夜校 - English translation – Linguee

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夜校 安东•维多克勒发起组织的一系列临时学校形式的艺术项目的第二个项目。
Night School was the second in [...]
a series of art projects organized around a temporary school format and initiated by Anton Vidokle.
其中48.1%是全日制学 生,51.9%是夜校程。
Of these, 48,1% students studied full-time,
[...] and 51,9% took evening or extramural courses.
目前只有 7 所夜校且这 7 所学校都在城市夜校人 数达 1 832 人,占全日制学校在校学生总人数的 0.4%。
Evening education takes place in 7 schools, all of them being in situated the urban areas, where [...]
1,832 people study, representing
0.4% out of the total number of pupils within the full-time schools.
[...] Joo将在上海双年展上再现纽约新美术馆,包括美术馆 夜校 视频档案。
For Shanghai Biennial, Anton Vidokle,
Nikolaus Hirsch and Eungie Joo will present a reconstruction of New York’s New Museum
[...] containing video archive of Night School.
夜校 2008年1月至2009年1月每个月的最后一个周末(周四至周日)举行。
Night School took place on the [...]
last weekend (Thursday-Sunday) of each month, January 2008 through January 2009.
成人教育主要通过下列形 式实现:全日制学习夜校 、半工半读、远程学习等;或与不同公办或私立 [...]
教育机构签订合同独立教学;开放式大学、同业会所、艺术学校、俱乐部、结伴 学习、预科课程、在职进修课程等。
Education for the adults is implemented through: full-time
[...] day studies, evening studies, part-time [...]
studies, distance learning, etc; independently,
or on the basis of a contract signed with various state, or private institutions; open universities, guild halls, art schools, clubs, associations, foundations, in-service refresher courses.
工业、贸易和劳工部人力培训和发展股(以下简称:“该股”)在三大框架内 为成人和青年开办培训课程:针对成人的日间 夜校 课程、青年培训以及技 术人员和执业工程师培训。
The Unit for Manpower Training and Development in the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor (hereinafter: “the Unit”) offers courses for adults and youth in three main frameworks: training for adults in day and evening courses, training for youth and training for technicians and practical engineers.
(a) 解釋夜校一次 註冊的建議如 何適用 於不同 的辦學模 式,例如直接資助計劃學 校營 辦 自負盈夜校況,以及由另一 個 辦學團 體 在資助 夜校況;及
(a) to explain the application of the proposal of requiring
only one registration for a day and evening school to different modes of school operation e.g. a Direct Subsidy Scheme school running a self-financing evening school and a evening school running in an aided school by a different school sponsoring body; and
夜校沿 袭了免费大学的传统,许多活动向所有有兴趣参与的人开放。
In the tradition of free
[...] universities, many of Night School’s events were open [...]
to all those interested to take part.
本 條例草 案 旨 在 精 簡 夜 校 冊 程序、改 善 上訴委員會的運作 [...]
模 式 、 提 升 教 師 的 專 業 水準, 以 及 准 許 學 校 和 專 上學院 在 公 眾 假 期 授 課 。
The Bill aims to streamline the registration
[...] procedure for day and evening schools, enhance the mode [...]
of operation of the Appeals Board,
raise the professional standards of teachers and allow schools and post secondary colleges to conduct courses on general holidays.
国际教育规划研究所的好几项研究课题都与九大国有关,尤其是其中有一项研究的主题 就是有关圣保罗(巴西)开展青少 夜校 问题。
Several IIEP studies concerned the E-9 countries, including a
[...] study of the evening classes organized [...]
for adolescents in São Paulo (Brazil).
中學畢業已是香港的最低學歷,但仍然有一羣失學人士和新移民藉 夜校中學課程。
While completion of secondary education is the lowest academic qualification in Hong Kong,
there is still a group of school dropouts and new arrivals seeking to complete the
[...] secondary curriculum in evening schools.
夜校 围绕三个主题展开的11个研讨会组成。
Night School was comprised of [...]
eleven seminars organized around three thematic tracks.
在爱沙尼亚,已经过了义务上学年龄(17 岁)的人,有权就学普通教育夜校 远程学习或外部学习,以便获得初等或普通中等教育。
In Estonia, persons who are above the
[...] compulsory age of school attendance (17 years) have the right to enrol in evening courses of general education schools, distance [...]
learning, or external
study in order to acquire elementary or general secondary education.
