

580 个回答

我翻了全部378個回答,除了一兩個可能擦邊的之外,沒有一個提到了美墨戰爭期間聲勢浩大的"吞並全墨西哥運動(All of Mexico Movement[1])“,結果這問題幾乎完全成了一個腦洞問題?先生們真是讓人佩服得緊。

本文準備先簡單說下什麼是”吞併全墨西哥運動“,然後我們再翻翻美文老檔,看看當時的極富影響力的美國政治三巨頭(Great Triumvirate[2])之一卡爾霍恩(John C. Calhoun[3])是如何在參議院以一篇冗長的演講激烈反對這個全盤吞併墨西哥的運動的。


全墨西哥運動是一場政治運動,旨在擴大美國以吞並整個墨西哥。這是昭昭天命(Manifest Destiny[4])思潮的表征之一,但從未實現。1846-1848 年的美墨戰爭(使美國)征服了加利福尼亞和墨西哥北部其他人煙稀少的領土,同時美國軍隊也入侵了人口稠密的墨西哥腹地。
在美國軍隊占領墨西哥城後,(部分)美國人重新燃起了整合整個墨西哥的熱情。這個想法在美國國會遭到強烈反對,尤其是來自南卡羅來納州的美國參議員約翰·C·卡爾霍恩 ( John C. Calhoun ),他強烈反對將非白人人口密集的領土並入其中[5]
吞並整個墨西哥的提議引起了爭議。天定命運的理想主義擁護者,如約翰·L·奧沙利文 ( John L. O'Sullivan [6] )——他是天定命運思潮最主要的推動者之一,一直認為美國的法律不應違背人的意願強加於人。吞並整個墨西哥將違反這一原則,且通過美國公民身份授予數百萬墨西哥人,將引發爭議。
這場辯論將昭昭天命的矛盾之一推到了最前沿。天定命運中固有的」同一性思想 「表明,作為非白人的墨西哥人會對白人種族完整性構成威脅,因此沒有資格成為美國公民,但天定命運的「使命」部分表明墨西哥人將得到改善,並將他們帶入美國的民主。同一性主義[7]促進了天定命運,但正如卡爾霍恩和對運動的抵抗一樣,同一性主義也被用來反對天定命運。



SPEECH On his Resolutions in reference to the War with Mexico, delivered in the Senate, January 4th, 1848.

But much as I regard military glory— much as I rejoice to witness the display of that indomitable energy and courage which surmounts all difficulties—I would be sorry indeed that our Government should lose any portion of that high character for justice, moderation, and discretion, which distinguished it in the early stages of our history.


比如說美國哲學家亨利·戴維·梭羅就是因為反對這場戰爭和奴隸制而拒絕向馬薩諸塞州政府繳納人頭稅,因而被關進了監獄。迅速出獄後,他寫下了著名的《公民抗命論》(Civil disobedience[8])。

The next reason assigned is, that either holding Mexico as a province, or incorporating her into the Union, would be unprecedented by any example in our history.We have conquered many of the neighboring tribes of Indians, but we have never thought of holding them in subjection, or of incorporating them into our Union.They have been left as an independent people in the midst of us, or been driven back into the forests.Nor have we ever incorporated into the Union any but the Caucasian race.

下一個理由是,無論是在墨西哥設省,還是將她並入聯邦,這在我們的歷史上都是前所未有的。 我們已經征服了許多鄰近的印第安人部落,但我們從未想要融合,或將他們並入我們的聯邦。他們作為一個獨立的民族留在我們中間,或者被趕入叢林。我們從未將高加索人種之外的人民納入聯邦。


The great misfortune of what was formerly Spanish America, is to be traced to the fatal error of placing the colored race on an equality with the white. This error destroyed the social arrangement which formed the basis of their society. This error we have wholly escaped;

前西班牙美洲的巨大不幸可追溯到將有色人種與白人平等對待的致命錯誤。 這個錯誤破壞了構成他們社會基礎的社會安排。而我們(指美國)完全避免了這個錯誤;

It is a remarkable fact in this connection, that in the whole history of man, as far as my information extends, there is no instance whatever of any civilized colored race, of any shade, being found equal to the establishment and maintenance of free government, although by far the largest proportion of the human family is composed of them; and even in the savage state, we rarely find them anywhere with such governments, except it be our noble savages;


Are we to associate with ourselves, as equals, companions, and fellow-citizens, the Indians and mixed races of Mexico? I would consider such association as degrading to ourselves, and fatal to our institutions.

