怎樣思考「廣州天河義工團隊中國關懷(China Cares)」之理念?

inspired by 中国关怀(China Cares) [图片] [图片] Link: 01- 怎樣思考「廣州天河義工團隊中國關懷(China C…

3 个回答


>>「引言」@ 2013.05.30

「四月是最殘酷的月份,由死地繁殖出紫丁香,把追憶跟願望揉合,以春雨激動遲滯的根苗。冬季使我們暖和,拿健忘的白雪覆蓋土壤,以乾了的塊莖養著短暫的生命。- T. S. Eliot」



廣州珠江夜跑。正準備在高德置地廣場拿出 MacBook 聽 The Doors(Jim Morrison)的《Light;

My Fire》時,看到一位阿姨帶著兩個小孩、騎著單車在派傳單(我被盯上了)就接到這份邀請;



「ALL TRAINING CLASS IN ENGLISH」我還是相信經歷過《荒原》的西方世界能給我新認識;

特別感謝 Steve ;這裏全部的筆記都出自他的頭腦。

>>「第一回」@ 2013.05.31

01- 這裏記錄的全部均是我的筆記與體會。我認為,最有價值的部分應該係「遊戲」「理念」;

02- 在第一節課(2013年5月31日)時,Steve 就展示了這份課程名單。四種概念、四種對象。

Compassion: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
Action: the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Excellence: the quality of being outstanding or extremely good.

03- 從這裏開始將會詳細地把我筆記裏的內容分享出來:


Step 1:眾人圍成一個圈。從某人開始順時針自我介紹。

Step 2:選出一人站中間。對圈中某人講「Left」「Right」或「Me」然後講「BonbiliBonBonBon」

Step 3:倘若被問的人在「BonbiliBonBonBon」內答出正確名字(Left 指的係提問者左手邊的人)則提問者繼續。倘若答錯或「BonbiliBonBonBon」已講完。被問者接受懲罰,與提問者互換位置。

Step 4:重複 Step 2. 直至時間限定。

p.s. 該遊戲可用於初識時。比較搞笑。

【理念】「ESC Model」

Steve 提出的一個理念模型:ESC 分別對應 Empathy(同感)Serving(服務)Caring(關懷)


Step 1:派金幣(糖果)給眾人

Step 2:展示十幅幻燈片,裏面各自有拍賣的物品(譬如:豬、房子、美女、成功、健康。)

Step 3:購買者將金幣(糖果)交給導師。重複 Step2 直至展示完畢。

Step 4:玩完大家可以將金幣(糖果)吃掉。

p.s. 「豬」作為拍賣品係很有趣的。因為這裏還考驗到了大家的同情心。很微妙的一個遊戲。不過,當晚的那個「金幣」真係極其難吃。

【理念】「Best Volunteer in Guangzhou. 」

Steve 說我們要做廣州最好(Best)義工(Volunteer)…好理想。我想,其實他祗係想跟我們講他的偶像:喬丹(23)罷了…(笑)

【技巧】「Talk to Elderly」

這裏,Steve 先展示了一個視頻:老人與小孩子。



Good Topic

1. Spend time talk with them. (Ask about their past / family / interest)
2. Playing Games with them. (Chess / Card games)
3. Work(Help fix their room)
4. Food(Bring food to them)

No Topic

1. Don’t Ask this question:
1.1 Why don’t you live with your family?
1.2 Does your family visit you often?
1.3 It must be boring here.

2. Don’t be Pushy
2.1 Leave them alone if they want
2.2 Let them direct the conversation

【討論】「Group Discussion」

討論環節係由中國關懷(China Cares)的義工帶領,將現場學生分成幾個小組。每個人選擇可選話題中的其中一個進行討論的活動。

1. Why do you want to be a volunteer?
2. What do you expect to improve during training?
3. What will grow in compassion?
4. Think of one way to help the elderly this week.
5. Share how you complete this challenge.



