結腸鏡檢查 - English translation – Linguee

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告知這些病患攝入充足水份的重要 性,並考慮對這些病患進行基線 結腸鏡檢查 驗室檢查(電解質、肌酸酐和血液尿素氮(BUN))。
Advise these patients of the importance of adequate hydration, and consider performing baseline and post-colonoscopy laboratory tests (electrolytes, creatinine, and BUN) in these patients.
清理結腸有助於醫療服務提供者在進 結腸鏡檢查看 清您結腸的內部情況。
Cleaning your colon helps your healthcare provider see the inside of your colon more clearly during your colonoscopy.
在服務方面,亦同樣設定了一系列 的目標,包括接受癌症預防工作、乳房造影 結腸鏡檢查 人口比率。
In respect of service, a series of targets are similarly
set, including the proportion of the population covered by cancer prevention
[...] services such as mammogram and colonoscopy.
對於嚴重心律不齊的高發病患,應參考前劑量 結腸鏡檢查 心電圖報告。
Pre-dose and post-colonoscopy ECGs should be considered in patients at increased risk of serious cardiac arrhythmias.
如果病患在服用 SUPREP 清腸套 裝後,出現嚴重的嘔吐現象或脫水症兆,應考慮接 結腸鏡檢查 驗室檢查(電解質、肌酸酐和血液尿素氮 (BUN))。
If a patient develops significant vomiting or signs of dehydration after taking SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit, consider performing post-colonoscopy lab tests (electrolytes, creatinine, and BUN).
至少在接結腸鏡檢查1小時服完所有 SUPREP 清腸套裝並飲用所需的水。
Complete all SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit and required
[...] water at least one hour prior to colonoscopy.
至少應在接結腸鏡檢查 1小時完成準備工作。
[...] preparation at least 1 hour before colonoscopy.
在向已確診或疑似患有炎性腸病(IBD)的病患講結 腸鏡檢查結 ,應考慮到因腸道準備而引發粘膜潰瘍的可能性。
The potential for mucosal ulcerations resulting from the bowel preparation should be considered when interpreting colonoscopy findings in patients with known or suspect inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
[...] 有步入中年的婦女,每隔 5 至 10 年進行鏡檢查 旦發現腸道出 現異常,便可以盡快處理。
In this connection, the Government should step up education and publicity to encourage all women of middle age to undergo
colonscopy once every five to 10 years, so that treatment can start
[...] expeditiously once intestinal abnormalities are detected.
傳統腸鏡檢查 要優勢是它的準確性並可在同一次檢查過程中,同時完成篩查和治療。
The ability to screen and treat in the same procedure and accuracy were considered the most important advantages of conventional colonoscopy.
在以前拒絕傳統腸鏡檢查者中, 69%的患者選擇使用大腸膠囊內視鏡 22 %選擇傳統 腸鏡檢查 3% 選擇糞便潛血檢查而6%選擇不檢查。
Among those patients who had declined a traditional colonoscopy previously, 69% chose capsule colonoscopy, 22% chose conventional colonoscopy, 3% chose FOBT and 6% chose no test.
鏡檢查 ,如果不幸 出現刺穿腸壁的情況,究竟事件是由已知風險、併發症、 [...]
In the unfortunate
[...] event that the intestinal wall is pierced, [...]
it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis to find out
whether it is caused by known risks, complications, clinical conditions of the patient or human factors.
而 超過50%的患者反映腸道準備和入侵性是他們拒絕傳統 腸鏡檢查 大最主要原因之其中兩個。
More than 50% of patients reported bowel preparation and invasiveness among their top three reasons
[...] for declining conventional colonoscopy.
今天宣佈,在第九期《臨床腸胃病學雜誌》上所發表研 示PillCam(R) COLON 2這樣具有實用性的大腸膠囊內 鏡檢查, 可能會令那些不願接受傳統 腸鏡檢查 者提升他們對接受檢查的意願。
Given Imaging Ltd, a world leader in GI medical devices and pioneer of
capsule endoscopy, today
[...] announced the results published in the September edition of the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology showing that the availability of colon capsule endoscopy devices like the PillCam(R) COLON 2 could potentially increase adherence to physician recommended colon examinations among patients who decline conventional colonoscopy.
鑒於這些令人震驚的數字,香港中文大學消化疾病研究所,作為一個公認的 囊內 鏡檢查 卓越中心,自豪地開始提供 PillCam(R) [...]
COLON 2檢查方案。
In light of these alarming statistics, the Institute of Digestive Disease at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, as a recognized Center of
Excellence in Capsule Endoscopy, is
[...] proud to offer PillCam(R) COLON 2 as a safe, accurate, [...]
non-invasive and therefore more
acceptable test option for our patients," said Professor Joseph Jao-Yiu Sung, Founding Director of the Institute.
認可人士/註 程師應建議其 委託人須向負責幕牆、玻璃窗或玻璃牆系統作全 檢查 士,提供一份保養手冊,以供參考。
The AP/RSE should advise his/her client of the
need for providing a
[...] maintenance manual for the reference of the persons responsible for full inspection of the curtain wall, window or window wall system.
患者拒絕接受傳統腸鏡檢查 主要原因:腸道準備(15%)、入侵性風險(15%)、費用(14%)、對身體健康沒有足夠的益處(13%)、需要麻醉及鎮靜劑(9%)、沒有時間(9%)、不方便(6%)、需要駕車回家(5%)。
The highest ranked reasons for declining conventional colonoscopy were: bowel preparation (15%), invasiveness (15%), cost (14%), lack of sufficient benefit to health (13%), need for sedation (9%), lack of time for the procedure (9%), convenience (6%), and need for a ride home (5%).
