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還在尋找最近有什麼必追影集嗎?Netflix 總有答案。《勁爆女子監獄》的利奇菲爾德獄友們最後一季精彩完結,酷男五人組的《酷男的異想世界》,《華麗女子摔角聯盟》全新一季也即將上線,艾莉森布里她們一夥人將前往拉斯維加斯演出現場摔跤秀。另外,還有很多值得追的熱門劇集:艾娃杜威納在《別人眼中的我們》中對中央公園冤獄五子的開創性演出,請來麥莉希拉演出的最新一季《黑鏡》,還有眾所期待經典劇《城市故事》的翻拍作。


For those still searching for a new summer TV obsession, Netflix has the answer. There's one last season with the ladies of Litchfield Penitentiary in Orange is the New Black, a reunion with Queer Eye's fab five and a third instalment of Glow, which sees Alison Brie and the gang head to Las Vegas to put on a live wrestling show. Plus plenty of recent hits worth catching up on: Ava DuVernay's groundbreaking account of the Central Park Five in When They See Us, the latest series of Black Mirror  featuring Miley Cyrus and the long-awaited revival of Tales of the City.

Here, Vogue shortlists nine shows to consider as essential viewing!


這部由達菲兄弟主創的科幻影集以 1985 年的夏天為背景,第三季的表現重歸昔日榮光。米莉芭比布朗(Millie Bobby Brown)、莎迪辛克(Sadie Sink)、芬恩沃夫哈德(Finn Wolfhard)都在演出名單中,星二代瑪雅霍克(Maya Hawke)也在卡司中,成為水手冰淇淋店(Scoops Ahoy)的員工。新一季故事的主要發生地是星城購物中心(Starcourt Mall),布景重現懷舊的 1980 年代消費主義,在瑪丹娜的《拜金女孩》歌聲中,為精彩緊湊的橋段和購物情節提供完美背景。經過 20 個月的空白期,霍金斯小鎮看起來再好也不過。

Stranger Things (Available now)

Set during the summer of 1985, the third outing of the Duffer brothers’ sci-fi blockbuster marks a return to form. Millie Bobby Brown, Sadie Sink and Finn Wolfhard are all in attendance as well as rising star Maya Hawke, who joins the cast as a Scoops Ahoy employee. At the heart of the new season is Starcourt Mall, a love letter to 1980s consumerism that provides the perfect backdrop for action-packed set pieces and shopping montages set to Madonna’s Material Girl. After a 20-month hiatus, Hawkins never looked better.



1989 年 4 月 19 日,一名在紐約中央公園慢跑的女性遭襲擊重傷,兇手肇事後逃逸,棄之不顧。當晚有五名青少年(四名是非裔、一名西班牙裔)被指控犯罪,並在兩次審判後被冤枉而背負罪名。製作人艾娃杜威納百折不撓,堅持將事件改編成戲劇,從中審視針對種族的不公不義,在 2016 年獲得奧斯卡提名的黑人大規模監禁歷史紀錄片《憲法第十三條修正案》之後,再添佳作。這部影集開播僅僅一個月,就促成了真正的改變:強烈輿論攻擊再起,前檢察官琳達費爾斯坦(Linda Fairstein)和伊莉莎白雷得爾(Elizabeth Lederer)分別離開了瓦薩學院和哥倫比亞大學法學院,辭去引人注目的職務。

When They See Us  (Available now)

On 19 April 1989, a woman jogging through New York's Central Park was assaulted and left for dead. That night, five teenagers (four African-American and one Hispanic) were accused of the crime, and following two trials, wrongfully convicted. Ava DuVernay's unflinching dramatisation of events examines racial injustice and provides a companion piece to 13th, her Oscar-nominated 2016 documentary on mass incarceration.

A month on from its release, the series has sparked real change: after a renewed backlash, former prosecutors Linda Fairstein and Elizabeth Lederer have both resigned from high-profile positions at Vassar College and Columbia Law School, respectively.



《黑鏡:潘達斯奈基》大獲成功之後,如何再創佳績?《黑鏡》第五季星光熠熠,麥莉希拉(Miley Cyrus)、陶佛葛瑞斯(Topher Grace)、《倫敦生活》(Fleabag)的安德魯史考特(Andrew Scott)都在卡司陣容中。第五季有獨立的三集三篇故事,由共同創作的查理布魯克和安娜貝爾瓊斯(Annabel Jones)精心打造,探索性別流動性、名人文化和新科技帶來的威脅。雖然現在電視上出現大量的反烏托邦戲劇,包括《使女的故事》、《未來歲月》等等,但《黑鏡》仍然是其中首屈一指的傑作。

Black Mirror

How do you follow the success of Bandersnatch? With a stellar fifth season starring Miley Cyrus, Topher Grace and Fleabag's Andrew Scott. Its three standalone episodes, expertly crafted by co-creators Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones, explore gender fluidity, celebrity culture and the threat posed by new technology. Despite the abundance of dystopian dramas currently on TV – from The Handmaid's Tale to Years and Years – Black Mirror remains one of the best.



從事風險投資的冰山美人搖身一變成為紅顏禍水。曾獲奧斯卡獎的芮妮齊薇格在這部麥可凱利執導的驚悚影集中發揮迷人演技,與她在《BJ 單身日記》的角色大相逕庭。故事敘述芮妮飾演的角色提供年輕科學家麗莎 8000 萬美元的投資,條件是換取與麗莎的丈夫共度一夜。隨之而來的是一則分成 10 集的道德故事,情節開展有多荒謬,就有多令人上癮。


An icy venture capitalist turns femme fatale in Mike Kelley's campy thriller centred on a delicious performance by Renée Zellweger. In a role that couldn't be further from Bridget Jones, the Oscar winner propositions a young couple, offering scientist Lisa an $80 million investment in return for a night with her husband. What ensues is a 10-part morality tale that is as absurd as it is addictive.



