PinkRun.HK2024粉跑再次邀請我地朋友湯怡出席,佢都係一位跑步好手,仲曾經參加過馬拉松添!立即響應湯怡號召,3月10日喺赤柱用行動一齊為遺傳性癌症病人打打氣。登入 報名參加PinkRun.HK2024! PinkRun.HK2024 is making a comeback, and we are thrilled to announce that our friend Kathy Yuen will be joining us once again. Kathy is not only an experienced runner but has also taken part in marathons before. Let's come to support hereditary cancer patients in Stanley on 10th March together with Kathy. Sign up at #PinkRunHK #粉跑 #湯怡 #pinkheelshk #pink5krun #asiabreastregistry #香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫 #CharityRun #支持遺傳性癌症患者 #Stanley | 香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫 HK Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry | 香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫 HK Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry · Original audio | Reels