你认为 AI 作图程序「MidJourney」有哪些比较好用的关键词?


254 个回答






  • mountains, by zhang daqian painting, --v 5 --ar 9:16


中国传统绘画里面有山川溪流,古建筑,花鸟鱼虫,仙鹤,扇子,云雾等,比如 河流可以说rivers,也可以说stream,效果就完全不一样

  • Chinese landscape mapdistant mountains, clear rivers, ancient buildingsships, birds, clouds and mist, brilliant light, longdistance perspective, ultra-wide angle, majesticultra-vivid colors, ultra-bright light, ultra-high imagequality. ultra-high detail, depth of field, movie quality, 100mm lens, flat illustration style --ar 9:16 --v 5 --s 750




- 宋徽宗:Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty或者Huizong of Song Dynasty都行
- 花鸟:birds ,flowers,这样简单的效果最佳
- 范宽:Fan Kuan
- 山水画:Chinese landscape painting

4、中国古代的山水画立轴居多,所以需要加上横纵比—ar 9:16


  • birds,flowers, by Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty --ar 9:16 --v 5
  • Chinese landscape painting by Fan Kaun, a chinese painter in Song Dynasty in 900 years of Park


  • A cat, a girl, spring, Chinese classical painting,​ink render, --ar 16:9 --v 5


  • A traditional Chinese painting, depicting a branch of bright red apricot blossoms bursting out of a wall. The delicate petals and branches are rendered in exquisite detail, with a soft and gentle color palette that captures the beauty and fragility of nature. The image evokes feelings of vitality, growth, and renewal, as well as the passing of time and the ephemeral nature of life


  • a man ,a horse, a long narrow path, desolate, rugged, windswept, lonely, melancholy, despondent , sunset, chinese classical painting, --ar 16:9 --v 5


  • Firstly, I chose traditional white porcelain as the material for the coffee cup because white porcelain has the characteristics of delicate texture and good light transmission, and it is also a traditional Chinese porcelain material.Secondly, I used deep blue as the main color. In traditional Chinese culture, deep blue symbolizes nobility, elegance, and calmness, which complement the temperament of coffee.Then, I designed the cup with landscape as the theme, using smooth lines to outline a beautiful landscape pattern, and creating a mountainous and undulating shape for the coffee cup, which not only has the charm of traditional Chinese landscape painting, but also has a modern sense.Finally, to highlight the ancient style, I added cloisonné to the mouth and handle of the coffee cup. Cloisonné was considered a luxury in ancient China and is a representative of court art, which, when paired with the texture of white porcelain, is even more elegant and noble,4K,--ar 9:16 --q 2 --v 5






大家可以去里头explore的部分,点开来,看看Discord MJ社区里其他高人气的作品,每张图打开后还可以看各个关键词字段对应的社区里其他人生成的类似demo效果图,简直太棒。



1. 之前我觉得MJ对于人像的面部皮肤的细节做得不好,就像美图秀秀过度磨皮一样,但最近发现其实可以让它生成不错的皮肤效果的人像,至少能微微接近专业商业人像修图师修图后的那种皮肤效果,会比那种润成一片的好很多了。(而且之前明显就是西方面孔做到的皮肤和面部精度比亚洲面孔明显要高一点,这个也是数据源问题,谁叫MJ是人家白人搞出来的)。要达到这个效果,核心有两个,第一是关键词的颗粒度,第二是尽可能将画面就focus在脸部,忘记要全身露出这件事。身体露出越多,AI能呈现的精度会更低,所以,你也会看到某些局部特写眼球的画面会精致到跟微距镜头拍的一样,就是这个道理,目前来说MJ就是这样分配它的精度能力。


Design a popular summer makeup look, Big close-up, Youtube style, natural lighting, --ar 3:4 --q 2 --s 750 --v 5.1
face photo shot of a black haired woman with the sky in her eyeball and white lips, smile, award winning hyper professional photography, poster like, super macro, dynamic posing, highly detailed skin and hair, studio lighting, uhd, 8k, 16k, 32k, --ar 2:3 --s 750 --style raw
half-face photo shot of a black haired Chinese with the sky in her eyeball and white lips, smile, award winning hyper professional photography, poster like, super macro, dynamic posing, highly detailed skin and hair, studio lighting, uhd, 8k, 16k, 32k, --ar 2:3 --s 750
half-face photo shot of a black haired Chinese with the sky in her eyeball and white lips, smile, award winning hyper professional photography, poster like, super macro, dynamic posing, highly detailed skin and hair, studio lighting, uhd, 8k, 16k, 32k, --ar 2:3 --s 750


head photo shot of a black haired Chinese with the sky in her eyeball and white lips, smile, award winning hyper professional photography, poster like, super macro, dynamic posing, highly detailed skin and hair, studio lighting, uhd, 8k, 16k, 32k, --ar 2:3 --s 750

