

感谢主我的情敌不再是贝多芬,而是:王...嘉...耀 👶🎵❤️ 今天我们有了儿子,老婆 @jl.leilei 辛苦了,母子均安。谢谢大家的祝福,我跟老婆的心里充满感动,温暖,期待,希望,和感恩!🙏 Praise the Lord, my “love rival” is no longer Beethoven, but it’s: Wang Jiayao! We have a son today! 👶 Thanks to my dear wife, Jinglei for an unbelievable job through the whole pregnancy and delivery. Jinglei and Jiayao are both healthy and doing well! Thank you all for your well-wishes. Our hearts are filled with warmth, excitement, hope, and gratitude. 🙏

#儿子 #老婆 #贝多芬 #王力宏 #情敌