江門市 - English translation – Linguee

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External sources (not reviewed)

就改善通關服務方面,粵方同意按不同地區的貨量和實際需要,適當延 長辦工時間,並將江門市 點,把指定車場辦工時間延長至午夜。
Regarding improvements in customs services, the Guangdong side has agreed to extend customs operating hours according to cargo volume and practical needs of different regions.
他們提出 江門市 試點,當然,試點的意思是指當其他城市也有需要時,我們會 [...]
Of course, we are happy to continue our discussion with the Guangdong
[...] authorities when other cities need to extend [...]
their service hours.
於二零一零年三月三十一日江門市 紡織材料有限公 司之確定繳足資本約為人民幣10,000,000元。
The verified paid up capital of 江門市冠達紡織材料有限公司 was approximately RMB10,000,000 as at 31 March 2010.
於二零一零年三月三十一日江門市 區揚名針織廠有限公司之經核實繳足資本約 1,709,000美元,全數由本集團出資,本集團於截至一九九九年三月三十一日止年度內另再出資約394,000美元,惟於二零 一零年三月三十一日尚未核實。
Additional capital contribution by the Group during the year ended 31 March 1999, which amounted to approximately US$394,000, has not yet been verified as at 31 March 2010.
李 先 生 現 時 為 廣 東 省 政 協 委 員、中 國 造 紙 協 會 生 活 用 紙 專 業 委 員 會 副 主 任、中 華 全 國 工 商 聯 合 會 紙 業 商
[...] 會 副 會 長、廣 東 省 工 商 業 聯 合會 常委 以 江 門 市 聯合 會主 席。
Mr. LI currently is a member of Guangdong Political Consultative Committee, the vice president of the China Household Paper Association, vice president of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Papermakers’ Group and The Standing Committee of
Guangdong federation of industry & commerce and the
[...] president of the Jiangmen City Federation of Industry [...]
and Commerce.
主席,我想請問局長,現時除了 江門市 試點,延長辦公時間至午 夜外,特區政府有否與內地有關當局洽商,加長其他地方的運作時間,有 江門市
Madam President, I would like to
ask the Secretary:
[...] Apart from selecting Jiangmen as the control point where the operating hours have been extended to midnight, has the SAR Government negotiated with the relevant mainland authorities on extending the customs operating hours of other places a la Jiangmen?
為配合廣東省工業園區化的政策,工總正 江門市 合作,江 門市 鎮興建“香港環保電鍍工業園”計劃,協助香港電鍍廠商進入園 區,目標是園區能達到高標準的污水處理,成為內地環保工業園區的示 範項目。
The main objective is to assist Hong Kong electroplating factories to move into an industrial park with high standards of effluent treatment.
按照現有規劃,城際快速軌道網會從石壁站放射,覆蓋佛山、肇慶、東莞 江門海等珠三角主要
According to the current plan, the RTS
network will radiate from Shibi Station to other
[...] major PRD cities like Foshan, Zhaoqing, Dongguan, Jiangmen and Zhuhai.
例如,廣東省認為佛山將成為網絡創新創業孵化器、東莞會成為 信息產業的承接基地,還有惠州、中山 江門 慶,每個其 強項。
For instance, the relevant authorities of Guangdong Province consider that Foshan should be developed into the incubator for innovative networking, Dongguan should be developed into the reception
site for the communications
[...] industry, and Huizhou, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing also have [...]
their respective strengths.
至 於可否延長通關時間,這方面亦有一定進展,例如東莞附近數個 江門 進行試驗,看看如何加長通關時間。
For example, a pilot scheme is being
[...] conducted in several cities near Dongguang and in Jiangmen to see how the [...]
customs operating hours can be extended.
來自香港的學者和朋友,充其量可以提供一點外人的意見和觀點,給 門市 考。
Academics and friends from Hong Kong can at best offer some outsiders' views and perspectives
[...] for reference by the Macau people.
在旅遊合作方面,CEPA 及隨後的雙方協商,允許廣東省境內東莞、中山 江門 佛山 行居 民個人來港旅遊,不遲於 2004 年 7 月 1 日在全省範圍實施。
On the tourism front, CEPA and the ensuing discussions between both
sides have allowed
[...] residents in four cities of Guangdong Province, namely, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Foshan, to [...]
visit Hong Kong on an individual basis as a trial.
維達紙業(廣 東)及 維 達 紙業江 門獲批 准就出 口貨 品 採取「免、抵、退」的 [...]
方 法,退稅率 為5% 。
Vinda Paper (Guangdong)
[...] and Vinda Paper (Jiangmen) have been received [...]
approval to use the “exempt, credit, refund” method on goods exported.
