

LONDON ENGLAND  JUNE 4    Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh leaves the Jubilee Service at St. Pauls Cathedral wearing...
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 4: (FILE PHOTO) Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh leaves the Jubilee Service at St. Pauls Cathedral wearing naval uniform in this June 4, 2002 file photo in London, England. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)Anwar Hussein

文 / Maggie Chiang

英國王室官方日前宣布菲利普親王,也就是英國女王伊莉莎白二世夫君,已於 2021 年 4 月 9 日上午在溫莎城堡安詳逝世,享耆壽 99 歲。王室預計將會馬上著手「福斯橋行動」,進入 8 日哀悼期,除此之外也因為親王生前特別叮囑想要低調進行後事,未來預計將會為其舉行私人軍事葬禮,結束後會將親王葬在位於浮若閣摩爾(Frogmore)王家墓園,與維多利亞女王(Queen Victoria)和阿爾貝親王(Prince Albert)一同長眠於此。

UNITED KINGDOM - UNDATED: (NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.) In this undated handout issued by Buckingham Palace of a painting by Australian born artist Ralph Heimans, A painting of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh is photographed in the year of his retirement from public engagements set in The Grand Corridor at Windsor Castle with him depicted wearing the sash of the Order of the Elephant, Denmark's highest-ranking honour in 2017 in England. (Photo by Ralph Heimans/Buckingham Palace/PA Wire via Getty Images) Getty Images provides access to this publicly distributed image for editorial purposes and is not the copyright owner. Additional permissions may be required and are the sole responsibility of the end user.Handout

其實王室今年才準備將在 6 月 10 日為親王迎來百歲大壽,如今卻傳出親王逝世的消息,令許多喜愛英國王室的支持者、粉絲相當震驚。陪伴英國女王超過 73 年的時間,在這非常時刻,一起來回顧菲利普親王生前的重要生平,五件事讓你更了解這位王室中最帥氣、最幽默的成員!


Prince Philip of Greece (latyer Duke of Edinburgh) dressed for Gordonstoun School's production of 'MacBeth', Moray, Scotland, July 1935. (Photo by Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)Fox Photos

有看過影集《王冠》的觀眾應該都知道,出生希臘的菲利普親王其實是希臘、丹麥兩國的王子,但不同於高貴的身份,其實親王有個非常孤苦、悲慘的童年。當時 1922 年的希臘時局動盪不安,年僅 1 歲的親王隨著伯父康斯坦丁一世的退位,以水果箱作為嬰兒床就這樣跟著家人流亡海外,過著顛沛流離的生活。

最後親王是在維多利亞女王的政治庇護下逃亡至英國,也正是因此才讓他有機會在 13 歲那年,初次遇見了伊莉莎白二世。兩人相戀後於 1947 年 3 月結婚,菲利普親王不僅為此放棄了所有希臘、丹麥王室頭銜,也放棄了所有繼承權,正式入籍英國王室。


Princess Elizabeth, later Queen Elizabeth II with her husband Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, on their wedding day, 20th November 1947. (Photo by © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)Hulton Deutsch



三、結婚 73 年成英國史上最長久聯姻,也是王室中最長壽男性成員

The Queen And Prince Philip Chatting Together During The Royal Windsor Horse Show In The Grounds Of Windsor Castle, May 16, 1982. (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)Tim Graham

菲利普親王與女王伊莉莎白二世結婚了 73 年,身為目前英國王室中最長壽的男性成員,不僅延續了英國歷史上最久的王室聯姻,自 2009 年起也成為在位最久的君主配偶,任職期間單獨出訪海外超過 600 次、發表了近 5500 場演說,還另著有十多部作品,對王室的貢獻相當大。

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh meets wellwishers during a visit to Kuwait, February 1979. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)Anwar Hussein


The Duke of Edinburgh disembarks from a North American Harvard Trainer aircraft after a flight, at RAF White Waltham, Berkshire, where he has been training for his 'wings', 4th May 1953. (Photo by PNA Rota/Getty Images)PNA Rota

菲利普親王在 18 歲時曾就讀於英國皇家海軍學院,年僅 21 歲就成為了英國皇家海軍最年輕的中尉,還陸陸續續參與過第二次世界大戰等戰役。親王在當時帶著輝煌的戰績和女王求婚成功,之後更獲封皇家海軍、英國陸軍、空軍等三軍元帥頭銜。其實從《王冠》中也不難發現,菲利普親王就是個十足的軍人性格,堅強、獨立的個性甚至讓充滿文藝氣息的兒子,也就是查爾斯王子,形成了了不小的心理壓力,也讓兩人之間產生不少隔閡。



Queen Elizabeth II with Charles, Prince of Wales, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and Anne, Princess Royal during a visit to the Isles of Scilly, 1967. (Photo by Terry Fincher/Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)Terry Fincher


HAMPSHIRE, ENGLAND - UNDATED: In this image, made available November 18, 2007, HM The Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh re-visit Broadlands, to mark their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on November 20. The royals spent their wedding night at Broadlands in Hampshire in November 1947, the former home of Prince Philip's uncle, Earl Mountbatten. (Photo by Tim Graham/Getty Images)Tim Graham

不過英國女王也的確在祖母瑪麗王太后逝世後正視了丈夫的請求,在 1960 年以樞密院御令宣布未來王室後代的姓氏將會以「蒙巴頓-溫莎(Mountbatten-Windsor)」的形式進行折衷方案,不過王朝將會維持「溫莎」名號。據悉菲利普親王在生前曾經向友人說過,他的首要任務就是「不能讓他的妻子失望」,相信在這超過一甲子的時間裡,親王絕對是女王身邊最重要、最溫暖的倚靠。


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