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緊急限水限電 英文通知如何寫?

緊急限水限電 英文通知如何寫?

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限水與限電是近年來辦公室有時需要面對的問題,當碰上這樣的狀況,該如何發出公告讓團隊隨之調整應對方式呢?我們一起來看看TOEIC 英文。 Water Rationing Scheduled for Next Tuesday  We would like to bring to your attention that there will be water rationing in our office premises next Tuesday, from 0800 to 1900. This will affect our water supply throughout the day. Please take note and make the necessary preparations. Actions for the Team: Bring Personal Water Bottles: It's advisable for everyone to bring their own filled water bottles from home to ensure they have enough drinking water for the day. Limit Toilet Use: If possible, use the restroom before coming to the office. We understand this might not be feasible for all, but it helps in conserving the limited water we'll have. Water Dispensers: We will be placing temporary water dispen


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在ESG的世代,所有的製造業在全球的商品流通上都要優先滿足碳中和甚至水中和,否則商品就會難以在注重相關規範的國家間流通。這個議題相關的詞彙有哪些呢?我們一起來看看。 In a world where environmental responsibility critically underpins business success, understanding and aiming for carbon emissions, mainly from fossil fuel combustion, significantly contribute to global warming. Achieving carbon neutrality means offsetting these emissions by investing in renewable energy projects or reforestation, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability. This commitment not only enhances a company's public image but also mitigates the financial and operational risks associated with climate change. To embark on this journey, businesses should conduct a carbon audit, adopt energy-efficient practices, and support carbon offsetting projects. Leading such initiatives guarantees n


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Photo courtesy of MUSE AI 2023年的長假不少,但是補上班日也隨之增多。部分企業在反應工作時程受到影響的同時,也表示補班日的工作效率與效能有時真的會不太一樣。在這樣的考量下,政府調整了明年補班與補假的規範,從中有許多toeic英文,學習了之後也方便與外籍員工布達交流。 Staff Announcement: Update on Holiday and "Make-Up" Day Policy for 2024 Dear Team, We wish to inform you about some changes to the holiday policy for 2024 based on the recent guidelines released by the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration (DGPA): The number of "make-up" days, where staff has to work or attend classes after a holiday, has been reduced to only one day in 2024. The total days off and extended weekends in 2024 will be slightly fewer than in 2023. The concept of "make-up" days is being redefined. Instead of a fixed make-up day for long holidays, we will adopt a flexible approach, limiting to one


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ESG是近年來企業大量關注的議題,下文是一場ESG研討會的邀請,我們來一起看看研討會邀請函的用法有哪些。 To: All Employees From: Jane Doe, Head of Corporate Responsibility Date: September 5, 2023 Subject: RSVP for ESG Seminar on Sept 20 with Dr. Emma Thompson BrightWave Inc. is hosting an ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Seminar on September 20, from 10 AM to 12 PM in Conference Room 401. Dr. Emma Thompson, a leading ESG expert, will be our keynote speaker. The seminar will focus on "Integrating ESG Objectives into Strategic Business Goals." Agenda: 10:15 AM: Keynote by Dr. Thompson 11:00 AM: Q&A 11:30 AM: Networking Why Attend? Learn about the latest ESG trends. Align your work with our ESG goals. RSVP by September 10 via the internal event portal. Your participation is strongly encouraged as we
Groundbreaking 常溫超導體成真?

Groundbreaking 常溫超導體成真?

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  Photo courtesy of 123rf   大部分超導體的形成都是在極低溫,因此製備十分困難,日前當南韓科學家說他們發現可以在常溫中展現出超導性的LK-99,業界無比興奮。不過這項消息也隨後被科學家們推翻,因為他們發現就目前的實驗結果看來,其並不具備超導體特質。知名科學期刊Nature,更直接在8/16刊登論文表示LK-99並非超導體,為整場常溫超導體的奇幻之旅畫下句點,筆者根據該文章做了簡單摘要,透過這篇文章,讀者可以知道一些基本超導體知識以及表達看法的相關單字。   In late July, a groundbreaking discovery drew public attention. A South Korean team claimed that LK-99 exhibited superconductivity at normal pressure and room temperatures up to 127°C, contrasting with conventional superconductors that work at extremely low temperatures and pressures. However, further investigations have shown that impurities, particularly copper sulfide, were responsible for its apparent characteristics of partial levitation over a magnet and sharp drops in electrical resistivity. Finally, multip
電影學TOEIC  <芭比Barbie>的動人獨白

