



小編特地整理了吉祥話的「英文版」,搞不好長輩聽到你「烙英文」,心情好,紅包又加碼啦 XD

吉祥話 1:新年快樂
Happy Chinese New Year.

吉祥話 2:新的一年新的開始
New year, new beginning.

吉祥話 3:恭喜發財
Wishing you prosperity and wealth.

吉祥話 4:大吉大利
Great fortune and great favor.

吉祥話 5:吉祥如意
We wish you good fortune and may all your wishes come true.

吉祥話 6:財源廣進
May wealth come generously to you.

吉祥話 7:迎春納福
May you welcome happiness with the spring.

吉祥話 8:喜氣洋洋
May your happiness be as broad as the sea.

吉祥話 9:萬事如意
May everything go as you hope.

吉祥話 10:新春大吉
Wishing you good fortune.

吉祥話 11:心想事成
May all your wishes come true.

吉祥話 12:年年有餘
may there be bounty every year.

吉祥話 13:歲歲平安
everlasting peace year after year.

吉祥話 14:多福多壽!
Live long and proper!

吉祥話 15:祝財運亨通!
May many fortunes find their way to you!

吉祥話 16:願你健康長壽!
I want to wish you longevity and health!

吉祥話 17:五福臨門
May fortune come to your door.

吉祥話 18:出入平安
Wishing you always safe where you go.

吉祥話 19:四季平安
May you be blessed with peace and safety in all four seasons.

吉祥話 20:五福臨門
May fortune come to your door.


(本文經合作夥伴 CMoney 授權轉載,並同意 VidaOrange 編寫導讀與修訂標題,原文標題為〈農曆過年 少不了吉祥話,「英文版吉祥話」大集合!(嘴甜拜年,過好年~)〉。)