煙台市 - English translation – Linguee

External sources (not reviewed)

最近,我們決定進㆒步放寬禁令,准許在電影及電視製作以及 ㆗使 但有關㆟士必須取得許可證。
More recently, we have decided to relax the ban further to allow the use of pyrotechnics for film and television programme productions as well as for theatrical performances, subject to permit.
我們應計及經濟方面的考慮因 素權衡這好處的利弊,即聽眾層面分割對 台市 造成的 影響。
Such an advantage should be weighted against the economic consideration of the impact of audience
[...] fragmentation on the radio market.
我們會繼續聯同 社區各界鼓希望 勢持續下去。
We will continue to work with all sectors of the community to
[...] encourage smokers to quit smoking and hope that the trend [...]
of cessation will continue.
在本地社區 宣 傳 方 面 , “ 中 電 全 城 動 感 耀 燈輝” 的 精 采 啟 動 儀 式,包括在尖 周 年 紀 念 花 園舉行 的 “ 幻彩光 泉 ” 噴泉表 演 , 以 及 在香港文 化 中 心 外 舉 行 的 大型燈 光 和 台煙 演 , 已 透過電視 現 場直播 。
For the local community, the spectacular launch of the "CLP Lights Up Hong Kong" with the Aqua Fantasia fountain show at the UC Centenary Garden in Tsim Sha Tsui East and the pyrotechnic display outside the Hong Kong Cultural Centre was broadcast live on television.
(m) 於全球任何地方經營進出口商、一般貿易商、佣金代理、訂貨代理、運 輸代理、寶石商人、珠寶商、金器匠、銀器匠、鐘錶製造商、電鍍商、 禮物袋製造商、運輸商、旅行社及承辦商、倉庫管理人 及雪茄 商、劇院票房代理、廣告承辦商及代理及展覽主辦單位的全部或任何業 務,並買賣、進出口、製造、運用、利用及 備,以及處置各類 貨品、物品、材料供應、農產品、商品、日用品、物質、物件及動產(批 發及零售),以及進行各類代理業務及從事製造商代表業務。
(m) To carry on in any part of the world all or any of the businesses of importers, exporters, general traders, commission agents, indent agents, forwarding agents, gem merchants, jewellers, goldsmiths, silversmiths, watch and clock makers, electro-platers, dressing-bag makers, carriers, tourist agents and contractors, warehousemen, tobacco and cigar merchants, agents for theatrical and opera box office, advertising contractors and agents,
and holders of
[...] exhibition, and to buy, sell, import, export, manufacture, manipulate, turn to account and prepare for market, and deal in goods, wares, materials provisions, produce, merchandise, commodities, substances, articles [...]
and chattels
of all kinds, both wholesale and retail, and to transact every kind of agency business and to undertake the business of manufacturers’ representatives.
仙台媒体文化中心(SMT)于2001年1月开馆,是 台市 共设施。
Sendai mediatheque (smt) opened in January of 2001 as a
[...] public facility of the City of Sendai.
鄭家富議員: 主席,局長在主體答覆內多次多謝立法會和香 我們亦 多謝局長的決心,因為局長 ,對 處理得不錯,特別是局長在 主體答覆的第二段提到,控煙策略除了執法外,更有徵稅。
We also thank him for his determination because after assuming the office, he has effectively implemented the tobacco control policy, in particular in the second paragraph of the main reply, he mentioned taxation as one of the measures apart from law enforcement.
至於經修訂的《吸煙(公眾衞生)條例》實施後,就吸煙者人數、 次數和習慣的改變、二手煙在法定 圍外的影響,以 整體 的反應,我們會在稍後時間進行調查和研究, 以便評估新例的效果。
As for changes in the number of smokers and their smoking frequency and
habits, the impact of
[...] second-hand smoke outside the statutory no smoking areas, as well as public reaction towards the overall tobacco control efforts after the implementation of the amended Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance [...]
(the Ordinance),
we will conduct survey and study at a later stage to assess the effect of the new legislation.
田北俊議員剛才發言亦說,如果規定站在自動電梯上要 又不知道是否 說很多地方都很不清晰。
Even Mr James TIEN stated in his speech earlier
[...] that while smoking was prohibited on escalators, he did not know if smoking was prohibited on the landings.