我們是否要以平等、夥伴和同胞的身份與墨西哥的印第安人和混血兒相處? 我會認為這樣的安排會讓我們墮落,這我們的製度來說是致命的。


There is not an example on record of any free state holding a province of the same extent and population, without disastrous consequences. The nations conquered and held as a province, have, in time, retaliated by destroying the liberty of their conquerors, through the corrupting effect of extended patronage and irresponsible power.


The conquest of Mexico would add so vastly to the patronage of this Government, that it would absorb the whole powers of the States; the Union would become an imperial power, and the States reduced to mere subordinate corporations.

征服墨西哥會極大地加強聯邦政府的力量,進而它會攫取各州的全部權力; 聯邦將成為一個帝國力量,而各州將淪為純粹的附屬品。


The end would be anarchy or despotism, as certain as I am now addressing the Senate.


Let it not be said that Great Britain is an example to the contrary; that she holds provinces of vast extent and population, without materially impairing the liberty of the subject, or exposing the Government to violence, anarchy, confusion, or corruption. It is so. But it must be attributed to the peculiar character of her government. Of all governments that ever existed, of a free character, the British far transcends all in one particular, and that is, its capacity to bear patronage without the evils usually incident to it.


in a few words, that it results from the fact that her Executive and the House of Lords (the conservative branches of her Government) are both hereditary, while the other House of Parliament has a popular character.


when the Roman power passed beyond the limits of Italy, crossed the Adriatic, the Mediterranean, and the Alps, liberty fell prostrate;
Now, on the contrary, we see England, with subject-provinces of vastly greater territorial extent, and probably of not inferior population (I have not compared them); we see her, I repeat, going on without the personal liberty of the subject being materially impaired, or the Government subject to violence or anarchy!
Yet England has not wholly escaped the curse which must ever befall a free government which holds extensive provinces in subjection; for, although she has not lost her liberty, or fallen into anarchy, yet we behold the population of England crushed to the earth by the superincumbent weight of debt and taxation, which may one day terminate in revolution. The wealth derived from her conquests and provincial possessions may have contributed to swell the overgrown fortunes of the upper classes, but has done nothing to alleviate the pressure on the laboring masses below. On the contrary, the expenses incident to their conquest, and of governing and holding them in subjection, have been drawn mainly from their labor, and have increased instead of decreasing the weight of the pressure. It has placed a burden upon them which, with all their skill and industry, with all the vast accumulation of capital and power of machinery with which they are aided, — they are scarce capable of bearing, without being reduced to the lowest depths of poverty.







Take, for example, Ireland, — her earliest and nearest conquest, — and is it not to this day a cause of heavy expense, and a burden, instead of a source of revenue?



the little she has gained from her numerous conquests and vast provincial possessions, and the heavy burdens which it has imposed upon her people to meet the consequent expenses,


Nor are the reasons less weighty against incorporating her into the Union. As far as law is concerned, this is easily done. All that is necessary is to establish a territorial government for the several States in Mexico, of which there are upwards of twenty, to appoint governors, judges, and magistrates, and to give to the population a subordinate right of making laws—we defraying the cost of the government. So far as legislation goes, the work will be done; but there would be a great difference between these territorial governments, and those which we have heretofore established within our own limits. These are only the offsets of our own people, or foreigners from the same countries from which our ancestors came. The first settlers in the territories are too few n number to form and support a government of their own, and are under obligation to the Government of the United States for forming one for them, and defraying the expense of maintaining it; knowing, as they do, that when they have sufficient population, they will be permitted to form a constitution for themselves, and be admitted as members of the Union.