大家知道,在1960、1970年 代,很 多 清 貧 人 士 , 包括工廠工人都會夜校夜校 們提供了一個進修的場地。
As we all know, in the 1960s and 1970s, many impoverished people,
including factory workers, would receive
[...] their education in evening schools, which served as [...]
venues for their continued education.
(b) 闡釋倘 《
[...] 教育條例》 現行第 10(2)條 被 廢除夜 校 合何種 會 計 安排和 規定。
(b) to elaborate on the accounting arrangements and
[...] requirements for a evening school if section 10(2) [...]
of the existing Education Ordinance (the Ordinance) was repealed.
教育署並沒 有備存 學校 開 放 校 舍設施 數 目 的資料,但 根據教育署今年 3 月進行的 一項非
正 式 統 計 , 現時約 共有 151 所 官 立 學校及資助中 、 小 學 , 慣 常 在 課
[...] 餘 或 假 期期間把 校 舍設施開放給外界人士或 機 構 ( 如 制服團 體 、 宗教團體及 開 夜 校 的機 構 )租 用 。
The ED does not keep record on the number of schools making their school premises and facilities available for use by outside bodies. However, according to an informal survey conducted by the ED in March this year, there are currently about 151 government and aided primary and secondary schools which usually make their school premises and facilities available for hire by outside bodies (such as
uniformed groups, religious bodies and
[...] organizations running evening school courses) after school hours or during [...]
教育條例》第 10(2)條規定,學 校 如 兼 設 夜 間 課 程 , 便 須 把 夜 校 作另 一所學校註冊 。
Under section 10(2) of the Education
[...] Ordinance, a school which provides evening in addition to its daytime instruction, is required to register the evening instruction as a separate school.
针对从事生产 劳动的人员和体育及职业教育学校毕业生开设了中等教 夜校 ( 十三年级)。
The evening lyceum education (X–XIII classes) can be organised for the employed in the production graduates of the gymnasium and the vocational education.
夜校 一所临时学校,是新美术馆主办的一个艺术项目。
Night School was an artist commission [...]
for the New Museum in the form of a temporary school.
很多正在工作的㆟士, 為了工作而沒有機會入夜校 修,我希望政府能在這方面多做點工作。
I hope the Administration can do more in this respect.
The institution of higher education runs
[...] fulltime courses, evening courses, extramural courses [...]
and external courses.
據報,教育統籌局為節省開支,不單在2003年開始將官 夜校 外判,令學費大增及學生卻步,更未決定會不會在下學年繼續資助這些課程。
It has been reported that in order to achieve savings, the Education and Manpower Bureau
has not only outsourced the
[...] provision of government evening school courses since 2003, [...]
leading to substantial increase
in tuition and reduced enrolment in the courses, but also has not decided whether or not to continue subsidizing such courses in the next school year.
教育統籌局副秘書長(3)回應時表示 ,當時決 定 由 2002至 03學年起 將政夜 校 外判, 是由於在此之 前 數 年,政夜 校 的收 生人數 一 直持續下 降 。
DS(EM)3 responded that the decision to
outsource the
[...] provision of government evening school courses from the 2002-03 school year was made having regard to the declining student enrolment of Government evening school courses in previous years.
鑒於有夜中學資助課程的教師向本人投訴指,他們與日校教師同樣教授新高中課程,但卻沒有獲批權限登入教育局的"培訓行事曆"系統,以報讀系統中列出的課程,亦不可參加該局舉辦的其他培訓課程,令他們不能獲取當局為在職教師提供的最新課程教材及資訊,影響其教學質素,當局不讓夜中學教師參加培訓及使用有關資源的原因為何;會否承諾盡快作出改善,以令 夜校 教師在培訓及獲取教學資訊上得到平等待遇;及
given that some teachers of the subsidized ESS programmes have complained to me that they and day school teachers are both teaching NSS courses, but they are not granted the authority to log in to the Training Calendar System of EDB in order to enrol in the courses set out in the system, nor can they participate in other training courses organized by EDB, making them unable to obtain the latest course materials and information provided by the authorities for serving teachers and hence affecting the quality of their teaching, of the reasons why the authorities do not let ESS teachers participate in training and use the relevant resources; whether the authorities will undertake to make improvements as soon
as possible so that serving teachers
[...] in both day and evening schools receive equal treatment [...]
in respect of training and access to pedagogic information; and
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