你知道烏克蘭的地理歷史嗎?俄烏衝突、俄國保衛烏克蘭不被外來侵食的理由...... 俄羅斯常駐聯合國代表瓦西里·涅邊齊亞在安理會會議上,展示了一本烏克蘭現代地理和歷史教科書。... | By 支持中港政府組織網絡群組 | Geographies for the eighth grade edited by Maslyak and Kapirulin. If you believe him, the ancestors of the French, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Turks and even the Jews came from Ukraine. Speaking to my French colleague. Nikola, did you know that you are actually Ukrainians? Don't believe , read the textbook. I got it from there It has iron logic, since the ancestors of the French are Galls, then they came which is in Ukraine.