旅人評選:十大最友善 & 最不友善的城市

旅人評選:十大最友善 & 最不友善的城市

Posted: 2019年8月22日 | Last updated: 2024年3月3日

A new US survey by Condé Nast Traveler reveals the cities their readers voted the friendliest - and unfriendliest. The results are surprising and definitely controversial. Click or swipe through to see which cities made the list.
American readers praised the Austrian city for its "mountain vistas" and "warm and friendly" people. "It’s like a living theme park, the perfect destination for young kids on their first trip to Europe".
Condé Nast Traveler readers loved Budapest's "youthfulness", "rich history and elegant buildings" and "courteous drivers".
The Andalusian capital 'dances to the rhythm of flamenco like no other Spanish city", said one reader, while another opined that, "The locals are warm, kind, and full of life."
Down from last year's ranking of number 3, readers were nevertheless still charmed by the "animated guides in seersucker suits" and the feeling of having "stepped back in time" in Georgia's oldest city.
Given its chequered history, Cape Town is a surprising entry at number 8, but readers found it "an ideal mix of nature, coast, mountains, and beaches", with one venturing to describe it as "the most amazing place on earth".
Siem Reap is rightly renowned for its "awe-inspiring beauty", most famously at the temple complex of Angkor Wat, but respondents to the survey were also taken with the "resiliency and kindness of the Cambodian people".
Sydney is "the most beautiful large city in the world", say US readers of Condé Nast Traveler. As for the locals, "They’re always so helpful, and they love Americans!".
This year the "vibrant city" of Dublin has leapt up the world ranking from number 13 to number 5. It's "the kind of place you stop in for a drink in a local pub, only to end up chatting with the locals for the next five hours", says one reader.
Up one place from last year's rankings, domestic tourists in the US are big fans of Southern hospitality. The historic town of Charleston is praised as a "quaint and special little gem", filled with natural beauty and "incredible food".
This year Victoria shot up the world rankings from number 14 to number 3. "Bike on the Galloping Goose, people-watch at Moka House Coffee, sip wine at Beacon Hill Park, go whale watching, and on and on," advises one reader.
US readers reckon that Melbourne is "one of the classiest cities in the world", while the locals are a "friendly bunch" with a "wonderful sense of humour".
"Clean, youthful, adventurous, beautiful" is how readers described Auckland, which has galloped up to number one from 16th place in 2013. "The people are friendly, and their humour and view on life is something to aspire to attain", one reader opined.
So how does a city end up ranked as 'unfriendly'? Condé Nast Traveler asked readers to rank cities in terms of friendliness and, by default, the lowest-scoring are the 'unfriendliest'. However, there are factors that have nothing to do with people themselves that can make a destination less attractive to the US tourists who took part in this survey: for example, location, political perception and basic language barriers.Nassau, in the Bahamas, ranked as the tenth unfriendliest cities. Despite having "wonderful beaches", respondents felt "unsafe" if they wandered beyond the well-trodden tourist areas.
Monte Carlo is synonymous with glamour and decadent living, so it may seem a little unfair to criticise it for just being itself. "Ostentatious and overcrowded", said one reader, while another declared it "conspicuous consumption at its worst".
It may be one of the world's most important fashion capitals, but readers found it lacked "traditional Italian friendliness and hospitality". "Head south for the real beauty", one advised.
Readers loved Frankfurt during Oktoberfest, but felt that when the beer stopped flowing, the hospitality did too. Readers described the locals as "very rude", with one even suggesting that the "ordinary people weren't very happy". Quite an accusation to make based on a tourist trip.
"It’s a smoggy, crowded city that detracts from the amazing sites," said one reader, though others found the city "fascinating" and "beautiful".
Crime was a concern for the US tourists who visited Marseille: "Beautiful, but beware of pickpockets". However, it remains "a lovely, historical city", and while it's always wise to be cautious, there is some amazing street art to enjoy in some of the non-tourist areas.
Another showing for France in the top ten - and we're afraid to say it it's not even the last. US visitors found Paris "fabulous" and "romantic", but the old cliché about aloof locals is still enduring. "Everyone was downright rude", claimed one reader.
The language barrier may be the reason why US visitors ranked Russia so poorly, with one reader complaining that "not many people speak any language but Russian". However, readers spoke highly of iconic sites including Red Square, the Kremlin and Saint Basil's Cathedral.
It seems that US visitors aren't so taken with the Riviera's glitzy ways, with Cannes and Monte Carlo both appearing in the top ten. Readers described Cannes as "very forgettable" and "uninspiring" with "disappointing and unfriendly" locals.
Johannesburg has scooped the unenviable top spot for 2014. Safety concerns are the reason it fared so badly in the survey, with one reader describing it as "a city of crime and contrasts". However, readers still had praise for its "excellent breweries" and great shopping", with one describing it as "one of the most beautiful cities in the world".

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