電影學TOEIC <芭比Barbie>的動人獨白

0-未分類, TOP NEWS, 多益攻略, 文章, 時事
芭比不單單只是回憶童年的電影,其提出生活中的性別平等(gender equality)、父權主義(patriarchy)等議題深入人心,劇中的芭比迷Gloria經歷進入社會、婚姻育兒之後對真人芭比的肺腑之言,反映出女性為了追逐社會期待,內心中的迷失感;這段獨白引起了大眾討論與認同,被評為奧斯卡等級(Oscar worthy)的發言,而透過這邊我們可以更以學習幾個很重要的TOEIC常用單字以及句型,我們一起看這段話學習多益英文。   “It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong. “   “You have to be thin, but not too thin. ... You’re supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you’re supposed to be a part of the sisterhood. ... It’s too hard! It’s too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you! And it turns out in fact th
4個字 搞定職缺工作敘述

4個字 搞定職缺工作敘述

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企業在徵才時,首先會從履歷來判斷是否要和對方進行第二關面試,因此履歷的好壞決定求職的成敗。本次介紹4個用來描述工作內容的英文動詞,能為履歷及面試大大加分,同時也是TOEIC測驗的常考單字。 We are seeking a motivated Sales Manager to drive sales growth. As a Sales Manager, you’ll implement effective sales strategies, coordinate sales activities, supervise operations, and evaluate performance. Responsibilities include setting sales targets, mentoring the team, analyzing market trends, etc. (我們正在尋找一位主動積極的業務經理來推動我們業績成長。擔任業務經理需要有效執行銷售策略,協調銷售活動,管理任務的執行,並評估銷售表現,詳細的職務責任包含設定銷售目標,輔導帶領團隊,分析市場趨勢等。)   coordinate 協調 coordinate當動詞解釋為「協調、相互配合」,由字首「co- 」可判斷出有together、with「相互一起」的意思,coordinate經常搭配與活動或任務相關的名詞,例如activity、efforts、campaign、work、operation,甚至負面的單字attack「攻擊」也可以和coordinate做搭配。若要形容一個人負責協調或整合的工作,那就是一位coordinator「協調者」。 The event planner coordinated all the logistics, incl


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Photo courtesy of 123rf 社會新鮮人進入職場前會規劃旅遊增廣見聞,體驗各地的景點和風土文化,有些會進入實習,或去國外打工度假,還有些高中畢業生在思考是否就業一年後再繼續學業。社會新鮮人在過渡期提升自我,本期也依這個主題來學TOEIC英文,一起提升自我吧! 【閱讀精選】 After the commencement ceremony, college-bound students have opportunities to engage in a variety of summer activities. One option is getting an internship, which provides valuable hands-on experience and allows them to network with industry professionals. Alternatively, students can also volunteer at charities, where they can contribute to meaningful causes. Lastly, some students might choose to take a gap year to gain some practical work experience and develop new professional skills. commencement  開始 動詞為「commence」代表 「開始」,畢業後開始面對下個階段或未來,故 graduation為「畢業」, 而「畢業典禮」通常會用「 commencement ceremony」。 注意另外多益高頻單字commerce 「商業」,拼法和發音都類似易混淆。


TOP NEWS, 多益攻略, 學習專欄, 文章, 時事
因應AI產業誕生不少前所未有的新形態工作,科技公司積極擴大徵才,希望可以快速招募理想人才。本次從人工智慧的指令工程師求職廣告來學TOEIC英文。 PromptEngineer Wanted! Are you a tech wizard with a knack for NLP and AI? Join our dynamic team as a PromptEngineer! You'll bring life to our AI solutions, architecting and refining dialogue models to engage users, while pushing the boundaries of conversational AI. Key Skills: Strong Python proficiency Hands-on experience with Machine Learning, specifically NLP Deep understanding of GPT architectures Experience with AI ethics and safety guidelines   Why Join Us? Work with cutting-edge AI tech Collaborative and innovative team Excellent growth and learning opportunities   Unleash your creativity, employ your technical prowess, and make a real-world impact. A