變種 - English translation – Linguee

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全新 SL 系列亦配置入門級變種 COMAND 多媒體導體系統。
Even in the entry-level variant, the new Mercedes-Benz SL comes with the "Cockpit Management and Data System" COMAND.
他引述紐約市市長Bloomberg的話說:“這里的豬流感就像我們每年都要遇到的普通流 變種
New York Mayor Bloomberg was quoted saying, "The swine flu here looks like
[...] the garden variety flu we see [...]
every year.
變種 很快,現在已經使用路過式下載技術1,使用戶不知不覺地下載並安裝惡意程式。
It evolved quickly and now it uses drive-by download1 technique to infect computer without user attention.
變種 的定位裝置EPOS2 24 / 2允許使用不同的直流有刷電機的編碼器或EC無刷電機霍爾傳感器和編碼器可達48 W電源。
Several variants of the positioning devices EPOS2 24 / 2 allow the use of different brush DC motors with encoder or brushless EC motors with Hall sensors and encoder up 48 W power.
Conficker最變種 1024到10000之間隨機生成的端口進行通信和傳播。
The latest variant of Conficker uses randomly generated ports between the ranges of 1024 and 10000 to communicate and propagate.
與 1997 年以來檢測出的所有其他亞洲系 H5N1 病毒一樣,當 這種病毒傳入該雞場時,已是一高致病性的病毒品種(換言之,該 雞場的疫情並不是由低致病性病毒品種傳入 變種 致病性病毒 品種所致)。
As with all other Asian-lineage H5N1 viruses detected since 1997 the current virus was considered to be a highly pathogenic (HP) strain when introduced to the farm (i.e. the disease was not the result of introduction of a low pathogenicity strain and subsequent conversion to a HP strain on the farm).
這種解決方案,材料處理設備減 變種 戶的數目驅動多達70%的。
This solution for materials handling equipment reduces the number of variants of the customer drives up to 70%.
在步驟 3,我們已使用手動刪除方法將一些已知的病毒檔案刪除,但 「Autorun 病毒」變種 增加,我們建議執行一次全系統的病毒掃描,確保一些未知的 病毒檔案也可被偵測出來。
At step 3, we have deleted some known virus files manually, but the variants of “Autorun virus” increase steadily, we suggest to run a full system scan to ensure that some unknown virus files can be undetected.
(xii) 來自黑麴變種萄糖氧化酶。
(xi) nitrous oxide when used in the making of whipped cream (xii) glucose oxidase
[...] derived from Aspergillus niger var.
此外,近日的數字亦顯示,年青且非長期病患者,也同樣承受一定的死亡風險,尤以淘大花園居民為甚,有言論謂在淘大花園散播的病毒,可能己 變種 常兇惡。
Besides, recent figures have suggested that younger people without chronic diseases are also under certain fatality risk.
現在我們又看到了A變種 上同樣的升級方式。
B variant infections, and we are now seeing the same type of update happening on top of the .
2009 年 6 月初,WHO 把警戒級別提升到最高 (第六級), 並宣佈新 H1N1 變種正由地區性傳染髮展成為全球 大流行。
In the first half of June 2009 the WHO raised the alert status to the highest possible level (phase 6) declaring a global pandemic of the new H1N1 variant in response to the geographical spread of the virus.
在苟活的同時,Joel答應垂死好友的懇求,為其照顧一名十四歲少女Ellie,自此故事便展開,性格迂迴的兩人將要攜手克服重重障礙和謎團,並以在廢墟中找到的武器,對抗四周遭受病毒感染 變種 的怪物,採取臨時的戰鬥求生技巧,在險景中存活下來。
Throughout the game, Joel has to work with Ellie to overcome different obstacles and solve the mystery lying behind the virus outbreak. At the same time, they also  have to look for weapons in their surroundings in order to fight against the virus infected mutants that they are going to encounter in the city.
感染任何人類免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)及/或HIV相關疾病,包括愛滋病(AIDS) 及/或變種 異,或因此而引起的任何疾病,「因輸血而導致的愛滋病」或「因職業感染愛滋病」則除外
Any disease of or infection with any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or any HIV related illness including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and/or any mutations, derivations or variations thereof, except HIV due to "AIDS due to Blood Transfusion" or "Occupationally Acquired AIDS
[...] 認可元件標誌一樣,UL 功能安全認可元件標誌也有種變 式:其一為僅用於美國,其二為僅用於加拿大,其三則是可通用於美加兩國。
Just as with the UL Recognized Component Mark,
[...] there are three variations of UL's Functional [...]
