrepreneurs in enhancing their on line visibility and optimizing their virtual advertising and marketing strategies.
(Rank based on keywords, cost and organic traffic)
Organic Keywords:
(Number of keywords in top 20 Google SERP)
Organic Traffic:
(Number of visitors coming from top 20 search results)
Organic Cost:
((How much need to spend if get same number of visitors from Google Adwords)

Revenue report

Google.com would generate approximately $6.9K per day if the source of income were advertisements, which equates to an estimated monthly revenue of $206.2K and annual gross revenue of approximately $2.5M. Based on these figures, the site's net worth is estimated at around $6.5M.

How much would news.pchome.com.tw make?

Daily Revenue:
Monthly Revenue:
Yearly Revenue:
*All earnings values are estimates only.

Daily earning by country

Taiwan 21,825,439$5,019.85
China 459,483$45.95
Hong Kong 0$0.00
India 0$0.00
United States 0$0.00

Loss of money due to Adblock?

Daily Revenue Loss:
Monthly Revenue Loss:
Yearly Revenue Loss:
Daily Pageviews Blocked:
Monthly Pageviews Blocked:
Yearly Pageviews Blocked:

Daily revenue loss by country

CountryBlockedLost Money
Taiwan 3,492,070$803.18
China 59,733$5.97
Hong Kong 0$0.00
India 0$0.00
United States 0$0.00

How much is news.pchome.com.tw worth?

Website Value:

Ad Experience Report

Summary of the ad experience rating of a website for a specific platform.

Mobile summary

Root domain:
Last Change Time:
(The last time that the site changed status.)
2020-02-25 16:42:20
Ad filtering:
(Chrome is not filtering ads on your site.)
(The status of the site that is reviewed for the Better Ads Standards.)

Desktop summary

Root domain:
Last Change Time:
(The last time that the site changed status.)
2020-02-25 16:42:20
Ad filtering:
(Chrome is not filtering ads on your site.)
(The status of the site that is reviewed for the Better Ads Standards.)

Abusive Experience Report

Summary of the abusive experience rating of a website.
Root domain:
Last Change Time:
(The last time that the site changed status.)
2020-02-25 16:42:20
(Chrome is not preventing your site from opening new windows or tabs.)
(The status of the site reviewed for the abusive experiences.)

Where is news.pchome.com.tw hosted?

News.pchome.com.tw may be hosted in multiple data centers distributed in different locations around the world. This is probably just one of them.
Server IP:
Google LLC 
Server Location:
Kansas City
Missouri, MO
United States, US

Other sites hosted on

How fast does news.pchome.com.tw load?

The average loading time of news.pchome.com.tw is 2531 ms. The Desktop speed index is 44 and mobile speed index is 86.
Average Load Time:
2531 ms

Page Speed (Google PageSpeed Insights) - Desktop

0-49 50-89 90-100 i

Field Data

Over the last 30 days, the field data shows that this page has a speed compared to other pages in the Chrome User Experience Report.We are showing the 90th percentile of FCP and the 95th percentile of FID.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)0 0% of loads for this page have a fast (<0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0% 0% of loads for this page have an average (0s ~ 0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0% 0% of loads for this page have a slow (>0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0%
First Input Delay (FID)0 0% of loads for this page have a fast (<0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0% 0% of loads for this page have an average (0ms ~ 0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0% 0% of loads for this page have a slow (>0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0%

Origin Data

All pages served from this origin have an speed compared to other pages in the Chrome User Experience Report. over the last 30 days.To view suggestions tailored to each page, analyze individual page URLs.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)0 0% of loads for this page have a fast (<0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0% 0% of loads for this page have an average (0s ~ 0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0% 0% of loads for this page have a slow (>0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0%
First Input Delay (FID)0 0% of loads for this page have a fast (<0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0% 0% of loads for this page have an average 0ms ~ 0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0% 0% of loads for this page have a slow (>0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0%

Lab Data

Page Speed (Google PageSpeed Insights) - Mobile

0-49 50-89 90-100 i

Field Data

Over the last 30 days, the field data shows that this page has a speed compared to other pages in the Chrome User Experience Report.We are showing the 90th percentile of FCP and the 95th percentile of FID.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)0 0% of loads for this page have a fast (<0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0% 0% of loads for this page have an average (0s ~ 0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0% 0% of loads for this page have a slow (>0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0%
First Input Delay (FID)0 0% of loads for this page have a fast (<0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0% 0% of loads for this page have an average (0ms ~ 0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0% 0% of loads for this page have a slow (>0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0%

Origin Data

All pages served from this origin have an speed compared to other pages in the Chrome User Experience Report. over the last 30 days.To view suggestions tailored to each page, analyze individual page URLs.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)0 0% of loads for this page have a fast (<0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0% 0% of loads for this page have an average (0s ~ 0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0% 0% of loads for this page have a slow (>0s) First Contentful Paint (FCP) 0%
First Input Delay (FID)0 0% of loads for this page have a fast (<0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0% 0% of loads for this page have an average 0ms ~ 0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0% 0% of loads for this page have a slow (>0ms) First Input Delay (FID) 0%

Lab Data

Does news.pchome.com.tw use compression?

