退休金 的英文翻译(translate 退休金 to english) - 汉英 - 词典 - 英语人,englisher
英语人>词典>汉英 : 退休金 的英文翻译,例句
退休金 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pension  ·  superannuation  ·  pensioned  ·  pensioning  ·  pensions

old-age pension · retirement pension · retirement pay · retired pay
更多网络例句与退休金相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Several companies on this year's AARP list allow older employees to collect full retirement benefits while continuing to work part time."


In England, they compartmentalize the different sources of affiance, real property income, tax-free income, add-ons welfare, director monetary reward, pension income, and capital margin complicatedly and quite meticulously.


In the insurance parlance, Annuitant is defined as a person who benefits from a pension or annuity.


A life insurance company contract that pays periodic income benefits for a specific period of time or over the course of the annuitant's lifetime.


In 1747 he resigned his assessorship and, at his request, received as a pension the half of his salary.

在1747年,他辞去assessorship ,并应他的要求,收到了作为退休金的一半,他的薪金。

Our results suggest that a gender equal pension system has the following characteristics: has annuity payment, has higher payout ratio for the early years of service, has no benefits cap on the years of service, the minimum payment is linked to the minimum living standard, designs with widow pension and spouse pension systems, and the payout ratio is determined by a worker's salary related to the average salary of all workers with the same gender as him or her.


There is a woman named Winifred Skinner here tonight from Iowa. She's 79 years old. She has Social Security. I'm not going to cut her benefits or support any proposal that would.


Sarkozy also announced his great pension part given to certain workers, including doesn't yard like treating, and public transition sectors, those parts of some employee time early and resee pension premiers.


He inveighs with even more passion against the over-generous pensions of state employees, costing them at more than $6 billion this year, about the same as the programmes he is being forced to eliminate.


With less than six months to live, Laurel refuses to back down when her elected officials - the Ocean County Freeholders -deny her request to leave her pension to Stacie, an automatic option for heterosexual married couples.


更多网络解释与退休金相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pension gratuity:退休酬金;退休金

pension fund 退休金基金 | pension gratuity 退休酬金;退休金 | pension increase 调增退休金;调增抚恤金

old-age pension:老年退休金,pension退休金

quite a while=相当一段时间; | old age pension=老年退休金,pension退休金; | certainly=的确;


而就本条而言,"退休金"(pension) 一词乃包括任何离职津贴、离职酬金或类似的款项;"退休金计划"(pension scheme) 一词乃指一项就董事的服务或其他服务提供退休金的计划而该项计划乃完全或部分藉供款维持者;

pension scheme:退休金计划

而就本条而言,"退休金"(pension) 一词乃包括任何离职津贴、离职酬金或类似的款项;"退休金计划"(pension scheme) 一词乃指一项就董事的服务或其他服务提供退休金的计划而该项计划乃完全或部分藉供款维持者;"供款"(contribution) 一词就退休金计划而言,

pension scheme:退休金计划;抚恤金计划

pension safeguard 退休金的保障 | pension scheme 退休金计划;抚恤金计划 | pensionability 可领取退休金资格

superannuation fund:养老基金,退休金基金

superannuation and retired allowances 养老金及退休金税收优惠 | superannuation fund 养老基金,退休金基金 | superannuation payment 退休金

Noncontributory Plan:非付费退休金计划

下载◆ 词汇表309 非付费退休金计划( Noncontributory Plan) 指由雇主承担所有退休金福利费用的退休金计划. 非免付加班费员工(Nonexempt Employees) 指根据公平劳动法要求必须对其超时工作支付加班费的雇员.

pensionable service:可供计算退休金的服务

"可供计算退休金的服务"(pensionable service)指有关退休金条例所界定的可供计算退休金的服务;"可供计算退休金的薪酬"(pensionable emoluments)指有关退休金条例所界定的可供计算退休金的薪酬;

pensionable service:可供计算退休金的服务期

pensionable salary 可供计算退休金的薪金 | pensionable service 可供计算退休金的服务期 | pensionable terms 可享退休金条款

pensionable pay:可供计算退休金的薪酬

pensionable officer 可享退休金公务员 | pensionable pay 可供计算退休金的薪酬 | pensionable salary 可供计算退休金的薪金