2. 之前虽然我让MJ生成不少“事业线”清晰的性感的图,但是再怎么呼之欲出的曲线,也不会改变一个事实,就是它不会给你做裸照的,漏点都不行,不仅仅是关键词层面会禁止,同时即便你喂图给它,不符合它政策的性感图也会被禁止引用来生成图片。结果最近发现竟然完整的上半身露点图出现了,把我惊得下巴都掉了。它还是依靠垫图来实现的,那个成功瞒过系统的露点垫图原图是油画,不知道谁那么神,上传成功了,更神奇的是,引用其链接的时候竟然还可以顺利骗过系统的监控。所以,嘿嘿,神奇的事情发生了。当然,最终生成的露点图我不会放到这里,知乎也不给我这么干。

blonde brunett girl, smile, medium hair, extremely beautiful face, wearing a low cut low v tulle dress, in the style of Claus Rose, portrait, professional lighting, snap shot at park, windy, sharp focus, 8k, masterpiece, RAW photo, best quality:1.2, --ar 4:5 --s 750 --v 5.1 --style raw

blonde brunett girl, smile, medium hair, extremely beautiful face, wearing a low cut low v tulle dress, in the style of Claus Rose, portrait, professional lighting, snap shot at park, windy, sharp focus, 8k, masterpiece, RAW photo, best quality:1.2, --ar 4:5 --s 750 --v 5.1 --style raw


Prompt:Highly detailed and realistic extremely happy and sweet watercolor (动物名字), white background --s 750 --upbeta

black strapless dress with a tummy, in the style of minimalist surrealism, i can't believe how beautiful this is, sabattier filter, close-up intensity, #vfxfriday, symmetry and repetition, ruslan lobanov --s 750 --v 5.1 --style raw


最近MJ更新了,主要内容包括:新增Style Raw(原始)模式,V5升级到了5.1。据说主要提供了更高的连贯性,对提示词的理解更准确,减少不需要的边框或文本,提升了图片的锐度,支持短句子生成等。


巧妙运用现有艺术家的风格,可以很方便搞出一些新鲜的图。比如下面是英国插画家Paul Corfield的风格,也是MJ直接模拟他本人风格生成的。


prompt:the city of LONDON(可以换任何其他地方) in 2022, by Paul Corfield's painting depicting --s 750 --v 5.1 --style raw


prompt:A huge ragdoll cat with vertical sky-blue pupils, playing with a pretty Chinese girl, the girl has black hair and big watery eyes, they are excited In dreamy pale blue, white and orange, hyper realistic photography, exaggerated perspective, contour shadow, realistic, 8k --ar 3:4 --s 750 --niji 5


prompt:Chinese painting style, close-up view, POV view,soloA handsome martial arts girl of the TangDynasty in China, Girl lunges for the camera,exaggerated perspective, breathtaking moment, by QiBaishi --ar 3:4 --q 2 --niji 5 --s 750

prompt:A concrete style building by Tadao Ando, in an endless desert(这里可修改为其他地点地貌), sunset, wide angle view --ar 16:9 --s 750 --v 5.1 --style raw


(自己添加场景描述或者垫图) , tilt-shift, aerial view, cute,c4d,oc renderer, bright and cheerful, high saturation color, natural light,UI illustration, surrealism, rich detail, best quality, 64k --ar 3:4 --s 750



an offsite at the 2019 ford mustang in a grey warehouse, in the style of golden light, nikon d850, color-streaked, 32k uhd, minimalist photography, cobra, realistic still lifes with dramatic lighting --ar 3:2 --s 750 --v 5 --q 2

aerial shot of a green racing car, in the style of muted colorscape mastery, desertwave, capturing moments, taylor wessing, golden light, gritty reportage, soggy --ar 120:67 --s 750 --v 5 --q 2

