環氧樹脂 - English translation – Linguee

Dictionary Chinese-English Under construction

See also:

环氧 n

脂环 adj

External sources (not reviewed)

至於修補混凝土剝落,我們會先移除鬆散 的混凝土,然後在外露的鋼筋加上防銹塗料,並 環氧樹脂 酯樹脂黏合物修補剝落部分。
As for concrete spalling, after removing loose concrete, anti-corrosion
primer will be applied on exposed reinforcement and spalled areas will be
[...] repaired with epoxy resin or polyester resin.
該公司之主要產品 包環氧樹脂 膠黏劑、丙烯酸酯膠黏劑、聚氨酯膠黏劑及SBS膠黏劑。
The company’s main
[...] products include epoxy structure adhesives, [...]
acrylate adhesives, polyurethane adhesives, and SBS adhesives.
背面是盤繞的連續纖維,它被嵌入在一個類似的方式在高 環氧樹脂
The back is of coiled continuous fibers, which are embedded in a similar manner
[...] in a high temperature epoxy resin.
環氧樹脂劑, 主要用在電子及電氣領域。
Epoxy resin curing agents, [...]
Mainly used in electric and electron field.
該公司之產品包括有機矽膠、丙 烯酸酯膠、厭氧膠環氧樹脂 聚氨酯膠。
The company’s products include organic silica gel, acrylic
[...] adhesive, anaerobic adhesive, epoxy glue, and polyurethane glue.
4MHHPA由MTHPA經由高壓氫化反應而成,主要作 環氧樹脂 劑,相較胺類硬化劑而言,具有低黏性、低色相、低揮發性及較長的potlife週期。
It is used mainly
[...] as a hardener for epoxy resin. To compare [...]
with amine hardener, 4MHHPA is low viscosity liquid of light color and low in volatility.
本廠對生產過程中所產生的環境污染源,利用循環回收與製程減廢兩種觀念,進行污染防治設計,配合硬體設備的操作,以 環氧樹脂 對環境衝擊降至最低。
Based on the concepts of environmental protection - resource recycling and waste decrease, we are obliged to improve pollution control system, and utilize with the most advanced equipment for preventing further creation of pollution.
Pieri Epolith是無填充料環氧樹脂 劑,由Pieri Epolith製成的黏合物或樹脂混凝土可應用於黏合、填補裂縫、塗平與修補結構。
Unloaded epoxy binding agents, Pieri Epolith [...]
are designed for use in making mortars or resin concrete for binding, scaling,
filling up cracks, smoothing and repair work.
為配合本公司在印刷電路板與銅箔基板等電子產品之整體產業發展趨勢,同時基於台塑六輕石化工業上、中游原料自主供應及成本降低,以增加市場競爭力之考量,而於1985年12月與日 環氧樹脂 製造商「東都化成株式會社」簽訂技術轉移合約後在1988年8月完成樹林第一期1萬5仟噸/年生產設備,開始製造電子 環氧樹脂
Ltd. on epoxy resin manufacturing technology transfer in December 1985 and completed the 1st phase of Shulin Plant in August 1988, which has the capacity 15,000MT/year of electronic usage grade epoxy resin.
環氧樹脂 要廢水污染源來自液、固態樹脂製程所產生的鹽水,鹽水除含有20%氯化鈉外,另含有親水性有機高沸物,在經過蒸發結晶,分離出工業鹽和蒸發水,蒸發水回收至製程區循環使用,工業鹽則供軟水處理使用,另濃縮高沸物則送往燃燒爐高溫分解。
Industrial salt is recycled for soft water proceeding, and steamed water is for production, the other condensed high boiling materials are high-temperatured resolved by burner.
除了眾多的應用在化工,醫藥等行業,以及醫療和分析設備,滿足MZR泵經典機械工程計量的任務要求,例如,對於容積灌裝的粘合劑和Vergusswerkstoffen,油脂,單一和多ponentig em 環氧樹脂 鎖固清漆,聚氨酯或矽。
Besides numerous applications in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as in medical and analytical equipment meet mzr pumps demanding metering tasks in classic mechanical engineering, for example, for the volumetric filling of
adhesives and
[...] Vergusswerkstoffen, oils and fats, single and multi-ponentigem epoxy screw locking [...]
varnish, polyurethane or silicone.
變壓器結合高安樹脂 及低耗能鐵心,使大同模鑄式變壓器特性超越CNS 13390要求,落實「節能減碳」 標。
With high reliability coil and low power consumption core, Tatung Cast-Resin Dry type transformer exceeds the requirement of CNS 13390 to meet the [...]
Carbon reduction target.
我們乾 配方不含刺激性化學物質或可能有害的吸收強化劑,如甘醇類、酒精或 樹脂 害肌膚與降低天然抵抗力之物質。
Our clean, green formula contains no harsh chemicals or potentially harmful absorption enhancers, including glycols, alcohols or silicones [...]
