联合国制裁名单、美国制裁名单、OFAC 制裁名单有什么区别?


13 个回答








美国对外制裁通过美国财政部海外资产控制办公室(The Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Department of the Treasury,即OFAC)单方面对部分国家进行制裁,该制裁属于单边制裁,而且范围要大于联合国的制裁名单。但是美国的制裁比较具有威力。美国的制裁措施有主要制裁(Primary Sanction)和次级制裁(Secondary Sanction)之分。主要制裁是针对美国主体的,例如美国企业、美国自然人、在美国领土的别国人或企业。但是次级制裁就是针对非美国主体了,比如世界各国的企业、自然人。次级制裁主要是针对伊朗而实施的。比如,中国的一家企业不顾美国对伊朗的制裁措施,而与被列入美国OFAC发布的SDN名单中的实体开展交易,或者使用美元,通过美国金融机构与伊朗主体开展交易,都会遭受美国制裁。比如欧洲法巴银行、中国昆仑银行以及部分石油国企就被美国制裁了。制裁的后果包括,不允许美国的企业向其融资,不允许政府采购,甚至巨额罚款。好在2016年1月26日之后,JCPOA计划实施之后,大部分针对非美国主体的制裁措施已经暂时中止。但美国制裁措施就像一张巨大而细密的网,稍有不慎就可能违反。因此,欧洲金融机构由于被巨额处罚了好多次,面对美国制裁额外谨慎。


联合国制裁名单、美国制裁名单、OFAC制裁名单有什么区别? - 满山新雨的回答

A recommended good answer.

OFAC sanctions including Listed-Based Sanctions and Comprehensive Sanctions. Under Comprehensive Sanctions, most dealings related to targeted countries will be embargoed. Like Crimea of Ukraine and Iran. Under Listed-Based Sanctions, there are Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) and Sectoral Sanctions Identification (SSI).

SDN:As part of its enforcement efforts, OFAC publishes a list of individuals and companies owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries. It also lists individuals, groups, and entities, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers designated under programs that are not country-specific. Collectively, such individuals and companies are called "Specially Designated Nationals" or "SDNs." Their assets are blocked and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from dealing with them. Click


for more information on Treasury's Sanctions Programs. Re SDN List, see


. This quora link recommended:


SSI: OFAC publishes a list to identify persons operating in sectors of the Russian economy identified by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to Executive Order 13662. Directives found within the list describe prohibitions on dealings with the persons identified. Click here for a list of frequently asked questions on Sectoral Sanctions Identifications, including information on dealings with SSIs.The SSI List is not part of the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List. However, individuals and companies on the SSI List may also appear on the SDN List. Re SSI List, see treasury.gov/ofac/downl.

In terms of EU sanctions, targeted sactions are mainly asset freezing and travel restriction on CERTAIN individuals and entities, rather than a country. In terms of EU More Comprehensive Sanctions, there will be more extensive prohibations on trade and investment. Like Belarus and North Korea. Re EU sanctions in force, see eeas.europa.eu/cfsp/san. Re personal name under sanction, see ec.europa.eu/external_r.