首頁 > 役男線上申請短期出境


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※出境就學役男,未備妥在學證明等相關文件,無法向移民署申請出境就學,而於本系統申請短期出境者, 請於核准出境後4個月內,儘速檢附在學證明等相關文件向戶籍地鄉(鎮、市、區)公所辦理出境身分變更, 以維護役男出境就學權益。

※以下已經核准出境役男,請至本部「役男出境核准通知單查詢及列印系統」(網址:https://www.ris.gov.tw/military-abroadStudy/app/AbStudy/notice), 列印役男出境核准通知單,併同有效護照,供查驗出境。經核准出境期間內,本系統將不另予核准短期出境。

  1. 在學役男修讀國內大學與國外大學合作授予學士、碩士或博士學位之課程申請出境者。
  2. 代表我國參加國際數理學科奧林匹亞競賽或美國國際科技展覽獲得金牌獎或一等獎,經教育部推薦出國留學者。
  3. 在學役男因奉派或推薦出國研究、進修等原因申請出境者。
  4. 未在學役男因奉派或推薦代表國家出國表演或比賽等原因申請出境者。
  5. 申請短期出境,經核准變更出境原因為出境就學者。

  1. 年齡屆19歲之年1.1起至36歲之年12.31止,尚未履行兵役義務之具我國國籍在臺灣地區曾設有戶籍男子。
  2. 年齡計算:當年-出生年(例:民國111年-92年次=19歲)。
  3. 92年次1月1日至12月31日出生之役男,於民國111年期間,「兵役年齡」皆為19歲。


  1. 出境有效日期:於表單核准期限內出境。(1個月內多次有效)
  2. 出境期限:每次出境停留最長不得逾4個月。(例:111.1.1出境,應111.5.1入境,如111.5.2入境則逾期。)
  3. 所填資料經電腦查對檔案資料,無兵役管制者立即回覆。
  4. 役男出境應注意護照效期,是否為6個月以上,以維護您出國權益。
  5. 建議使用IE 11.0、Firefox 49.0、Google Chrome 54.0、Safari 10.0 以上版本瀏覽器。
  6. 出境就學役男,未備妥在學證明等相關文件,無法向移民署申請出境就學,或19歲後尚未申報兵籍調查之役男於本系統申請短期出境者, 戶籍地鄉(鎮、市、區)公所可利用役男填寫之電話(室內或行動)聯絡役男,通知渠等辦理出境就學身分變更及兵籍調查事宜。


  1. 經通知徵兵體檢處理。
  2. 已列入梯次徵集對象。
  3. 役男出境逾規定期限返國者,不予受理其當年及次年出境之申請。
  4. 役男已出境尚未返國前,不得申請再出境。
  5. 非受理對象。
  6. 輸入欄位資訊錯誤。
  7. 役男出境,請於出境前3日至30日間提出申請,預計出境日期大於申請日期30日以上者,將不予受理。
  8. (例:役男預計111.5.1出境,請於111.4.1以後申請,過早申請者(如111.3.20),系統將不予受理。)
  9. 已依以下各款規定經核准出境役男:
    • (1)在學役男修讀國內大學與國外大學合作授予學士、碩士或博士學位之課程申請出境者。
    • (2)代表我國參加國際數理學科奧林匹亞競賽或美國國際科技展覽獲得金牌獎或一等獎,經教育部推薦出國留學者。
    • (3)在學役男因奉派或推薦出國研究、進修等原因申請出境者。
    • (4)未在學役男因奉派或推薦代表國家出國表演或比賽等原因申請出境者。
    • (5)申請短期出境,經核准變更出境原因為出境就學者。

※For Draftees who will study abroad or are foreign nationals, please apply for an exit permit from your local service center to the National Immigration Agency.

※Draftees who study aboard shouldn't apply studying aboard from Immigration Agency without related documents.Besides,draftees apply exit permit for short-term,please address certificates to the District Affairs Office of Registered Residence to modify the identity (within 4 months after approving) to maintain the rights and interests of schooling.