(c) 電訊局長對第II類互連作出規管時,應充分考慮新營辦商會否 傾向在商業區和 設網絡,因為預期這些地 區可帶來較高利潤,卻忽略鄉郊或人口較少地區的客戶對服 務的需求,因為這些地區可帶來的商業效益可能較少。
(c) In regulating Type II interconnection, TA should have due regard
to the tendency of new
[...] entrants to roll out their networks in commercial districts and densely populated urban areas where [...]
higher profits can be
expected, while neglecting the service needs of customers in rural or less populated areas where there may be a less compelling business case.
當局認為,交匯處內 上車和候車區域,以及乘客前往和轉換不同公共交通工具途經的 區域,都應劃為以保 受二
The intention is that the boarding and waiting areas of PTIs, as well as areas passengers will pass by in the course of accessing and interchanging between
different modes of public transport should be designated as
[...] NSAs to protect the public from exposure to second-hand smoke.
自條例的修訂條文於 2006 年 10 月通過以來,控煙辦及香港吸煙 與健康委員會(“委員會”)已開展一系列傳媒宣傳和推廣計
[...] 劃,以建立整體社會對禁煙工作的支持、增加市民對新法例規定 的認識,特別是法定禁煙規定及法定禁煙區範圍,並且鼓
Since the passage of the amendment to the Ordinance in October 2006, the TCO and the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) have launched a series of media and publicity programmes with a view to building support for the smoking ban, promoting public awareness of the new legislative provisions, in
particular the statutory smoking prohibition and the extent
[...] of statutory no smoking areas, and encouraging smokers to quit.
所以,我們希望政府進行認真和全面性的全港調查,就全面串政策數、 所需的醫療開支、完稅香煙的銷 售量、售賣點和可供吸煙場所數目等進行統計和分析,這樣才能看到全 面的圖畫。
Therefore, we hope that the Government can conduct a serious, comprehensive and territory-wide survey to collect statistics and
conduct analyses on the
[...] number of smokers, the health care expenses required for treating smokers, the sales volumes of duty-paid cigarettes, [...]
their sales points and
the number of venues where smoking is allowed following the rolling out of the series of measures to impose a total smoking ban.
隨 廣播市場的 開放及 新服務將 在數碼環境㆘ 激增, 我們建議在數碼㆞面電視推 出㆒段 時 間
[...] (例如㆔年)後進行檢 討,以 決 定現時對傳統電視市場與台市 實 施 跨 媒體擁 有 權 限制的規定應否予 以 修 訂。
With the opening up of the broadcasting market and the proliferation of new services under the digital environment, we propose that a review should be conducted, say, three years after the launch of DTT, with a view to determining whether the existing cross-media
ownership restrictions which are based on the
[...] traditional segmentation of the television/radio market should be revamped.
並且藉此 機會在法律㆖訂明在 ,因為根據廣播事務管理局的發牌條 件,香煙廣告早於㆒九九零年十㆓月㆒日起已經在電台及電視台禁播。
Furthermore, opportunity is taken to provide for a similar
[...] ban on such advertising on radio and television, which ban [...]
has already been in operation since
1 December 1990 by conditions of licence issued by the Broadcasting Authority.
2.12 27%人口年有超過18 000人死於與吸煙有關 的疾病12 。
2.12 In Taiwan where 27% of the population smoke, over 18 000 people die from smoking-related diseases [...]
every year.12 As
of the publication of this note, no additional findings on smoking-related health effects are available.
如果想要购买收费应用程序,只需在您的 MetaTrader 5 窗口双击该应用程序,然后点击"购买"按钮。
If you wish to buy a premium application, simply double
[...] click it in the Market window of your MetaTrader 5 platform and press the [...]
"Buy" button.
我 很 高 興 知悉議員普 遍 支持增加煙 草 稅 5%的 建 議,這 是 由於這建議 不 單
[...] 止可增加收入, 而 且 有 助政府 達 致 鼓 保 障 身體健 康 的 目 標 。
I am pleased to know that Members generally support the proposal to increase the duty on tobacco by 5%. This proposal will not only increase revenue but also
help the Government to achieve the purpose of encouraging
[...] the public to reduce smoking in order to protect [...]
their health.
[...] 傳媒的方式回應事件,並在十月十日和十一日透過訪問和 目,講述政府的跟進工作。
The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development met the media to respond to the issue, and
explained the follow up actions of the Government
[...] at interviews and radio phone-in programmes [...]
on 10 and 11 October 2012.