Website compression is the process of reducing the size of website files, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files, to improve website performance and load times. Compressing website files can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred from the server to the user's browser, resulting in faster page load times and improved user experience. Files on news.pchome.com.tw are reduced by 80%.
news.pchome.com.tw use gzip compression.
Original size: 161.17 KB
Compressed size: 31.77 KB
File reduced by: 129.4 KB (80%)

Google Safe Browsing

Google Safe Browsing is a service provided by Google that helps protect users from visiting websites that may contain malicious or harmful content, such as malware, phishing attempts, or deceptive software.
This site is not currently listed as suspicious

MyWot.com Reputation Ratings

MyWOT (short for "My Web of Trust") is a web-based reputation and rating service that provides users with information about the trustworthiness and safety of websites. news.pchome.com.tw has 84 Safety Reputations.
Safety Reputations:
Safety Confidence:

SSL Checker - SSL Certificate Verify

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital certificate that establishes a secure encrypted connection between a web server and a user's web browser. It provides authentication and encryption, ensuring that data transmitted between the server and the browser remains private and protected. news.pchome.com.tw supports HTTPS.
 news.pchome.com.tw supports HTTPS
Verifying SSL Support. Please wait...
Common Name: *.pchome.com.tw
Organization: PChome Online Inc
Location: Da\xE2\x80\x99an District, Taipei City, TW
Issuer: DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1
Valid from: Dec 30 00:00:00 2021 GMT
Valid until: Jan 25 23:59:59 2023 GMT
Authority: Is not a CA
Common Name: DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1
Organization: DigiCert Inc
Location: US
Issuer: DigiCert Global Root CA
Valid from: Apr 14 00:00:00 2021 GMT
Valid until: Apr 13 23:59:59 2031 GMT
Authority: Is a CA
Keysize: 2048 Bits

Verify HTTP/2 Support

HTTP/2 (Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2) is a major revision of the HTTP protocol, which is the foundation of data communication on the World Wide Web. It was developed as an improvement over the previous HTTP/1.1 version to enhance web performance and efficiency.
 news.pchome.com.tw supports HTTP/2
Verifying HTTP/2.0 Support. Please wait...

Site Categories

Website categories are used to classify websites based on their content or purpose. These categories provide a way to organize and filter websites, allowing users to find relevant information or ensure compliance with specific regulations or policies.

Http Header

HTTP headers are extra portions of records despatched among a consumer (which include an internet browser) and a server at some stage in an HTTP request or response. They offer instructions, metadata, or manipulate parameters for the conversation among the consumer and server.
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Referrer-Policy: no-referrer
Location: https://news.pchome.com.tw:443/
Content-Length: 228
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 06:50:15 GMT

HTTP/2 200 
date: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 06:50:15 GMT
server: Apache
vary: Accept-Encoding
content-encoding: gzip
cache-control: max-age=10
expires: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 06:50:25 GMT
content-length: 32531
content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
via: 1.1 google
alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000

DNS Lookup

DNS entries (Domain Name System) are a critical component of the Internet infrastructure. They act as directories that translate human-readable domain names (such as example.com) to machine-readable IP addresses. DNS records are stored on DNS servers and help forward internet traffic efficiently.
Type Ip Target/Txt TTL
A 258

Whois Lookup

Domain WHOIS is a public database that provides information about domain names, including registered owners, contact information, domain registrars, registration and expiration dates, name servers, and other relevant information.

Domain Name: pchome.com.tw
   Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
      PChome Online Inc.
      DomainAdministrator  email
      12F No.105, Sec.2 Tun-Hwa South Road. Taipei,Taiwan, R.O.C Taipei,106,TW 
      Taipei, TW

   Administrative Contact:
      DomainAdministrator  email

   Technical Contact:
      DomainAdministrator  email

   Record expires on 2025-05-31 00:00:00 (UTC+8)
   Record created on 1985-07-04 00:00:00 (UTC+8)

   Domain servers in listed order:

Registration Service Provider: PCHOME
Registration Service URL: http://myname.pchome.com.tw