🐗終於,「民間野豬狩獵隊」正式走進歷史 ! 我們在此感激全香港,甚至全世界為野豬說過話,爭取過生存權的朋友。沒有大家,野豬可能還是要死於獵人槍下。當然,保護野豬的工作還有很長的路要走。「香港野豬關注組」再次向各方友好送上無限致意和祝福,並祝願所有動物都平安。❤️

🐗Victory! Wild boars have struck the most splendid victory ever in history!!!

The wild boar hunting team is not having their licence renewed for an infinite period.

Thanks to all those who have shown their caring for the animals and support for our work. Let’s keep up and lead the world to a better future for wild boars!❤️


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