梁公林 (曲阜市) - 旅遊景點評論 - Tripadvisor
梁公林,亦稱啟聖王林,位於曲阜城東13公里處,北靠327國道,南倚防山,北臨泗水,是孔子父親叔梁紇同母親顏征在的墓地。孔子3歲時父親叔梁紇去世,葬於防山之陰,24歲時母親顏征在去世,將父母合葬。父以子貴,金代封叔梁紇為齊國公,元代封啟聖王,因此梁公林又稱“啟聖王林”。林園歷年增擴,周圍石徹林牆,古柏森森,享殿3間,殿後有內牆,中間為叔梁和顏征在合墓,墓碑篆文“聖考公齊國公墓”,墓前有石人、石獸。還有孟皮墓在其側,碑書“聖兄伯尼墓”。現佔地20餘畝,古柏如虯,老楷成蔭 ,並有享殿、林門等建築。孔子3歲時父親叔梁紇去世,葬於防山之陰,24歲時母親顏征在去世,將父母合葬。當時的社會風俗,夫婦不合葬,孔子將父母葬於一處,並於墓上封土,開夫婦合葬、墓而墳的先河。經歷代多次修造,形成現有規模,林地南北長200米,東西寬143.4米,古樹467株。林前神道長177.9米,寬42.3米,有大門三間,左右修砌八字形牆垣,甬道旁有石雕望柱、文豹、甪端、翁仲各一對,均為金代所造。享殿廣五間,深三間,殿兩端各有掖門一座,由此而入即墓區中心。墓前有石碑、石供案、石鼎、石瓶。墓東南10米處有孔子兄長孟皮的墳墓。神道東側15米處,保存有三座完整的漢畫像石墓室。1985年,梁公林被公布為濟寧市級文物保護單位。1992年公布為山東省重點文物保護單位。TripAdvisor為您提供最全面、最新穎,最實用的梁公林在線查閱資料。
在 10 公里內有 5 個地點

4.5/5 分14 則評論

加利福尼亞富樂頓1,057 則投稿
3.0/5 分
2016年10月 • 夫妻情侶
Correct title should be "Confucius Parents burial/memorial site" as this site is not a separate "cemetery", but located in the Kong Family Cemetery (or forrest) - but not i the same place as the memorials/burial place of Confusius, his son and grandson. Only worth visiting if you are already exploring the huge cemetery on foot.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

Conchita R
西班牙馬德里3,625 則投稿
5.0/5 分
2016年10月 • 好友旅行
No es fácil ir a Qufu, pero hay desde Pekín un tren rápido que te deja allí en 2.20 horas.
Qufu es una ciudad muy antigua, pero su relevancia está en que es la ciudad de Confucio. Aunque durante la etapa comunista, la figura de Confucio fue despreciada (y más que eso) por el régimen, desde los años 90 ha habido una revisión del confucianismo por parte de las autoridades y empezó una etapa de rehabilitación institucional. En Qufu quedan el templo y la tumba de Confucio, y las dos merecen mucho la pena.
Antes de ir, acuérdate de llevar el pasaporte, porque te lo pedirán a la entrada. Intenta no ir en fin de semana o un día festivo, y si puedes ir en época baja de turismo, mejor.
Ahora hay un movimiento de turismo cultura muy fuerte por Confucio y sus lugares históricos, no sólo por parte de los chinos, sino también de japoneses, coreanos y taiwaneses (los descendientes directos de Confucio que vivían en Qufu, huyeron a Taiwán cuando el régimen comunista ganó la Guerra Civil).
El cementerio donde está la tumba de Confucio y de su familia y seguidores, ha sido cuidado con mimo desde la época del maestro. Está localizado en las cercanías de la ciudad antigua. La familia es la que tiene una mayor continuidad probada, en la historia de todo el mundo, y la crónica está detalladamente documentada. Muchos emperadores y gobernantes chinos han, durante siglos, favorecido el lugar con regalos, facilidades, obras de arte, etc. Y la tumba de Confucio, con la estela que marca el lugar donde estaban sus restos estuvo así hasta que la Guardia Roja apareció para desmontar y clausurar todo el recinto, y destruir la tumba de Confucio. Sin embargo, en los años 80 la gente empezó a acudir a venerar la tumbar, y el gobierno de la provincia de Shandong ha restaurado todo el complejo de este cementerio, y se han podido levantar las magníficas obras de arte que se encontraban en él, y reconstruir las piezas de la tumba de Confucio. En el complejo hay numerosos templos que se han ido construyendo durante siglos, y alojan magníficas obras de arte. Sobre todo estatuaria en piedra de época Tang, magníficos, y que están en muy buenas condiciones. Por todo el cementerio se ven montículos que corresponden a tumbas, y continuamente se ven las estelas que acompañan a las tumbas. Pero hay que también apreciar el magnífico jardín donde se encuentra: canales y puentes antiguos, y una maravillosa vegetación y unos árboles centenarios.
Se pueden ver, frente a la tumba de Confucio, muchas ceremonias de ofrendas (florales y sobre todo de inscripciones) que continuamente hace la gente. Es muy emocionante y sincero.
Lo olvidaba: hay unos autobuses que llevan desde la entrada hasta donde comienza el acceso. Se puede coger, pero también es muy agradable pasear por los jardines de la entrada.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

