【日本皇室成員點Shopping – 下集】
正打算喺崇光感謝周年慶Part 2大掃貨嘅您,有無諗過日本皇室成員平日點買嘢?喺昭和29年之前 (1954年之前),皇室採用「御用達制度」—即係同特定值得信賴嘅商家合作,帶指定嘅商品入皇宮進行交易,後來呢個制度廢除後,就由百貨公司寄商品目錄到皇宮,再帶皇室成員睇中嘅商品入宮,雖則佢哋唔使同人迫,但就感受唔到親身去百貨公司Shopping嘅樂趣喇。

【Fun Facts II: How Does the Japan Royal Family Shop?】
You might be working up a shopping list for SOGO Thankful Week Part 2 at the moment, but have you ever wondered how does the Japan Royal Family do their shopping? Before 1954, the royal warrants of appoint were issued for tradesmen to bring goods to or provide services at a royal court. However this policy was abolished later. Now department stores would mail their catalogues straight to the royal court and later bring selected goods into the court for trade. Although this can spare them the queuing nightmare, that also means they won’t be able to head to a mall for a shopping spree.

#SogoHongKong #sogoessentials #日本皇室小趣聞 #能夠親身去血拼 #都係一種福氣嚟

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