that could harm skin
and compromise its natural defenses.
樹脂 圈分離的現象可能因長時間過熱所致。
Such separation of resin from the coil would [...]
result from a prolonged period of over-heating.
(e) 容許"中環 ⎯ 梅窩"、 "中環 ⎯ 坪洲"和 " " 航線的投標者建議兼用快船和普通慢船或只用普通慢 船營運,以降低營運成本。
(e) Permit bidders to propose using fast and ordinary vessels or only ordinary vessels in the "Central–Mui Wo", "Central–Peng Chau" and "Central–Yung Shue Wan" routes to reduce operating costs.
瓦克的固体气相 、硅烷、硅橡胶,及有机硅与有机物共聚物产品有一个共同之处,就是:它们能够在诸多方面完善您的复合材料产品。
Solid resins, pyrogenic silicas, silanes, organo-silicone [...]
copolymers and silicone rubbers from WACKER have one thing in
common: they enhance your composite products in a variety of ways.
在高純水的生產過程中,水中的陰、陽離子可用電滲析法、反滲透法及離子交 樹脂 等去除;水中的顆粒一般可用超過濾、膜過濾等技術去除;水中的細菌,目前國內多采用加藥或紫外燈照射或 的方法去除;水中的TOC則一般用活性炭、反滲透處理。
The production process in high water, the water anions and cations can be
electrodialysis, reverse
[...] osmosis and ion exchange resins, such as removal; water particles generally available ultrafiltration, membrane filtration techniques to remove; water of bacteria, the current domestic multi-dosing or the use of ultraviolet light or ozone disinfection [...]
to remove; water TOC is
generally used activated carbon, reverse osmosis.
葡萄糖克氏環氧 程中所需要的氧化酵素,以及將三酸甘油酯轉化 所需 脂酵素都會透過訓練而增加。
Both the oxidative enzymes involved in the Krebs Cycle oxidation of glucose and the lipoprotein lipase needed to convert triglycerides to fatty acids are [...]
increased through training.
[...] 主席,早前有報道指出,水務署在大埔滘進行的水 壩防護工程所使用的油漆含有一種會毒害環境的物 環氧樹體對此表示關注。
DR PAN PEY-CHYOU (in Chinese): President, it was reported earlier that the paint used by the Water Supplies Department (WSD) for the dam maintenance works in Tai Po Kau
contained an environmentally
[...] hazardous substance, epoxide resin, and some environmental [...]
groups were concerned about that.
单段这两种组 分已混合好,只需要加热固化即可。
In singlepart epoxies these two components [...]
are already mixed and simply require heating to cure.
根據該登記簿,越南中樹脂 記越 護法規定須處理的危險廢 物清單及其營運產生的其他廢物清單。
According to this registration book, Vietnam Centresin registered a list of hazardous wastes and list of other wastes discharged from its operation which requires to be handled in accordance with requirements of the environment protection laws of Vietnam.
我們的空氣、我們的海港、 我們的天然溪澗、我們每一 受到嚴重破壞。
Every component, from our air, our harbour, our natural
[...] streams and rivers to our trees, has been seriously damaged.
曾 有多項研究分析微波煮食對脂肪穩定性的影響,包括研究大豆、蛋黃和 肉類內甘油三酸酯的水解作用;雞肉和牛肉餅、雞脂肪、牛脂、煙肉脂
[...] 肪、虹鳟魚及花生油內脂肪酸的概況;和肉類、蛋黃及雞肉所含的多元 不飽酸的應。
Various studies have been conducted to investigate the stability of lipids upon microwave cooking, including studying the hydrolysis of triglycerides in soya, egg yolk and meats; fatty acid profiles in chicken and beef
patties, chicken fat, beef tallow, bacon fat, rainbow trout
[...] and peanut oil; peroxidation of polyunsaturated [...]
fatty acids in meat, egg yolk and chicken.
(v) 由於越南中樹脂 據土地分租協議悉數支付土地租金,故根據一次性租金土地 租約,越南中樹脂 地分租期間擁有土地使用權持有人的所有權利,例如轉讓 或抵押土地使用權或用土地使用權及隨附土地的資產進行資本出資,以從事業務或 與其他組織或個人進行生產合作。
(v) Since Vietnam Centresin has paid the land rental under the Land Sublease Agreement in full, Vietnam Centresin has all the rights of a holder of [...]
land use rights under a lump-sum
