港鐵深水埗站 A2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
車仔麵真材實料,有多款配料選擇。驚喜地有創作甜品—阿華田西多士,精緻好味媲美甜品店。 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (378)
等級4 2023-12-14
233 瀏覽
🔥 I had the pleasure of dining at 聚來車仔麵 in Sham Shui Po. This hidden gem offers delicious Cantonese food at affordable prices, and the customer service is top-notch.1️⃣ Trio Cart Noodles 三餸車仔麵 ($49)I opted for chicken wings, pork intestines, pork skin, and rice noodles to create my own personalized bowl of cart noodles.2️⃣ Signature Pan-fried Dumplings 8 pieces 招牌煎餃8隻 ($42)These dumplings come in two flavors: chive and pork, and cabbage and mushroom. The crispy exterior and juicy filling make them a must-try.3️⃣ Pepper Salt Pork Stomach 椒鹽豬肚 ($38)Indulge in the crispy and flavorful pork stomach seasoned with a fragrant blend of pepper and salt.4️⃣ Exploding French Toast with Ovaltine Custard 爆漿阿華田西多士 ($37)This unique twist on the classic French toast is filled with a creamy Ovaltine custard that oozes out with every bite. It's a decadent treat you won't want to miss.💰 The total bill came to $166, and no service charge was added. It's incredible value for the quality and taste of the dishes.💎 This restaurant in Sham Shui Po is a true hidden gem. The combination of affordable prices, delicious food, and excellent customer service creates an unforgettable dining experience. Don't miss out on this culinary adventure in the heart of Sham Shui Po! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
最近,我同朋友係深水埗食左間好出名嘅車仔麵叫「聚來車仔麵」,我叫左一碗三餸河粉,分別有豬頸肉、魚肉春卷同埋韭菜餃。首先,佢地豬頸肉份量好多,而且切成薄片,好易入口,肉質非常嫩滑,又多汁😋另外一款餸我揀左魚肉春卷,平時啲車仔麵都好少見呢款餸,佢嘅魚肉春卷好似腐竹同魚蛋結合嘅感覺。第一啖咬落去真係好有驚喜,因為佢嘅魚肉好彈牙而且肉質好鮮嫩。最後一款我叫左韭菜餃,佢係人手製作,啲韭菜好香,而且餃子皮薄多汁!🥰超級好食🥟🫶🏻 除此之外,河粉嘅口感彈牙,每一款餸嘅份量都適中,價錢亦唔係貴👍🏻朋友就嗌左碗豬大腸、牛腩、香辣魷魚紅薯粉~豬大腸經過熬煮後,質地軟嫩,入口即化。而且加入獨特嘅香料調味,味道濃郁。牛腩亦十分出色,經過長時間嘅燉煮,肉質變得極為軟嫩,牛肉嘅鮮美同香料嘅香氣相互融合,每一啖都充滿住濃郁嘅牛肉味,牛腩嘅湯汁亦為整碗麵增添左豐富嘅口感。另外,香辣魷魚好彈牙,加上香辣醬汁,真係十分惹味。紅薯粉嘅質地亦十分爽口,口感滑嫩。👍🏻甜品方面,我同朋友share左一個佢地好出名嘅爆醬阿華田西多士,入面仲要係夾住朱古力榛子醬,甜甜地食落真係好開心😙仲要切開西多士個陣,啲朱古力醬已經好似熔岩咁爆出嚟😆佢仲有個士多啤梨味嘅西多士,望落都好吸引,希望下次再嚟開深水埗可以試埋😍 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
📍Gather Again @Shum Shui Po, Hong Kong🖤 Quality (好食): 😋😋😋😋🤍 Environment (環境): ⭐⭐⭐⭐🤎 Service (服務): 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🩵 Price (價錢): 💲💲This time, we are going local 🇭🇰 and trying out one of the most authentic Hong Kong food, which is cart noodle! 🍜 Customers can customize the entire dish based on personal preferences. From the choice of noodle and toppings to the flavor of the broth! Everyone can definitely find one combination that suits them the most! 👍🏻 This time, I ordered:🍜 Signature Cart Noodle 🍜I went crazy when choosing the toppings and all of them taste better than I thought! ‼️ The beef brisket 🐄 is very soft; the wings 🍗 is marinated with heavy soy sauce taste; the dumplings 🥟 carry the tasteful essence of the broth! 😋 All other ingredients are also favorable in their own way! I totally understand why Hong Kong people love this dish so much! ♥️🐔 Special grilled chicken rice with scallion oil 🐔The grilled chicken smells so good as soon as the waiter placed it down on our table! 👃🏻 The soy sauce mixed with scallion is the icing on top for the white rice! 🍚 When the egg was broken and mixed together, the taste was heavenly! 😇 The grilled chicken perfectly accompany the rice and makes all the tastes standout in their own way! 😋📍No. 172 Ki Lung St, Sham Shui Po💲Price: $190 for two ($95 HKD person) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
聚來車仔面是一家家庭經營的小店,總是散髮出溫馨的味道。他們的招牌菜是車仔面,搭配著嫩滑的牛腩和豬紅,味道十分美味。面湯里的蘿蔔清甜可口,加上午餐肉和紅薯粉,讓湯底更加豐富好吃。除了車仔面,他們的湯底還有特色的沙爹口味,非常受歡迎。這家餐廳不僅價格便宜,而且份量十足。他們的碗里滿滿的食材,絕對不會讓你感到吃不飽。如果你想要多樣化的口味,可以試試他們的韭菜煎餃,外皮酥脆,內餡香噴噴,兩面都煎得金黃。此外,他們還有一道咖哩雞球飯,雞肉鮮嫩多汁,搭配著土豆的軟糯口感,拌上咖喱飯,絕對能滿足你的味蕾。這家深水埗車仔面店以家庭經營的方式經營,所以味道非常地道,吃起來就像家的味道一樣。無論是車仔面還是其他的招牌菜,都能感受到店家對食物的用心。不論是工作日的快速午餐還是休閒的晚餐,這裡都是一個不錯的選擇。聚來車仔面 (深水埗)深水埗基隆街172號地鋪#深水埗美食 #香港探店 #寶藏餐廳分享#美食日常#深水埗車仔面#深水埗咖喱飯#深水埗煎餃 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-01-28
79 瀏覽
今晚專登搭車嚟食(1月27號),除咗最鍾意食嘅豬皮蘿蔔,仍然咁出色之外,今日試咗豬肚同春卷,兩樣都好食👍👍另外加咗招牌煎餃:粟米芝士和菜肉好滿足😌家庭式經營嘅聚來,前來抹枱收拾嘅係一位婆婆,我同佢講:婆婆聽到笑逐顏開,佢話佢聽到我咁講都好開心😉深水埗和太子一帶,其實有好多車仔麵,有幾間非常出名,(排晒人龍嗰啲…. )!但係我去食過,我覺得嗰幾間都係名大於實,反而聚來,最貼地,踏實,真正好味! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)