進修的英文單字,進修的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


  • take a refresher course
  • engage in advanced studies


單詞進修Learning Words

進修班refresher class; class for advanced studies; in-service training course

進修過程Course of Study


進修技術learn ; learnskid

進修考研Advanced Study

進修曲線Learning Curve

進修學校in-service training school

進修學院CUSCS ; College of further education ; Continuing Education ; college of continuing education

業務進修attendance in advanced studies

英語進修English Learning ; English Studies


  • x字簽證發給來中國留學、進修、實習6個月以上的人員;

    visa x to aliens who come to china for study, advanced studies or job-training for a period of six months or more;

  • 如果你的目標是在高等學校或高年級大學水平教物理,獲得碩士學位一般需要兩年的進修課程,但沒有原創的研究工作。

    if your goal is to teach physics at the high school or junior college level, then obtaining a masters degree usually involves two years of advanced course work but no original research.

  • 在稍后的另一段流暢的視頻里,埃米爾說他一所并未提及名字的大學里愉快地進修博士學位。

    in another, smoother video shortly afterwards, he said he was studying happily for a doctorate at an unnamed american university.

  • 專業進修的機會

    an opportunity for professional development

  • 1977—1981,中國常駐聯合國代表團職員、隨員;1981—1982,美利堅合眾國霍普金斯大學進修

    1981—1982, studied in the johns hopkins university of the united states;

  • 1990年返澳門定居,后赴葡國科英布拉大學文學院、法學院進修,被認同於葡國法學士資格。

    resettled in macao in l990. went to coinbra university in portugal to further his study in the schools of arts and law, with qualifications tantamount to the portuguese bachelor「s degree in law.

  • 雖然沒有進修過生物力學,女性卻能習慣性地通過后仰應對這一變化,從而避免像保齡球瓶那樣翻倒。

    even without the benefit of advanced study in biomechanics, women tend to deal with the shift — and avoid tumbling over like a bowling pin — by leaning back.

  • 當我們進修道院時, 就把平時穿的衣服都送給窮人了.

    when we enter the abbey, our worldly clothes are given to the poor.

  • 我下了很大的工夫進修英文.

    i」ve put a lot of work in improving my english.

  • 何況,即使從最壞的情況設想,有危險的也只可能是他本人,總不能因自己曾被判處坐苦役牢,便可用這作理由,認為有權利判處珂賽特去進修院。

    and then, to face the worst, there was danger only for himself,and he had no right to condemn cosette to the cloister for the reason that he had been condemned to the galleys.

  • 我并沒有在專門的音樂學院進修過,但是憑借著實踐與經驗,我很想幫助他們走下病床。

    「i haven「t learned music in an academy, but through practice and experience, 」 jafari told reuters in an interview.

  • 我在考慮進修hnc的商業課程.

    i」m thinking of doing the hnc in business studies.

  • 他們應當有更多的脫產進修的機會.

    they should be given more opportunities for mid - career studies.

  • 同樣不可避免的是,決策者的思維模式需要有更多的彈性、不斷進修和快速轉變。

    inevitably, more flexibility, ongoing further education and a rapid shift in decision makers’ thinking patterns will be called for.

  • 參加一些培訓、進修、夜校—任何新的興趣都將會有助於發展你的優勢。

    take up some training, further education night classes any new interest which will help you to develop your strengths.

  • 脫產進修具體怎么搞?

    how does a day release course operate?

  • 他開始對肺部進行進一步研究,1971年他利用進修假前往牛津瑞德克里夫老天文臺的實驗室。

    he delved further into lung development, spending his study leave in 1971 in a lab in the old radcliffe observatory in oxford.

  • 多數理論課程和許多編程教科書都清楚地解釋了并發概念,但并發是一個很難的主題,幾乎我們所有人都需要進修

    most academic programs and many programming texts explain the concepts of concurrency clearly, but it's a difficult topic, and nearly all of us can use a refresher.

  • 繼續進修和重新接受訓練是不可避免的.

    continuing education and retraining will be inescapable.

  • 小提琴手是一名藝術學院的學生,本來打算去維也納進修,已經定好了機票,時間就在今天上午,可是他昨天整理東西時發現了這張獎票,想到失主會來找,於是今天就退掉了機票,又準時來到這里。

    the violinist was a student at an arts college and had planned to attend advanced studies in vienna. he had booked the ticket and would fly that morning.

  • 她的心愿是到國外進修.

    her wish is to go a broad for advanced study.

  • 他動身前往阿姆斯特丹學院去進修技藝。

    he went off to the amsterdam academy to improve his technique.

  • 他不僅創造了令人欽佩的個人事業,校長還對斯坦福的研究生教育以及高級進修項目給予了特別支持,我敢說,這些地方正體現出他非同一般的領導力。

    in addition to having a most impressive career, he has demonstrated extraordinary support, and dare i say exceptional leadership, in graduate education and advanced study, here at stanford.

  • 領導沒有給她出國進修的機會。

    the leader denied her the opportunity of going abroad for further studies.

  • 許多課程都是為有工作經驗的人設立的繼續教育項目,其中包括一周課程、夜校、網絡教育和研究生進修班。

    many of the courses are continuing education programs for people with job experience.they include one-week courses, night classes, online offerings and graduate degree programs.

  • 她現在正在進修,新的職業發展機會就擺在面前。

    she is now in further education with new career possibilities ahead of her.