MAZDA MX-5 black race car on an RED-BLACK STRIP background, in the style of graphic design-inspired illustrations, light pink and dark gray, andreas levers, luminescent color scheme, strip painting, high speed sync, soggy --s 750 --v 5 --q 2

the BACK of a black mazda mx-5, in the style of realistic chiaroscuro lighting, matti suuronen, elegant, emotive faces, minimalist lines, rich and immersive, reflective, foreshortening techniques, top down view --ar 3:4



a beautiful blonde woman in a loose white V neck STRAPLESS skirt, posing on the sidewalk, in the style of jessica drossin, light white and gray, vacation, exquisite clothing detail, hannah yata, hyper realistic portrait photography, 8K, super detailed --ar 3:4 --s 750 --v 5 --q 2

第二组图,是我最近特别喜欢的一组插画。它的诞生稍微有点特别,就是它不是纯粹靠Prompt生成的,而是借用了垫图,也就是img2img的模式,先上传了一张图给系统,然后引用这个插画的风格来生成的一组图,同时还有一部分的图也加入了法国著名插画家Quentin monge的名字,用他的作品做一些勾兑。所以,有点杂。如果你想复制咒语使用,不妨也用我的图做一个垫图。

A vw minibus driving on a endless road, waying to the sky, road between mountains, Illustrations, drew by Quentin monge, 8k --ar 2:3 --s 50 (注意s的参数可以多变化一下)


A vw minibus driving on a endless road, road between mountains, starring night, Oil painting, drew by Van Gogh --ar 3:4 --s 50
Donald Trump walking across the crowd of street in China, 1990&#39;s, with shopping basket in his hand, smiling, in casual clothes, dreamy color palette, inspired by starry night by Van Gogh, surrealism, surreal concept art, digital painting --ar 3:4 --s 50

>> 4月23日更新 <<

landmark buildings of Europe wrapped in transparent plastic, like the artwork of Alex Chinneck, rich details, epic sense, Photographed by Ezra Stoller, using a Phase One XF IQ4 with a wide-angle lens, the lighting is a mix of natural light and soft, Volumetric light, 8k


France Louvre wrapped in transparent plastic, like the artwork of Alex Chinneck, rich details, epic sense, Photographed by Ezra Stoller, using a Phase One XF IQ4 with a wide-angle lens, the lighting is a mix of natural light and soft, Volumetric light, 8k --ar 3:4

* 说明:Alex Chinneck是世界上著名的“包裹”艺术家之一,Ezra Stoller是一位建筑摄影师。这两个参数都是我自己反复测试后特地加上的,否则第一就是出来的塑料包覆效果就千奇百怪了,甚至有科幻片里那种气囊式的包裹;第二就是画面风格不是很统一。

加一个空中鸟瞰bird's-eye view的关键词,就可以得到一个鸟瞰效果的,如下


A smart Architecture hidden in a lush forest, with walls made of transparent smart glass, blending the structure into its surroundings. A high-tech hovercraft sits parked outside, contrasting the natural environment with a touch of futuristic technology. Photographed by Julius Shulman, using a Phase One XF IQ4 with a wide-angle lens, the lighting is a mix of natural light and soft, diffused lighting, Volumetric light,creating a dreamy and surreal effect, 8k --ar 3:2

Automotive front Photo,Road between The Rocky Mountains, golden hour, (替换成其他车名)at very high speed, white color, highly motion blur, photo taken with nikon D850 24mm, Ultrawide-angle shot, hyper realistic photography, hyper detailed --ar 3:4

a product shot of NEW GENERATION Cadillac CT5, in studio with white background, like the style of apple product, high-tech style, High-key lighting in the studio, well-lit, metallic accents, HYPER REALISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY, SHOT BY SONY A7R 50MM F1.4 LENS, RICH DETAILS, 8K

beautiful woman's face is covered in the snow, in the style of the stars art group (xing xing), soft light, minimalist beauty, 32k uhd, hallyu, happenings, light white and white --ar 2:3

woman's head leaning on the rear lamp of a car, at dawn, in the style of light sky-blue and light amber, photorealist details, raw and emotional imagery, glowing neon, niko henrichon, close-up shots, sun-soaked colours

an aerial view of a waterfall near iceland, in the style of 32k uhd, #film, dreamy symbolism, agfa clack, mist, green and black, rusticcore --ar 45:56 --s 750 --v 5


black and white illustration of a man walking with a cat on the street(可修改成你想要的场景和地点、事件), animated gifs, normcore, hiromu arakawa, sensitive characterization --ar 135:179 --s 750

a painting of a man standing in front of a fire, by Tyler Jacobson, Artstation contest winner, fantasy art, bussiere rutkowski andreas rocha, breathtaking masterpiece of art, fantasy art behance, dragon flying in the sky --v 5 --s 500 --chaos 10