我當時(用英文)講:這得益於我在廣東廣雅中學讀高中時,高一的班長(一個女生)帶我們去參加敬老院的志願者活動。結果!當時只會死讀書的某M我就被 Shock 到了。(咳咳)我想了一下,那晚我肯定係臉紅著說這段話。那些參加的英國人也一定聽不懂我講的這段陳年往事。(笑)

>>「第二回」@ 2013.06.14

【遊戲】Ten Fingers

Step 1:眾人圍成一個圈。每人張開雙手、豎起十隻手指。

Step 2:由其中一人開始講「自己做過的一件事」譬如:游泳、吃臭豆腐、去過香港

Step 3:其他人倘若自己並未做過那件事,就必須收起一隻手指。

Step 4:重複 Step 2. 直到湊夠三人手指全部收起。

Step 5:那三人出演一個節目。


當晚有一外國人(Kelsea)還有兩本地青年中招了…結果他們居然唱起了《Happy Birthday》

【遊戲】Trust Push

Step 1:兩人面朝對方站在一定距離的直線上。譬如房間裏的地板磚幾塊。

Step 2:雙方一起倒數「3、2、1」然後殭屍狀平舉雙手向對方倒去。

Step 3:雙方雙手碰到一起,呈現「梯形」狀並站穩。

Step 4:增加面朝對方時的距離。重複 Step 2.



【理念】Influence circle

【理念】Mother Teresa


「不要等待領導者。孤獨地做吧,從一個人到另一個人。」By 修女特蕾莎



【技巧】Talk to Cancer Kids

Steve 首先播放了一個 Video:一個患有絕症的小孩很喜歡「雪」於是家人就陪伴在他身邊陪他玩雪。

「Your child is dying before your eye.」

緊接著,Carl 給我們介紹如何使用 iPad 與醫院裏的小孩一起玩遊戲。


King of Opera

》這款四人同玩的 iPad 遊戲。相當的卡通呢。

Carl 特別提到:義工應搭建小孩與家長之間的橋樑。

然後 Steve 就繼續開始介紹如何與之溝通的技巧了。

Good Topic

a. How to introduce yourself.
1. How old are you?
2. What is your name?
3. Where do you come from?
b. Offer to help ( food / walk / blanket )
c. Condolence ( Say sorry )

No Topic

Don not comment on the child.

1. People only get what they can handle.
2. I know just how you feel.
3. Cancer treating is so good.
4. Well, you are going to die.
5. You can have a kid.
6. Talk about cancer.
7. Needs the parent to support you.
8. Why you can't go to school.
9. Tell them how they should feel.
10. Tell them it will be fine.



【討論】Group Discussion

1. What is the thing that stops you talking action?
2. Do you influence people around you?
3. How did you complete the compassion challenge?
4. Share about your experience talking with a sick person's family.
5. Share about a China Cares challenges you completed.

>>「第三回」@ 2013.06.28

【遊戲】Chicken Game

Step 1:眾人全部蹲在地上。作「蛋」狀。

Step 2:每個人隨意找附近的人猜拳。猜贏了就可以站起來呈現半蹲狀(小雞姿勢)

Step 3:蛋祗能找蛋來猜拳,小雞祗能找小雞來猜拳。小雞贏了就成為大雞。大雞要離場。

Step 4:一般狀況,最後會剩下一小雞與蛋。他(她)們開始互相猜拳。最後剩下一個。

Step 5:最後一個需要表演節目。

【理念】What is Respect

Steve 先提問了這個問題「何為尊重?」眾人回答後,他講出了自己的理解:

「 Respect is acknowledgement that someone has value. 」


What is hard about respecting?
1. Low status.
2. Unsuccessful.
3. Unintelligent.
4. Treat them as inferior. ( - You can't do that. Let me help you. - This is too difficult for you. )

Don not bring attention to their disability ( - Wow you really have trouble walking. )
Volunteers should include them with you.


接著 Steve 提問: 怎樣才能令到你自己被人尊重?

How can you be respectful?
1. focus on the positive side.
2. Listen, don't assume
3. Expect the best.

