

1. 對立反義法

凡是出現but, yet, however, nevertheless, although, (even) though, while, whereas, notwithstanding, despite, in spite of, in contrast (to), on the contrary, on the other hand, whatever, otherwise, ironically, paradoxically, curiously, surprisingly 等帶有轉折逆轉含義的題目,則代入空格的正確選項必與中心線索構成語義對立的反義詞關係。

Most plant species exhibit ____ in their geographical distribution: often, a given species is found over a large geographical area, but individual populations within that range are widely ____ .

A. discontinuity
B. density
C. concentration
D. separated
E. observed
F. adaptable

a. 第二空應填入一個形容詞,but引導前後的轉折,所以第二空應與is found over a large geographical area形成對比,所以在DEF三個選項中D.分開的符合題意;E選項與found同義,沒有發生轉折所以不合適;F,可適應的,無關項。所以只有D選項符合題意。

b. 第一空應填入一個名詞來表示多數植物物種(Most plant species )在地理分佈上的一種特點(in their geographical distribution),冒號引導前後解釋,後面在講單個種群是分開的,所以體現了一種不連續性,對應選項A。

c. 綜上,AD。


2. 並列同義法

“and”是並列關係中最典型的一個連接詞。此外,indeed, just as, also, almost, even, similarly, correspondingly, accordingly, in the same way 等亦屬並列關係。總之,凡是不含對立轉折關係的大多可列入關列關係,解題時只需將相應的中心線索定位,找出一個同義詞的選項即可。

The hierarchy of medical occupations is in many ways a ____ system; its strata remain___ and the practitioners in them have very little vertical mobility.

A. caste
B. training
C. health
D. flexible
E. intact
F. inferior

a. 第一空是一道很明顯的收斂邏輯題目。直接收斂邏輯的方法來解題非常迅速。第一句在說“醫生職業的等級體系在諸多方面是一個什麼體系”。說簡單了,等級體系只能是等級體系。所以第一空直接和hierarchy對應即可。直接選出A, caste,等級制度。

b. 第二空填入一個形容詞來修飾這個等級體系中的每一個層級的屬性。and並列兩個具有 相同屬性的事物,所以從and後面找對線索:“其中的從業醫師沒有太大的垂直流動性(the practitioners in them have very little vertical mobility.)說明沒一個層級是非常固定的。所以對應選項E. intact : having no relevant component removed or destroyed。

c. 綜上,AD。



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