The smallest kitten in the world, Super mini kitten, On the palm of the hand, Perfect image quality, Movie cg




A Chinese 26-year-old Woman, looking like (此处可以自己设置一位明星,可以国内或国外), Black hair, standing on the Bund of 2023 Shanghai, hyper realistic portrait photography, pale skin, dress, wide angel, natural lighting, kodak portra 800, 85 mm f4, 8K, super detailed --ar 3:4 --v 5 --s 750 --q 2

an asian woman poses for a portrait, in the style of luminous shadows, dark white and beige, onii kei, fluid photography, realistic yet romantic, smooth lines, angura kei

A Chinese woman, in the 1970s of shanghai street, standing between crowd , hyper realistic portrait photography, pale skin, dress, wide shot, natural lighting, kodak portra 800, 85 mm f4, 8K, super detailed --ar 3:4

a woman is sleeping after a meal in a room made of flowers, in the style of dreamscape portraiture, fairy kei, konica big mini, light yellow and light pink, samyang af 14mm f/2.8 rf, soft yet vibrant, sunrays shine upon it --ar 116:131 --q 2 --s 750 --v 5

a girl is sleeping in the bed covered in flowers, in the style of dreamy color palette, joong keun lee, fairycore, miwa komatsu, lilia alvarado, whimsical settings, sunrays shine upon it --ar 116:131 --q 2 --s 750 --v 5

A girl sitting in a cadillac, art by Rinko Kawauchi,in the style of zeiss batis 18mm f/2.8, light indigo and light beige, nostalgic charm, white and green, mote kei, oshare kei

1 girl dressed in white dress with pink flower embroidery, walking on pink petals, in the style of translucent medium, romantic academia, light orange and white, alexander mcqueen, elegant clothing, light pink and light bronze,hallyu, natural background theme, 8k --ar 2:3

man taking photo with camera facing up in a building, in the style of celebrity portraits with personality, dark indigo and black, corporate punk, optical, celebrity photography, deconstructed tailoring, clear and crisp

a young girl standing face to face with freckles, in the style of laura makabresku, light orange and light maroon, grid-based, stevan dohanos, niko henrichon, sony alpha a7 iii, post-'70s ego generation --ar 49:74

a serene and carefree photo of a leisurely, blonde lady enjoying her time while strolling through a rose garden, surrounded by blooming roses, pastel and natural colors, hues of roses and the garden, soft, natural lighting with a mix of sunrays and dappled shade, ethereal atmosphere, medium shot with a slight depth of field will emphasize the lady and the roses, 50mm lens, lifestyle photography, fine art, and ethereal design style, by Annie Leibovitz --ar 3:4

1 girl dressed in white dress with pink flower embroidery, walking on pink petals, in the style of translucent medium, romantic academia, light orange and white, alexander mcqueen, elegant clothing, light pink and light bronze,hallyu, natural background theme, 8k --ar 2:3 --s 750 --c 100


close up shot,Chanel perfume, (transparent bottle, natural, translucent, Water and sky are connected together, overlapping light and shadow.)colorful,by Peter Lindbergh,canon EF 70-200mm,f/8,professional photo shootcinematic , photorealistic,ultra detailed,tone mapping,ray tracing,HDR,16K --ar 3:4 --q 2 --s 750

Women's perfume, product photography, outdoor, seaside, white sand, wood, shells, daytime, blue tones, bright and fresh, HD quality --ar 3:4

a glass bottle of perfume on a wooden table behind an open book, in the style of majismo, bold yet graceful, villagecore, lois mailou jones, light brown, caffenol developing, luxurious, 8k --ar 3:4 --iw 1.8

A fnacy candy house with sweets and chocolate, dreamy color palette, happy, surprised, isometric illustration, minimal background, 8K --ar 3:4 --q 2 --s 750 --v 5

a camera with two lenses and a black background, in the style of range murata, dark beige and silver, fujifilm pro 800z, chen zhen, monochromatic palettes, precisionist lines, metallic accents

many plates of food, in the style of chinese food, modern life, beautiful light coming out from windows, photo taken with Phase One, 85mm fix lens, hyper details, delicious, 8k --ar 3:4

Seamless background image of lots of fresh (水果名) with few water drops on them, photorealistic, photorealistic detail, real silhouette relationship, high resolution, top view, 16k, --ar 3:4