※You are draftees who have been autherized to exit by the following rules. Please enclose with approved documents and apply for the departure stamp from your county (city) government. In the period of draftees who are approved for exit, this system would not offer any other applications for short-term exit permission . Please visit our website (https://www.ris.gov.tw/military-abroadStudy/app/AbStudy/notice), print out Notification of Exit Permission for Men of Conscription Age, and submit it with a valid passport for the customs.

  1. Draftees on the grounds of studying courses with a BA, MA or PHD degree granted under cooperation between domestic and foreign universities.
  2. Draftees on behalf of our country to participate mathematical Olympia competition or US International Science and Engineering Fair that earned the first prize or gold award and are recommended by the Ministry of Education to study abroad.
  3. Draftees who are recommended and sent to go aboard for studying or training.
  4. Draftees who are not students that have applied for going aboard on behalf of our country to give a performance or attend a competition.
  5. You are draftees who apply for Short-term exit permission, and later you are authorized to change the reason to study abroad.
Eligible Applicants:

  1. Men with R.O.C. nationals,has registered household in Taiwan before,have not yet been drafted. “Drafting Age” between 19 (from January 1st) to 36 (before December 31th )
  2. “Drafting Age” calculation: Current Year minus Year of Birth (Example: 2022 – 2003 = 19)
  3. Draftees who were born between 1/1/2003 to 12/31/2003 all have “Drafting Age” of 19.


  1. Exit Expiration Date: Last date allowed to exit Taiwan (multiple reentries are permitted).
  2. Travel Duration Limit: Every travel duration should not be longer than 4 months. (Example: If a draftee exits Taiwan on 1/1/2022 then he should return to Taiwan no later than 5/1/2022. Entering Taiwan on 5/2/2022 is considered overdue).
  3. Application data will be checked against database. Applicants without conscription requirement will be immediately notified.
  4. Draftees should pay attention to the expire date of passports, which should at least have a six-month valid period.
  5. The following browsers (including latest versions) are advised: IE 11.0、Firefox 49.0、Google Chrome 54.0、Safari 10.0
  6. Draftees who study aboard couldn't apply studing aboard form Immigration Agency without certificates of enrollment.People of the District Affairs Office may contact with the draftees after 19 years old,who applied exit permit for a short-term and haven't registered the military register investigation,by phone calls to notify them to transact modifying the identity for studying aboard and competing the military register investigation.


  1. Men of conscription having already received notice for medical examination of conscription service.
  2. Men of conscription having already enlisted for conscription service.
  3. Men of conscription having already violated the date of return are not eligible to apply for the oversea travel permit in the current and following year.
  4. Men of conscription cannot apply for the oversea travel permit before reentry.
  5. Ineligible applicants.
  6. Incorrect information is entered.
  7. Draftees should apply for oversea travel permit 3 to 30 days before existing Taiwan. Application will be rejected if date of departure is more than 30 days after date of application. (Example: if a draftee's planned exit date is 5/1/2022, he should apply for Permit AFTER 4/1/2022. If he applies before 4/1/2022 (e.g. 3/20/2022) the system will reject his application.)
  8. Draftees who have been approved to exit by the following rules.
    • (1)Draftees on the grounds of studying courses with a BA, MA or PHD degree granted under cooperation between domestic and foreign universities.
    • (2)Draftees on behalf of our country to participate mathematical Olympia competition or US International Science and Engineering Fair that earned the first prize or gold award and are recommended by the Ministry of Education to study abroad.
    • (3)Draftees who are recommended and sent to go aboard for studying or training.
    • (4)Draftees who are not students that have applied for going aboard on behalf of our country to give a performance or attend a competition.
    • (5)You are draftees who apply for Short-term exit permission, and later you are authorized to change the reason to study abroad.

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