鑑於在二零零九年舉辦的首屆研討會 反應熱烈,於二零一零年在六月至九月期間舉辦的研討會擴 展至在江門州和 ,擴大活動的接 觸面,從而協助本港的設計業在內地進一步拓展新市場。
Following the successful debut in 2009, the 2010
series extended its
[...] coverage to Humen, Jiangmen, Guangzhou and Xiamen during June to September 2010 to further extend the project’s reach, thus helping our design sector to further explore new market in the Mainland.
本年舉行的研討會系列活動 會擴大規模,於六月至九月期間在 江門 州、廈門 及泉州舉行,加強此計劃的接觸面。
The 2010 Series will extend the programme to be
[...] conducted at Humen, Jiangmen, Guangzhou, Xiamen [...]
and Quanzhou during June to September
2010 to further extend the project’s reach.
4月19日,「Adobe®創意大學計劃」 江門 仕職業技術學校簽約儀式在利奧文化演藝中心隆重舉行,鶴 超,鶴 局局長鄧國華,Adobe®中國區董事總經理黃耀輝先生 (Mr. Yew Hwee Ng)及其團隊、北京中科希望軟件股份有限公司、香港利奧紙品印刷集團董事 江門 仕職業技術學校校董黎景隆先生及集團各董事、江門雅圖仕職業技術學校及雅圖仕培訓學校的相關領導與代表等出席了簽約儀式。
Representatives from various organizations attended to support the ceremony, including the Vice-Mayor of Heshan, Mr. Chao Yang, the Director of Heshan Education Bureau, Mr. Guo-wah Deng, the Managing Director of Adobe® China Region, Mr. Yew Hwee Ng, a representative from Beijing Hope Software Co.
[...] [...] 措施,盡量利用可再生能源和提高能源效益;(b)該計劃所包括 的各項新設施,應在離河畔較遠的地點興建,以便 沿岸 可有更多綠化地帶 用;(c)重建後的香港體院會為殘疾 運動員提供足夠的體育及配套設施和無障礙通道;及(d)拆卸位 [...]
於火炭院址的室外單車場以騰出地方建造的新的多用途大樓會 提供單車訓練設施。
Members requested the Administration to ensure that: (a) the design of the Project should incorporate appropriate measures to maximize the use of renewable energy and promote energy efficiency; (b) the new facilities for the Project would be constructed further away from the
riverside in order to provide a
[...] larger green area along the Shing Mun River for public enjoyment; (c) adequate [...]
sports and ancillary
facilities and barrier-free access would be provided for disabled athletes in the redeveloped HKSI; and (d) training facilities for cycling would be provided following the demolition of the outdoor velodrome at Fo Tan venue to make way for the construction of the new multi-purpose building.
我們會繼續加強在海 外及內地的投資推廣活動,以及與 角洲 更多海 外市場推廣,推介香港作為內地與世界各地通商的雙向平台的 [...]
We will continue to step up our investment promotion both overseas and in the Mainland and
increase joint overseas marketing
[...] activities with cities in the Pearl River Delta to promote [...]
Hong Kong’s unique position as
a two-way business platform between Mainland and the rest of the world.
跟随全球趋势,中国从1999年到2000年在江苏省 江市 蒙古呼和浩特市进 行 了 环 境 信 息 公 开 的 试 点 工 作 (李 , 2011 b) 。
Following the global trend, China experimented with environmental information disclosure programs in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province, and Hohhot, Inner Mongolia from 1999 to 2000 (Li 2011b).
2009年度,樂園亦擴展其在內地的銷售網,將現時在北 京、上海和廣州的銷售辦事處的覆蓋範圍伸延至相鄰二線 如天津、瀋陽、南京、杭州、中山、東莞 江門 ,並將於2010年首季於成都設立第四個銷售辦事處。
From its existing sales offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, HKD
reached out to
[...] neighbouring secondary cities (such as Tianjin, Shenyang, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Zhongshan, Dongguan, and Jiangmen, etc), and will [...]
set up its fourth sales
office in Chengdu in the first quarter of 2010.
譚耀宗議員: 主席,政府可否告 知本會,有否計劃 在 屯 門 公
路東面興 建 一 條 新 交 通 幹 線 ( 即 屯 門 東 繞
[...] 道 ( “ 繞 道 ” )),以期紓 緩屯門 公 路 門市 段 的交通 擠塞問題;若 有 , 該 幹 線 的 起 [...]
點、途 經 區 域 、 預 計 每 小 時的行 車 量
, 以 及 預 計 的興建和完工 日期;若 否 , 原 因 為 何 ?