德克薩斯州沃思堡15 則投稿
5.0/5 分
2016年6月 • 夫妻情侶
We visited Qufu this past June and saw Confucius Family Cemetery and Confucius Temple but were too late to visit his mansion. We were in awe of the cemetery, what a beautiful, peaceful place! It was maintained like a park with many people strolling around. In case you cannot walk so far, there is a trolley that you can ride. We could not believe that Confucius' grave was still beautifully kept after two thousand years! There were hardly any foreign tourists but there were lots of Chinese tourists from other parts of the country. We regret we did not have enough time for the mansion.
We had a very nice guide. We wanted to bring a gift for a Chinese friend in the US and were looking for a calligraphy master who could write us a proverb we had in mind. When we asked our guide whether he knew anyone, he brought us to a true master. This man is a government certified calligraphy master and his office/shop is situated right in front of the cemetery. He is the only master there, you can't miss him. His writing is exquisite and we were so pleased that he was so inexpensive as he is not used to foreigners. He can also write your Chinese name for you.
Due to a mishap my husband had to go to the emercency room and the guide brought us to the Qufu People's hospital. We were very apprehensive, but again we were pleasantly surprised. Even though the hospital was very simple and plain, they had a state of the art sonogram machine, had a sophisticated lab and ran all the tests with a written report within an hour and a half and gave the meds. The chief urologist was very competent and knew what he was doing. We were able to travel 5 more days and did not have to cancel the remainder of the trip. We will always be grateful to that doctor, who saved our vacation and restored my husband's health.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

荷蘭阿姆斯特丹1,757 則投稿
5.0/5 分
2016年9月 • 單獨旅行
The cemetery is within the myriad of tombs and shrines located inside the Confucius Forest, about 1500m north of the walled city of Qufu. Tickets are available at the gate, or you can buy the combined ticket for all 3 "Kongs" for 150CNY. The cemetery for Confucius' parents is inside the temple complex for Confucius' own tomb.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯376 則投稿
5.0/5 分
2016年7月 • 夫妻情侶
The cemetery is about five minutes drive from the Confucius Temple and Mansion but is really worth seeing. From the entrance you can walk or take a buggy - you will see much more but it is almost 15 minutes walk to the tomb itself.

It is a very serene place with interesting architectural elements and not at all what you might imagine the cemetery to be like.

The tombstone itself and the route to it has many (good!) unusual aspects - well worth reading up in advance or taking a local guide.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

Elena P
俄羅斯葉卡捷琳堡495 則投稿
5.0/5 分
2015年10月 • 單獨旅行
Не побывать здесь, будучи в Цюйфу, невозможно. Китайцы, как показалось, направляются сразу пешком собственно к могиле Конфуция, но есть смысл объехать все кладбище на маленьком открытом электрокаре (оплата у входа). Могил в обычном понимании нет, есть места, отмеченные различными каменными скульптурами - антропо- и зооморфными. Тишина, покой и уважение к роду Конфуция (гид сообщила, что здесь покоятся останки около 100 тыс. человек, - вполне возможно). Очень светлое место.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

Maria C
131 則投稿
5.0/5 分
2015年11月 • 家庭式
Apesar de ser um cemitério, o passeio é extremamente agradável, entre os bosques e algumas criptas decoradas. As criptas mais importantes são decoradas e muito bonitas.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

馬來西亞關丹473 則投稿
3.0/5 分
2015年8月 • 好友旅行
The Cemetery of Confucius contains the tomb erected in memory of Confucius, along with the remains of more than 100,000 of his descendants. Situated just north of the sage’s birthplace of Qufu in Shandong Province, the cemetery sits around two kilometers from the Confucius Temple and the Kong Family Mansion, which together make up a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Cemetery is renowned for its natural botanical areas, largely owing to more than 1,000 mature trees. You will be ferried around this park by electric cart.

Note: If you have bought a package ticket for visit of The temple of Confucius, Kong Mansion and this Confucius Cemetery(3 sites), do include the 'free' shuttle transport provided to and fro The Temple and Cemetery.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

texas17 則投稿
5.0/5 分
2013年11月 • 單獨旅行
It is a bit too ambitious to see Qufu, if you don't speak Chinese. I got there from Jinan, took a local long distance shabby bus. The hotels in Qufu were awful. Once in Qufu, it is a must seen place, one of the 3 Confucius sites. An English speaking local guide should be helpful, otherwise you just see thousands of tombs, without knowing what they are, apparently different dynasty buried in different sites. It is the oldest best preserved tombs in China. Each tomb is placed according to Chinese Fengshui placement. Everyone in Qufu has the family name of Confucius "kong" can bury there up till today.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

4.0/5 分
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

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梁公林 (曲阜市) - 旅遊景點評論 - Tripadvisor


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