美國作家亞米斯德莫平(Armistead Maupin)以舊金山為背景的小說《城市故事》於 1993 年首度改編播映,當時已經成為 cult片經典,為主流有線電視上的 LGBTQ+ 角色提供了一個難得的平台。二十年後,蘿蘭莫雷利(Lauren Morelli)推出敏銳細膩的翻拍作,找來原作演員蘿拉琳妮和奧林匹亞杜卡琪斯,並邀請莫平出馬擔任執行製片,甚至所有編劇都是酷兒同志。翻拍劇添加了新的元素(例如找來艾倫佩奇出演琳妮的養女夏娜),但最重要的是,原作的劇迷可以好好懷舊一番。

Tales of the City 

Armistead Maupin's San Francisco-based Tales of the City became a cult classic when it first aired in 1993, providing a rare platform for LGBTQ+ characters on mainstream cable TV. Two decades on, Lauren Morelli's sensitive reboot reunites original cast members Laura Linney and Olympia Dukakis, retains Maupin as an executive producer and is the product of an all-queer writers' room. There are new additions (including Ellen Page as Linney's adopted daughter Shawna), but above all it's a nostalgia-fuelled homecoming for fans of the first series.


強納森范奈斯、鮑比伯克、譚法蘭斯、卡拉莫布朗、安東尼波洛斯基五人組回到堪薩斯,為《酷男的異想世界》推出第四季。這部改變造型改變人生的節目去年推出第一季,是 2003 年精彩電視台版本的續作,推出以來掀起全球熱潮,酷男五人組成為流行文化的棟梁,近幾個月甚至出演泰勒絲的《請你冷靜》MV,還上國會山莊與議員奧卡西奧—科爾特斯(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)一同呼籲支持平等法案。這一季節目中可期待滿滿的眼淚、不為人知的私密故事,和許多驚喜。

Queer Eye 

Jonathan Van Ness, Bobby Berk, Tan France, Karamo Brown and Antoni Porowski are back in Kansas City for a fourth instalment of the feel-good makeover show. The 2018 revival of Bravo's Queer Eye for the Straight Guy has grown into a global phenomenon and turned the fab five into cultural mainstays – in recent months, they've appeared in Taylor Swift's music video for You Need to Calm Down and met with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Capitol Hill to advocate for the passage of the Equality Act. Expect tears, personal revelations and plenty of surprises.


利奇菲爾德監獄的女子們走過一條漫長的路。珍姬可汗主創的這部怪誕喜劇在 2013 年首次登場,是第一批 Netflix 原創作品,一推出就叫好又叫座,也捧紅了烏佐阿杜巴、娜塔莎里恩、薩米拉威莉和拉溫妮考克斯。劇集正面衝撞家暴、吸毒、珍視黑人生命運動等重要議題,第七季也是最後一季,將敘述派珀(泰勒席林)出獄後適應生活,並反思過去的六年的經歷。

Orange is the New Black 

It’s been a long road for the ladies of Litchfield. When Jenji Kohan's quirky comedy-drama debuted in 2013, it was one of the streaming service's first original programmes. An instant hit with critics and audiences, it made stars out of Uzo Aduba, Natasha Lyonne, Samira Wiley and Laverne Cox, and tackled important subjects head-on, from domestic violence and drug abuse to the Black Lives Matter movement. The seventh and final season follows Piper (Taylor Schilling) as she adjusts to life after her release and reflects on the past six years.


這部辛辣諷刺的影集由賈斯汀西米昂主創,以美國大學校園裡的種族關係為主題,今年再次獲得續訂,所幸重口味絲毫不減。第三季剖析身分政治、網路小白和文化挪用現象,主角蘿根布朗寧、布藍登 P 貝爾都會再次與觀眾見面,同樣看得到的還有一部不會回避爭議的尖銳劇本。

Dear White People 

Justin Simien's searing satire about race relations on American college campuses has been renewed for another season, and luckily it's lost none of its bite. Dissecting identity politics, online trolls and cultural appropriation, season three sees the return of series regulars Logan Browning and Brandon P Bell, as well as a razor-sharp script that doesn't shy away from controversy.

Adam Rose/Netflix

這部喜劇影集由麗茲弗海和卡莉門施共同主創,以女子職業摔跤賽為主題,最新一季有吉娜戴維斯登場,加入戰局。這一次艾莉森布里、貝蒂吉爾平她們一夥人將前往拉斯維加斯開一檔摔跤秀,馬克馬隆再次出演劇中的秀導山姆,而吉娜戴維斯飾演在場地飯店擔任娛樂總監的珊蒂。高衩泳衣、螢光色、大坨荷葉邊和更大坨的頭髮,光是這些 1980 年代風格的奇特造型就值得點開劇集觀賞。


Geena Davis hops into the ring for the latest instalment of Liz Flahive and Carly Mensch's comedy about the women's professional wrestling circuit. This time around, Alison Brie, Betty Gilpin and the team are headed to Las Vegas to host a new wrestling show. Marc Maron is back as show director Sam Sylvia, while Davis plays Sandy Devereaux St Clair, the entertainment director of the hotel where they are set to perform. It's worth watching for the outlandish 1980s costumes alone, which encompass high-cut swimsuits, acid brights, big ruffles and even bigger hair.