MR TAM YIU-CHUNG (in Chinese): President, will the Government inform this Council whether it plans to construct a new route to the east of Tuen Mun Road (that is, Tuen Mun Eastern Bypass (the Bypass)) in
order to alleviate the traffic
[...] congestion at the Town Centre Section of Tuen Mun Road; if so, [...]
of the starting point of the
route, the districts it passes by, forecast traffic volume per hour, as well as the expected commencement and completion dates of the construction works for the route; if not, of the reasons for that?
註:珠三角東部包括深圳、東莞和惠州;珠三角中部只有廣州;珠三角西部包括珠海、中山 江門 山和肇慶。
Note: Eastern PRD includes Shenzhen, Dongguan and
Huizhou; Central PRD includes only Guangzhou; and Western PRD includes
[...] Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Foshan and Zhaoqing.
一位委員要求當局在工務小組委員會文件內提供資料, 說明在門市 段有蓋路段所採取的環境改善措 施,保障在該處巴士站候車的乘客。
A Member requested the Administration to provide information in the Public Works Subcommittee paper on the measures to improve the environmental
conditions of the covered
[...] section of the TMRTCS at Tuen Mun Town Plaza for passengers waiting [...]
at the bus stops thereat.
本部分主要收錄本研究計劃進行有關澳門研究的背景資料、「澳門地區定期民意研究合作計劃」系列的調查數據、澳門立法會及 門市 會選舉調查的數據及研究報告、以及有關澳門回歸的評論文章等。
This is a collection of the background information of POP's Macau studies, statistical analyses of "Joint Project on Regular Opinion Surveys in Macau" series, survey
findings, reports of the Macau Legislative Assembly
[...] and the Macau Municipal Assembly Elections [...]
surveys, and commentary articles.
兩次本地考察活動包括參觀本地的魚類批發市場、漁產品加工中 心、漁港設施、捕撈漁船、海魚和塘魚養殖場、經營休閒漁業的魚排等﹔ 而內地考察活動包括前往廣州與廣東省海洋與漁業局、南海漁政漁港監督 管理局、廣東省港澳流動漁民工作辦公室及一家漁業集團舉行座談會,並 參觀廣東省江市 產品批發市場、養殖發展、漁產品加工和休閒漁業 等項目。
The Mainland study tour included meetings with the Ocean and Fishery Bureau of Guangdong Province, the Fisheries Management and Fishing Port Superintendence Bureau of South China Sea, the Hong Kong and Macao Floating Fishermen Business Office of Guangdong Province and a fisheries business corporation.
對澳門友邦保險來說,30 週年仿如人生壯年的開始,在往後更多個 30 年,澳門友邦保險將繼續為門市 供最優質及切合個人需要的全保理財產品和服務,在 產品質素、服務水平和員工專業多方面不斷提升,百分百實踐對 門市 承諾。
AIA Macau is dedicated, in the
next 30 and many more
[...] years, to serving the people of Macau with premier insurance solutions that best fit our customers‟ needs. Through continuous enhancements in product quality, customer service and agency professionalism, we will fulfil our commitment to Macau.
於回顧期間,本集團整體競爭優勢日趨明顯,並通過投資控股無 市江 世界投資發展有限公司(以 下稱「江南大世界 [...]
During the period under review, the Group’s overall competitive edges had became
increasingly apparent, and, through its holding
[...] investment in Wuxi Jiang Nan Da Shi [...]
Jie Investment Development Company Limited
(hereinafter referred to “Jiang Nan Da Shi Jie”), engaged in construction and operation project of services outsourcing base.
除 本公 司一 間 全資附 屬 公司 江門 紙 業 有 限 公 司訂 立 的租 [...]
賃 合同(詳情 載 於第41頁「持 續關 連交 易」一 節內 (D)段)外,於 結 算 日 或 年 內 任 何 時 間,本 公 司 或 其 任 何
附 屬 公 司 概 無 訂 立 任 何 有 關 本 集 團 業 務 而 本 公 司 董 事 或 控股 股東 直 接或間 接 擁有 相 關重 大 權 益 之 重 大 合 約。
Save as the lease agreement entered
into between a wholly-owned subsidiary
[...] of the Company and Jiangmen Taiyuan Paper Company [...]
Limited, details of which is set
out in paragraph (D) in the “Continuing Connected Transactions” section on page 41, no contracts of significance in relation to the Group’s business to which the Company or any of its subsidiaries was a party and in which a Director or a controlling shareholder of the Company had a material interest, whether directly or indirectly, subsisted at the end of the year or at any time during the year.
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