
郑爽回应全文: 这是我非常伤心和私密的事情,本不愿意在大家面前多说,但是事已至此被别有用心的一步一步曝光,想了很久,本不想占用公共资源的我不得不有所回…
最新进展 · 郑爽张恒代孕风波
郑爽深夜发长文:为代孕道歉,没拿 1.6 亿片酬,请求张恒停止骚扰13 个事件进展

242 个回答



This is a very sad and private matter for me. I didn't want to talk about it in front of everyone, but the matter has been exposed step by step with ulterior motives. After thinking about it for a long time, I had no choice but to respond when I didn't want to occupy public resources.

The lawyer teams in China and the United States have never given up on protecting the legitimate rights and interests of my family and me, nor have they given up communication and mediation with each other since last year. However, in China's legal procedures, we have repeatedly refused to expose privacy extortion. In the US legal process, I also took the lead in defending rights.

As an artist, I am well aware of the prevention and control of the epidemic in our country. I have not violated the instructions of the country on the Chinese soil, and I respect all laws and regulations when I am abroad.

If all uncertified information requires me to explain it publicly, this is my most sincere answer.