就程序而言,將墨西哥併入毫無問題,建立政府、制定法律,並支付這一切的費用。但是這與我們之前建立的領土政府(territorial government )大不相同(註:美國的“領土政府“用於管理那些已經併入美國,但是還未建立州政府的新領土,歷史上曾有新墨西哥領土、西北領土等)。領土政府只是美國人和其他白人移民(our own people, or foreigners from the same countries from which our ancestors came,我們的人民和祖源國的移民,我這裡直接意譯了)因在新領土上的人數太少,無法組建州政府時的臨時解決辦法,當他們有足夠人數的時候就會被允許組建政府、制定憲法和加入聯邦。

The case will be entirely different with these Mexican territories; when you form them, you must have powerful armies to hold them in subjection, with all the expenses incident to supporting them. You may call them territories, but they would, in reality, be but provinces under another name, and would involve the country in all the difficulties and dangers which I have already shown would result from holding the country in that condition.



Ireland has been held in subjection by England for many centuries; — and yet remains hostile, although her people are of a kindred race with the conquerors. The French colony in Canada still entertain hostile feelings towards their conquerors, although living in the midst of them for nearly one hundred years.



The better class have Castilian blood in their veins, and are of the old Gothic stock—quite equal to the Anglo-Saxons in many respects, and in some superior. Of all the people upon earth, they are the most pertinacious; they hold out longer, and often when there would seem to be no prospect of ever making effectual resistance.






But suppose this difficulty removed. Suppose their hostility should cease, and they should become desirous of being incorporated into our Union. Ought we to admit them? Are the Mexicans fit to be politically associated with us? Are they fit not only to govern themselves, but for governing us also? Are any of you, Senators, willing that your State should constitute a member of a Union, of which twenty odd Mexican States, more than one-third of the whole, would be a part, the far greater part of the inhabitants of which are pure Indians, not equal in intelligence and elevation of character to the Cherokees, Choctaws, or any of our Southern Indian tribes? We make a great mistake in supposing all people are capable of self-government. Acting under that impression, many are anxious to force free governments on all the people of this continent, and over the world, if they had the power. It has been lately urged in a very respectable quarter, that it is the mission of this country to spread civil and religious liberty over all the globe, and especially over this continent—even by force, if necessary. It is a sad delusion.
None but a people advanced to a high state of moral and intellectual excellence are capable in a civilized condition, of forming and maintaining free governments; and among those who are so far advanced, very few indeed have had the good fortune to form constitutions capable of endurance.


因為墨西哥人中有1/3是純印第安人(pure Indians),很明顯又是黑屁,他認為總之墨西哥人中至少有1/3:




  1. 戰爭是由不道德的理由引發的,但因民意洶湧,並無意阻止之;
  2. 經略墨西哥事務會極大加強聯邦政府的事權,且吞併墨西哥南部人口稠密地區會極大擴充其資源,這是各州和議會不願看到的;
  3. 墨西哥與美利堅存在極大異質性,無法整合,可以預見激烈的反抗,會浪費生命和金錢,且沒有先例;
  4. 無力將美國的自由民主制度在墨西哥復現,原因是”種族智力和道德的根本性差異“。


The line proposed by me, to which I suppose their reasons were intended to be applied, would be covered in its whole extent—from the Pacific Ocean to the Paso del Norte, on the Rio Grande—by the Gulf of California and the wilderness peopled by hostile tribes of Indians, through which no Mexican force could penetrate. For its entire occupancy and defense, nothing would be required but a few small vessels of war stationed in the gulf, and a single regiment to keep down any resistance from the few inhabitants within.


這條防線在哪呢?從太平洋的加里福利亞灣一直延伸到今天德州的埃爾帕索(舊稱北帕索),隨後沿著里奧格蘭德河防禦。(from the Pacific Ocean to the Paso del Norte, on the Rio Grande—by the Gulf of California and the wilderness peopled by hostile tribes of Indians)而絕不佔領墨西哥的人口稠密地區。



The Works of John C. Calhoun. Volume 4 of 6,Gale Ecco, Sabin Americana,2008


  1. ^https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_of_Mexico_Movement#cite_note-3
  2. ^https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Triumvirate
  3. ^https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Calhoun#Secretary_of_State
  4. ^https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifest_destiny
  5. ^当然不只这一个原因。
  6. ^https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_L._O%27Sullivan
  7. ^https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identitarian_movement
  8. ^https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_disobedience