【技巧】Talk to Disabled

Steve 先播放了一個 Video:西方一超市裏的一個 disabled 在工作。旁邊的人故意教訓那些對他不禮貌的人。

然後,Steve 展示了「千手觀音」這個春晚節目:

1. Treat them like a person.
2. Ask "Do you want help"
3. Notice their limitations
4. Can't move limbs.
5. Imbalance.
6. Part of body don't function correctly.
7. Stand up for them.

1. Identify yourself.
2. Ask "Do you want help?"
3. Let them tell you how to help.
4. Put them back exactly where they were.
5. Explain where you are going what is around.
6. Learn how to help them walk.

在這裏 Steve 播放了一部 Video:來自於《Flipped(怦然心動)》(2010)裏小女孩陪伴爸爸探望的一段。

Mentally Disabled
1. Create a happy, safe environment.
2. Simple conversation - ask simple questions.
3. According to their understanding. Speak clearly.
4. Stay relaxed.

Physical Activity
1. Aerobic: walking running
2. Strength: weight lifting
3. Stretching

【遊戲】Help walking

Step 1:眾人自己組隊,兩人一組。(男女搭配)

Step 2:一人扮演盲人,另一人負責帶他(她)走路。

Step 3:負責帶路的講「Left」「Right」「Straight」指路。

Step 4:一半路程後,兩人互換。

Step 5:兩人一起到達終點。

p.s. 上落樓梯可以講「One Step」「Two Step」「The Last Step」這樣子。

【討論】Group Discussion

1. How did it feel to be the blind person?
2. How did it feel to help a blind person?
3. Do you have trouble respecting anyone? Why?
4. Share about a disabled person you know.
5. Share about a China Cares challenges you completed.

>>「第四回」@ 2013.07.12

【遊戲】Wind Blow

Step 1:眾人圍成一個圈。開始自我介紹。

Step 2:一人站在中間,講「大風吹」眾人講「吹什麼」由他(她)說出一個特徵。譬如「戴眼鏡的」「穿裙子的」

Step 3:符合特徵的人需要從座位起來,並尋找不同的座位坐下。原來中間的人必須找地方坐下啦。

Step 4:找不到座位的人站在中間。重複 Step 2.

【理念】Anti Great

Steve 貼出了某耐克公司的廣告詞「偉大的反義詞不是失敗,而是不去拼。」然後他講:

Anybody should be great.

緊接著他放出一個 Video:一個跑步的愛好者的故事。

【理念】Stay Hungry

Steve 一放出這張照片,我們全場都笑翻了。

Stay hungry stay foolish. - Steven Jobs
Design >> Perfect
You got to have love it, you've got to have passion.
Find your passion
It is very easy to lose your passion
Passion for serving.

【技巧】Talk to Orphans

The children stay at the room all the time.

For kids:
1. Cleft Paletter(齶裂)
2. Brain Injury(腦損傷)
3. Down's Sydrome(唐氏綜合症)
4. Cerebral Palsy(大腦麻痺)

Steve 在這裏放出了一個香港義工組織去柬埔寨照顧孤兒的視頻。全部粵語。


Orphans's health
1. Infection - Staphyloccus(葡萄球菌)
2. Fever
3. Limited hygiene

What you could do
1. Give them a bath.
2. Brush their teeth.
3. Cut their nails.
4. Cleaning the rooms.

Physical Theapy for Orphans
1. Move the muscle
2. Don't push too hard.
3. Try to get the child to use their muscle. ( Hands / fingers / feet / foes / legs and arms/ back and neck )
4. The Ultimate Need: Adoption and Foster Care

【遊戲】Big Ball



【討論】Group Discussion

1. What is your passion?
2. What makes you feel like giving us?
3. What can you do to be more passionate about serving?
4. Share about a child you help.
5. Share about a China Cares challenge you completed?

Special Thanks

01- Steve( He is the teacher and the leader. )

02- WIndy(She give the leaflet to me. )

03- All friends in China Cares( They help me a lot.)


我觉得广州这种活动还是比较多的, 在小城市就没见到过这种社团,不愧是国际大城市!