Safety Recognized Component Mark: one
for the United States, one for Canada only and one for both the United States and Canada.
為了區分種變 “心級”產品,這款腕錶的錶盤上設有一個計時羅馬加密的歷史模型的品牌在博物館借來可見。
To differentiate this variant products "heart level", the dial of this watch features a chronograph Roman encryption applied to the historical model borrowed visible in the museum of the brand.
由於大嶼山西面水域是已知的重要海豚覓食生境,獵物分佈若出現種 變可能會對海豚產生重大影響。
As West Lantau is known to be important feeding
[...] habitat, such changes in prey distribution [...]
could have significant implications to the dolphins.
種變 斯參考的葡萄牙陀飛輪手動上鏈,也蘊藏著IWC的創辦人簽名的錶盤上還有一個特點。
This reference to movements Jones is also a feature of the Portuguese Tourbillon Hand-Wound which also bears the signature of the founder of IWC on the dial.
建築環境若能取代人類部分思考與管理功能,效果不可小覷,由於氣候改變,預測與因應 種變 況愈來愈困難,面對突然變遷(如天災),人類的應變能力並不穩當,若能建構可即時反應的建築環境,將可節省無數修復與重建經費,所需科技已然存在,關鍵在於投資者能否及時行動。
Our ability to master the logistics of a quick response to a sudden shift (a natural disaster, for instance) is, at best, unreliable.
UL 功能安全標誌有數種變 式,其各自表示專用於美國和/或加拿大和/或歐洲等地區。
There are variations of UL's Functional Safety Mark to indicate the intended use in the United States and/or Canada and/or Europe.
董事會可在香港或其他地方設立任何當地委員會或代理機構,管理本公司之任何事務,並 可委任任何人士擔任這種當地委員會成員或為本公司委任經理或代理,及可確定其酬金,而且 可將授與董事會之任何權力、權限及處理權授與任何這種當地委員會、經理或代理(由董事會決
[...] 論有無空缺都授權辦事,而任何這種委任或授權可根據董事會認為適當之條件作出﹔董事會可 撤換如此委任之任何人士,亦可撤消或 ,但著意從事業務而未收到撤消或改 變通知之人士則不受其影響。
The Directors may establish any local boards or agencies for managing any of the affairs of the Company, either in Hong Kong or elsewhere, and may appoint any persons to be members of such local boards, or any managers or agents for the Company, and may fix their remuneration, and may delegate (with or without power to sub-delegate as the Directors shall determine) to any local board, manager or agent any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in the Directors, and may authorise the members of any local boards, or any of them, to fill any vacancies therein, and to act notwithstanding vacancies, and any such appointment or delegation may be made upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Directors may think
fit, and the Directors may
[...] remove any person so appointed, and may annul or vary any such delegation, [...]
but no person dealing
in good faith and without notice of any such annulment or variation shall be affected thereby.
不過,在一年之中,計劃可能針對藥物清單做出 種變
However, during the year, the plan might make
[...] many kinds of changes to the Drug List.
如 果 非 上 市 的 權 益 性 證 券 的 公 允 價 值,由 於(a)合 理 的 公 允 價 值 估 計 數 範 圍 於 該 投 資 影 響 重 大 或(b) 符 合 該 範 圍 的 數 不 能 合 理 評 估 並 用 於 估 計 公 允 價 值,而 導 致 公 允 價 值 不 能 可 靠 計 量,則 此 類 股 票 按 成 本 減 去 減 值 損 失 計 量。
When the fair value of unlisted equity securities cannot be reliably measured because (a) the variability in the range of reasonable fair value estimates is significant for that investment or (b) the probabilities of the various estimates within the range cannot be reasonably assessed and used in estimating fair value, such securities are stated at cost less any impairment losses.
藉著使用 Ulead VideoStudio 所提供的 預設影片範本,或在 「製作影片管理員」內建立您自己的範本,您就可以 種變 式製作出 最終影片。
By using the preset movie templates provided by Ulead VideoStudio, or by creating your own templates in the Make Movie Manager, you can have multiple variations of your final movie.
Aon Re Services可針對 貴公司的風險提供前瞻性分析,並在續保前,對風險轉移及風險金融市場的 種變 以識別,從而確保 貴公司能更準確預測該變化對承保組合產生的影響。
Aon Re Services provides forward-looking
insights about the risks in your company
[...] and identifies changes to risk transfer [...]
and risk financing markets before key renewals,
so you can better anticipate the impact to your portfolio.
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