出現ASC-US及HPV DNA測試結果陽性的婦女,她們是患上高度鱗狀上皮內病變甚至子宮頸癌的高危一族,風險較只有ASC-US 但HPV DNA測 陰性的高20倍,她們應直接進行陰 鏡檢查 需再等候重覆做抹片檢查。
Women with ASC-US and positive for HPV should be identified as high risk group for having cervical cancer (20 times higher in relative risk when compared with women with ASC-US but negative for HPV DNA test) and they should be referred for colposcopy directly without waiting for repeat smears.
有關報告須包括一份由註冊結構工程師簽署 的聲明書,證實已根據品質監督計劃提供足夠的監督;一份上 文第 23 段所規定、註 程師工作班子和註冊承建商工 作班子的品質控制監工的熱浸程 檢查 錄 簿的副本;以及一 份上文第 22 段所規定的資料記錄器記錄軟複本。
The report should include a statement signed by the RSE to confirm that adequate supervision has been provided in accordance with the quality supervision plan, a copy of the inspection log book of the quality control supervisors of the RSE stream and the RC stream for the heat soak process required in paragraph 23 above, and a softcopy of the record of the data logger required in paragraph 22 above.
因應法案委員會的意見,我們提出修正案,修正條例草案第 3、9(1)及 11 條,以訂明認可預檢設備是一項用作顯示某人呼氣中的酒精比例,是否達 到理應懷疑該比例相當可能超過訂明限度的水平的設備,以及某人如果已提 供呼氣樣本,供認可預檢設備作測試,則該人只應在 檢結 示該人的呼 氣中酒精比例達至理應懷疑該比例相當可能超過訂明限度的水平時,才須接 檢查測試。
In response to the views of the Bills Committee, we propose amendments to clauses 3, 9(1) and 11 to make it clear that an approved pre-screening device is defined to mean a device for indicating whether or not the proportion of alcohol in a person's breath reaches such a level that it would be reasonable to suspect that such proportion is likely to exceed the prescribed limit; and if a person has provided a specimen of breath to
be tested by an approved pre-screening device, the person should be
[...] required to conduct a SBT only when the test indicates that the proportion of alcohol in the person's breath reaches such a level that it would be reasonable to suspect that such proportion [...]
is likely to exceed the prescribed limit.
該院於 2004 年為一名病人進行照氣 鏡檢查檢查 院發現所使用的氣管鏡,曾被使用為一名患有 病人進檢查 然該氣管鏡已經過清潔,但卻未完成 消毒程序。
Subsequent to the examination, the hospital found that the bronchoscope used for the procedure had been used previously to examine a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis.
公司提供廣泛的產品組合,包檢查 道和大腸的PillCam(R)膠囊內 業領先的ManoScan(TM)高解像度動力測壓設備;以及Bravo(R)胃酸倒流無線監測膠囊和Digitrapper(R)胃酸倒流與阻抗監測產品等。
The company offers a broad product
[...] portfolio including PillCam(R) video capsules for the small bowel, esophagus and colon, [...]
industry-leading ManoScan(TM)
high-resolution manometry and Bravo(R) wireless and Digitrapper(R) pH and impedance products.
腸胃肝臟科中心與內鏡中心合作,為病人提供全面的內鏡服務,包括用作診症和治療的胃腸內 鏡檢查 腸鏡檢查 窺鏡下逆行胰膽管造影、單氣 腸鏡檢查 雙氣 腸鏡檢查 線膠囊內鏡檢查和內視鏡超音波檢查等。
With the collaboration of the Endoscopy Centre, the centre provides a full range of endoscopy services, including diagnostic and therapeutic upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, endoscopic retrograde chloangio-pancreaticography (ERCP), single balloon enteroscopy, double balloon enteroscopy, video capsule endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasound, etc.
研究的最後一部分對PillCam(R)COLON 2進行了介紹,概括了囊內 鏡檢查 的特點及如何進行這項檢查,還介紹了準備過程(進行檢查當天上午的前一天只能吃流質食物,並需要做腸道準備),在檢查過程中無需使用鎮靜劑。
The overview also addressed the preparation process
[...] (the need for liquids and bowel preparation the day and [...]
evening before the morning of the
procedure), noting that no sedation was required.
他補充說:“這項研究意義重大,因為它表明如果給患者選擇使用大腸膠囊內視鏡, 有可能會改變先前不願意接受傳統 腸鏡檢查 者接受大腸癌篩查。
This study is significant because it suggests that if colon capsule endoscopy was made available to patients, it could potentially result in an overall increase in adherence among patients who had previously declined colonoscopy," he added.
本部門的臨床病理學家為血液學專家,除指導部門同事進行血塗片顯 鏡檢查 亦就各種測 寫報告,包括血細胞及骨髓細胞形態檢查、環鑽活組織檢查、細胞化學測試、血紅蛋白(血色素)圖譜及體液形態檢查等。
Our Clinical Pathologist is a specialist in haematology who supervises the microscopy of blood smears and provides interpretative reports on blood film, bone marrow aspirate, trephine biopsy, cytochemistry, haemoglobin pattern study and morphological examination of body fluids.
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