Q1: What is the “non-traditional school type” experimental education?
A1: According to the laws regulated by the Education Department of Taiwan (Article 3, 1st Provision), it (hereinafter referred as experimental education) is defined as follows:
“A non-profit oriented educational academy which, in addition to the required courses, offers diverse courses in the humanities, social sciences, arts, or physical education.”

Q2: What is the teaching philosophy and characteristics of CIA?
A2: Based on the most advanced teaching philosophy and holistic, student-centered approach, CIA offers multidisciplinary curriculum characteristic of the following:
1. Language immersion environment: our certificated teaching staff consists of native English speakers.
2. Tailor- made and flexible curriculum: students can compose their own a la carte timetables. They are encouraged to select independent studies courses in their empty time slots.
3. All-inclusive learning: above all, we offer diverse physical education courses, such as golf, tennis, or baseball etc. Thus students can learn versatile sports expertise as social skills in their future career life.
4. Student- centered learning: our curriculum is characteristic of no stigmatization, responding to each student’s specific, individual needs.
5. Pre-college courses: students are encouraged to take pre-college courses in CTBC.
6. Versatile extra-curriculum activities: they are well designed to enhance the effect of formal curriculum.

Q3: Who are CIA’s prospective students?
A3: According to the Regulation “Article 3, 1st provision,” any student qualified to receive secondary education or based on his guardian’s choice can study in CIA.

Q4: What is CIA’ s legal qualification?
A4: CIA complies fully with Article 4, 3rd Provision, Item 1 in ” Experimental Education Implementation Regulations.” It is a legal entity approved by the Education Bureau of Tainan City as a non-profit oriented, student-centered high school.

Q5: How do CIA’s students acquire their student status to further their studies in universities?
A5: Based on Articles 16th &18th in “Experimental Education Implementation Regulations,” CIA’s students can acquire their “student status” via the following ways.
1. Students only registering in CIA will acquire legal student status and enjoy the same rights and benefits as other normal senior high school students. CIA will provide our registered students’ name list to the Education Bureau of Tainan City, and hence students can acquire their legal student status.
2. For those students registering in both normal senior high school and CIA, their guardians need to sign a cooperative study plan with the former school. After the former gets the approval from the Education Bureau, and the students fulfill all the requirements to graduate, they can get the diploma from the former.

Q6: What kind of certificates do CIA graduates receive?
A6: CIA’s graduates are eligible to receive two types of certificates:
1. Senior High School Diploma: the students registering in either a normal senior high school or CIA can receive this diploma.
2. Equivalence Proof: students only registering in CIA can receive the Equivalence Proof granted by the Education Bureau of Tainan City. They are qualified to attend the national university entrance exams with that (please refer to Article 29, 2nd Provision in ” Experimental Education Implementation Regulations”). Namely, CIA’s students either fulfilling the required credits or in both normal senior high school and CIA for 3 years are qualified to attend the national university entrance exams.

Q7: How can students enroll in CIA?
A7: Interested prospective students should provide CIA their qualification documents indicating your expertise and enthusiasm to study in CIA. We will review your documents and arrange interviews with you. Those students who want to register in both normal senior high school and CIA, are required to follow the regulations of the normal senior high school.

Q8: How many students can CIA recruit?
A8: Based on the law of Article 4, 3rd Provision in ” Experimental Education Implementation Regulations,” the total students’ number may not exceed 125. Each class can only accommodate 25 students. CIA plans to recruit 45 students this year.

Q9: Are CIA’s students allowed to drop out?
A9: Yes. Based on the law of Article 9, 1 st Provision, 2nd&3rd paragraph, CIA will devote in creating a student-centered and friendly educational environment. However, if the student has difficulty adjusting to CIA, we will provide make-up procedures and counseling services. If these remedial procedures fail, students or guardians may request to discontinue studies at CIA. According to Article 18, 3rd Provision in “Non-traditional school type experimental education regulations,” as long as the student fulfills his or her studies in CIA for more than 1.5years and pass our reviews, the city government will grant him or her a certificate. CIA’s curriculum is fully integrated with that of normal senior high schools in Taiwan. Thus students dropping out from CIA may continue their studies in other high schools.

Q10: Does CIA provide extra-curriculum activities?
A10: CIA’s greatest advantage lies in the versatile extra-curriculum activities offered. They include tutoring classes, advanced prerequisites, workshops, talents contests or performances, sports activities, and student associations etc. The goal is to cultivate students’ mindsets of mutual respect and cooperation between people.

Q11: Is CIA a boarding school?
A11: Yes. To train students’ self-independence and good interactions with peers, CIA is designed as a boarding school.

Q12: Does CIA share the same campus area with CTBC?
A12: Mostly no. CIA occupies its own building, dorm and cozy campus. CIA’s students only share the gym or sports field with CTBC’s students. However, the former can integrate to our university and observe autonomous learning from college students in this way.

Q13: What are CIA student’s channels for furthering studies?
A13: There are three paths for graduates of CIA. First, they can attend the national university entrance exams as normal senior high school students. Secondly, they can study abroad as CIA emphasizes on cultivating their global perspectives and multiple linguistic abilities. Thirdly, they can continue studying in CTBC, well integrated with CIA’s curriculum.


















1. 未入學高級中等學校取得學籍者:亦即由本實驗教育機構造具參與實驗教育之學生名冊,報請臺南市政府教育局,由教育局發給學生身分證明。並享有同一教育階段學校學生之各項福利及優惠措施,亦得據以平等參與各類競賽(《實驗教育實施條例》第18條參照)。

2. 擬同時取得高級中等學校學籍者:學生應依高級中等學校多元入學招生辦法之規定入學,並由法定代理人就課程與教學實施及成績評量等實驗教育方式與該學校簽訂合作計畫,並經學校報教育局許可後進行合作。參與實驗教育之學生於本機構修業期滿後,依高級中等學校學生學習評量辦法或計畫所定評量方式評量;成績及格者,由設籍學校發給畢業證書(《實驗教育實施條例》第16條參照)。


A: 參加本機構之學生,於結業後取得之證明依學籍取得之方式,有下列兩種學歷證明文件:

1. 畢業證書:取得高級中等學校學籍之學生者,於完成本實驗教育課程結業後,依高級中等學校學生學習評量辦法或與學校簽訂合作計畫所定評量方式評量;成績及格者,由設籍學校發給畢業證書。

2. 同等學力證明:其學籍隸屬臺南市政府教育局者,於本實驗教育課程結業後,由本機構頒發結業證書,並由臺南市政府教育局發給完成實驗教育證明,其證書即為同等學力證明,可參加大學學測之入學考試(《實驗教育實施條例》第29條第2項參照)。