主席,我希望議員能夠明白,香港的控煙成果得來不易,而從整體 控煙政策的角度考慮,財政司司長在本年度財政預算案中提出增加煙草 稅 50%,對降低、鼓特別 及保障公眾健 康,均有直接而又正面的作用。
President, I hope that legislators can understand that Hong Kong's achievement in tobacco control does not come easily. In terms of an overall tobacco control policy, the 50% increase in tobacco duty proposed by the Financial Secretary in the Budget of this year can have a direct
and positive effect in
[...] reducing the smoking prevalence, as well as in encouraging the public, especially the smokers, to quit smoking, so as to protect [...]
public health.
華潤雪花亦正在山東煙台 一間年產能達 200,000 千升 的新啤酒廠,該項目預計將於本年底完成。
CR Snow is also in the process of building a
[...] greenfield brewery in Yantai, Shandong Province [...]
with an annual production capacity of
200,000 kilolitres and the project is expected to be completed by the end of this year.
(c) 電訊局長不應忽視新營辦商傾向在有利可圖的商業區和 設網絡,卻忽略鄉郊或人口較少地區的客戶對 服務的需求,因為這些地區可帶來的商業效益可能較少。
(c) TA should not overlook the tendency of
[...] new entrants to roll out their networks in profitable commercial districts and densely populated urban areas while [...]
neglecting the service
needs of customers in rural or less populated areas where there may be a less compelling business case.
[...] 便是那些不會違法的市民,以及那些來港營商的人和遊客,但絕大部分 的消費肯定會轉向煙市
I believe that a small part of the demand will indeed
[...] flow to the duty-paid market.
25.32 衞生署控煙辦公室在2009-10年度繼續通過製作電 視短片和電台聲帶、巨型戶外廣告、舉辦講座,以及在控 煙辦公室網站,推出以青少年為對象的互動網上 強有關 傳、健康教育和推廣活動。
25.32 In 2009-10, the Tobacco Control Office (TCO) of DH continued to reinforce publicity, health education and promotional activities
on tobacco control
[...] through TV and radio announcements in public interest, giant outdoor advertisements, seminars and interactive online programmes targeting youth on TCO website.
根據一家連鎖便利店估計,自政府 增加煙草稅後,正價煙市 萎縮達37%,部分報販的收入更大減五 成。
According to the estimate provided by a convenience store
[...] chain, the domestic market of duty-paid cigarettes has [...]
shrunk by as much as 37% since the tobacco duty increase.
我舉一個例子,如果我覺得有某人喜歡到 不會理會他,因 為如果他有能力拿着一枝 ,最多也只是影響他身旁的人, 但我認為他是沒有能力拿着一枝
If I find that someone likes to smoke on a beach raft, I would not bother about it because if he is able to swim to the beach raft with a cigarette in his hand, he would at most affect people around him.
甲斐贤治是仙台媒体文化中心行动支持部主管,大地震之后的几天,他一直追踪 台市 指定疏散点的情况。
Kai Kenji, Director of the smt’s Activity
Support Department, spent the days following the earthquake inside a designated
[...] evacuation site at the Sendai City Hall.
影視處亦已在 2000 年制訂《娛樂特別效果條例》,以規管 在電影、電視及中使 料及其他危險品製造特別 效果,以推動和規範安全製作本港娛樂特別效果,並設立一站式 機制,處理有關申請。
TELA has also formulated in 2000 the Entertainment Special Effects Ordinance to regulate the use of pyrotechnic materials and other dangerous goods for the production of special effects in film, television and theatrical productions so as to promote and regulate the safe production of special effects in Hong Kong.
於二零一零年四月,本集團訂立協議以有條件出 煙台 銅業有限公司 42%股權-本集團持作出售之非 [...]
流動資產予獨立第三方,代價約為人民幣 85.6 百萬元(相當於約 12.5 百萬美元)。
In April 2010, an agreement was entered into by
the Group to conditionally dispose 42%
[...] equity interest in Yantai Penghui Copper [...]
Industry Company Limited – a non-current
asset held for sale by the Group – to an independent third party at a consideration of approximately RMB85.6 million (equivalent to approximately US$12.5 million).
IDC 表示,應用伺服器軟件台市 年由於受到亞太區經濟不景,以及如九一一等國際事件影響,增長較二零零零年的百分之一百四十八點九,大幅下跌至百分之三十九點四水平。
[...] to IDC, the ASSP market in 2001 was impacted [...]
by the regional economic downturn and world events, such as the September
11 incident. Market growth has dropped considerably to 39.4 per cent, compared to 148.9 per cent in 2000.
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