rental land lease, such as the rights to assign or mortgage the land use rights or to make capital contribution using the land use rights and assets attached to the land in order to engage in business or production co-operation with other organisation or individual during the term of the land sub-lease.
對臨時工程倉庫使用時造成環境影響的關注,路政署已檢 討及要求承建商加強相關緩解措施,包括把貯存物料的地 方盡量移至遠離民居、妥善覆蓋貯存物料以避免塵土飛
[...] 揚、避免在清晨及晚間進行發出較高音量的工序、經常檢 查排水系統以防積水,以及栽種更
To address the concerns of the residents of Richland Garden over the environmental impact of these temporary sites, the HyD has reviewed the situation and requested the contractors to strengthen the relevant mitigation measures, including relocation of the storage areas away from the residential premises as far as possible; proper covering of stored materials to prevent dust emission; avoiding the carrying out of noisy operations in the early morning or at night; regular inspection of
the drainage system to prevent accumulation of stagnant water; and carrying out more
[...] planting to beautify the environment.
[...] 溫的效果,改善市區的環境;進行綠化也可以改善社區的景觀 和市民的居住環境,提升生活質素;全面的樹木護養及管理制 度是綠化過程中不可或缺的 完善 理可以在保育 樹木和保障市民生命財產安全之間取得平衡,亦可減少政府當 局將來處理樹木風險管理和危險樹木的機會及減省開支;就 [...]
That with the presence of high-rise buildings everywhere, air pollution and the heat island effect are very serious in Hong Kong, and planting trees may achieve the effects of improving air quality, alleviating the greenhouse effect and lowering the temperature in urban areas, and improve the urban environment; greening may also improve community landscape as well as people's living environment, thereby upgrading quality of life; a comprehensive system of tree preservation
and management is an
[...] indispensible segment of the greening process; while proper tree management may strike a balance between conserving trees and protecting [...]
people's lives and
properties, it can also reduce the chances of the Administration having to handle tree risk management and hazardous trees in the future and reduce expenditures; in this connection, in order to further perfect Hong Kong's tree preservation and management system, this Council urges the Government to
(一 ) 有 沒 有向負責工 程 的公務員提供 環境保護課程,包括教導 他們認 識 減 低 工地噪音和 保 護 生 準則及措施; 若 有 , 詳 情 是 甚麼,若沒 有 , 原因是 甚麼;及 (二 ) 是 否 知 悉 大學及 專 上院校的工程 課 程 有 沒 有包括第 ( 一 ) 部分所 述 的環境保護課程 ; 若 有 , 請 告 知 這 類 課 程 佔有關工 程 課 程 的 比 重 ?
(a) it has provided the civil servants responsible for works projects with training programmes in environmental protection, including educating them on the criteria and measures for reducing site noises and protecting the ecological environment and trees, and so on; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(一 ) 環境保護 署 ( “ 環保署")透過建 築 業
夥伴計 劃,舉 辦 培 訓研討 會及工作 坊 , 藉 此 提 高與建築 工 程 有關人士(包括負責工 程 的公 務員)對保 護
[...] 環境的意 識 , 包括向他們建議 如 何 減 低 工地噪音、 保 護 生 減少 砍 方 法 。
(a) The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has organized training seminars and workshops under the Construction Partnership Programme to heighten the awareness on environmental protection of works-related personnel (including civil servants responsible for works projects)
by, among others, giving advice on ways to reduce site noises,
[...] protect the ecological environment and reduce tree felling.
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