窗簾的英文單字,窗簾的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


  • purdah
    置身深閨; 身閨制度;
  • blind
    失明的; 盲目的,輕率的; 供盲人用的; 隱蔽的;
  • sunblind
    窗檐; 窗簾;
  • traverse
    穿過; 橫貫,橫切; 橫木; [建]橫梁;
  • curtain
    窗簾,門簾; 帳幕之物,幕布; 啟幕,落幕;


窗簾導軌curtain rail ; window orbit machine ; wind



窗簾卷軸shade roller; blind shaft

窗簾內箱blind box

窗簾圈curtain ring ; [建] curtain ring of window

窗簾紗curtain gauze ; crossover leno ; gauze curtain fabric ; silk curtain grenadine

窗簾匣curtain box

窗簾織物curtain fabric

窗簾止卡blind stopper

窗簾止鐵blind stopper

花邊窗簾Sarakuru ; curtain lace lace curtain

蕾絲窗簾gorden jendela berenda

棉窗簾cotton curtain

遮光窗簾[建] shade curtain ; Blind curtain

裝飾窗簾structured curtain ; valance ; bed valances


  • 這些窗簾圍繞在神的界域周圍。

    and these curtains surround the sacred precincts.

  • 他走到客廳窗戶邊,拉開了窗簾

    he crossed to the window of the sitting-room and parted the curtains.

  • 窗簾拉上了一半以遮擋陽光。

    the curtains were half drawn to cut out the sunlight.

  • 她邁著舞步走過地板,拉開窗簾,讓金色的早晨炫亮了房間,而女孩們一看到她來,就滿臉放光,抓著嬰兒床的板條要起來。

    she danced across the floor, throwing open curtains, dazzling the room with golden morning, and the girls, brightened by her presence, pulled themselves up by the slats of their cribs.

  • 問題是,我們如何繼續使用互聯網,同時在我們的網絡玻璃房四周保留一些隱私的窗簾

    the question is, how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house?

  • 用鑲邊、系帶和流蘇裝飾樸素的床罩和窗簾

    embellish basic covers and curtains with borders, ties and fringing.

  • 已經是午夜了,我躺著沒有入睡,透過窗簾的縫隙觀望天空,天才剛剛變黑,還有一線粉紅色的晚霞留駐在空中。

    it「s midnight and i lie awake watching the sky - only just dark now with streaks of pink still in it - through the crack in the curtains.

  • 天一黑,人們通常就會拉上窗簾

    people usually draw the curtains once it gets dark.

  • 生活就是這樣真實,就像那個報告一樣「沒有窗簾」。

    life is life, without curtains it is like that report.

  • 而在夜間,窗戶專門的厚窗簾或者是外罩會被拉下,這樣就將白日的熱量留在了房屋內。

    at night, special heavy curtains or shades are pulled over the windows to keep the daytime heat inside the house.

  • 窗簾上容易積上灰塵。

    curtains are dust collectors.

  • 太陽曬著我了,請把窗簾拉下來遮住陽光。

    the sun is shining on me. please draw the curtain to keep it off.

  • 這間屋子有一個很高的窗戶,那天夜?窗簾沒拉上,而我就正對著窗戶。

    there was a lone window in the room, and that night the curtains were pulled back.

  • 別這么吝嗇布料,不然做出來的窗簾會顯得特寒酸。

    don」t be mean with fabric, otherwise curtains will end up looking skimpy.

  • 最后,在演出的結束階段,我喜歡那些完美地安置在高大窗簾和略高於芭蕾舞演員手臂之間的微小、不清晰的人物。

    finally, i love the small, out-of-focus figures at the end of the stage, perfectly placed between the tall curtains and just above the ballerina「s arm.

  • 卡扎菲就像一個在緊閉窗簾的窗口下毆打妻子的衣冠禽獸,然后,對外界卻聲稱她是失足摔下了樓梯。

    qaddafi is like that savage husband who likes to beat his wife behind curtained windows then tell the world she slipped on the stairs.

  • 凱瑟琳透過窗簾縫看見了他。

    kathryn had seen him through a crack in the curtains.

  • 我覺得最好的辦法是打開你的窗戶和窗簾,讓自然的光亮將你從深度睡眠中喚醒。

    the best way i feel is to open your windows and curtains, and allow natural light to lift your from your deep sleep.

  • 這輛列車如同我記憶中的那般干凈而整潔——鋪位上的床單洗得一塵不染,窗戶裝飾著干凈的花邊窗簾,旁邊還有一盆植物。

    the train was as clean and spruce as i remembered it—the sheets on the bunks immaculately laundered, the windows all decorated with fresh lace curtains and a potted plant.

  • 起居室被透過窗簾照進來的陽光染上了一絲金黃色。

    the living room was tinged yellow by light filtered through the curtains.

  • 湖水與河水都如熱帶雨林中的樹葉那樣乳濁;那水是面紗,是窗簾,是畫屏。

    the lake and river waters are as opaque as rainforest leaves; they are veils, blinds, painted screens.

  • 我給起居室做了新窗簾

    i made some new curtains for the living room.

  • 顧客們逃回自己的房間,把窗簾和床單打結做成逃生的繩子,從窗戶上爬下來,逃到安全地帶。

    guests fled to their rooms and knotted curtains and sheets, which they lowered out of windows, and clambered down to safety.

  • 她透過窗簾上的一道窄縫注視著他們。

    she watched them through a slit in the curtains.

  • 如果你的人物們躲在窗簾后面悄聲說話,讓他們聽到外面有聲音時突然暫停下來。

    if they」re speaking in hushed tones behind a curtain, have a pause when they hear someone on the other side.

  • 這些商店也提供價格優惠的窗簾制作服務。

    the shops also offer a keenly priced curtain-making service.

  • 可微調的光照控制加上窗簾的使用和維修將輕而易舉地改善這些問題。

    more fine-tuned light control and more use and servicing of blinds could easily ameliorate these issues.

  • 每周在窗戶上掛一塊干凈的窗簾,白色,有刺繡的,每年我都會重新粉刷墻壁。

    every week i put a clean curtain on the window, white, with embroidery, and every year i have the walls repainted.

  • 我摘下窗簾,洗了洗,然后給它們上了漿。

    i took down the curtains, washed, and starched them.

  • 克萊爾被帶進了前廳,也就是餐廳,他從彈簧窗簾的縫中向外看去,只見外面有一個小草坪,上面長著一叢叢杜鵑和別的灌木。

    he was shown into the front room - the dining-room - and looked out through the spring curtains at the little lawn, and the rhododendrons and other shrubs upon it.

  • 你比較喜歡什么樣的窗簾?

    which kind of curtain do you prefer?

  • 她用它來縫我們的嬰兒衣服、家里的窗簾和用來縫補椅子靠墊套。

    she used it to sew our baby clothes, curtains for the home and to repair chair cushion covers.