港鐵旺角站 E2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
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90s LAZY相信敢博敢衝,夢想始終永遠不滅,真正的「懶」有態度!六位90後青年以行動證明自身價值,運用熱誠烹調最根本的味道,打造一片屬於90後喘息的飯堂。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
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食評 (226)
好耐冇同朋友聚餐,選擇咗呢間位於旺角鬧市區嘅樓上cafe,餐廳規模超大再加埋有兩層🫣晚市時段都幾乎滿座~1. 美國安格斯肉眼扒10oz($288)包普通飲品,肉眼扒色澤非常亮麗,賣相討好,肉質緊實香口😋可能係太薄嘅緣故,即使嗌咗5成熟,但大部分部位都係幾乎全熟,再厚啲會更好🙉評分🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑2. 大啡菇牛肝菌意大利飯($148)大啡菇超多汁、味道香濃😍醬汁夠多唔會乾爭爭,仲有芝士現切作為點綴🧀整體唔會太鹹,食曬都唔覺得漏👍🏻評分🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗3. 玫瑰鮮奶咖啡🌹($48,跟餐半價)拉花好靚🥰不過玫瑰味冇預期再咁濃郁,鐘意玫瑰味嘅應該會有啲失望🙊但以一杯普通鮮奶咖啡黎講係絕對合格的~評分🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 繼續閱讀
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✨烤雞肉菠菜忌廉汁意大利飯🍗✨購自:90s Lazy(旺角)價錢:$115推薦度:8/10-外皮香脆嘅雞扒夠厚身‼️肉質嫩滑 食落好Juicy 忌廉汁味道香濃Creamy 唔太膩 包住粒粒分明嘅意大利飯🍚連埋菠菜同菇菌 一齊食 令口感更豐富😋🖤✨Oreo窩夫配雪糕 🧇✨價錢:$108推薦度:7.5/10-窩夫口感軟熟 蛋香味濃郁 偏薄身 唔算鬆脆⁉️窩夫裏面有少少麻糬 令口感煙韌😋旁邊配上大量Oreo 忌廉 朱古力醬同1球雲呢拿雪糕🍦勝在Oreo餅比例極多‼️ 鍾意曲奇忌廉嘅朋友可以試吓🤣❤️✨士多啤梨乳酪🍓✨價錢:$65推薦度:7.5/10-呢杯飲品面層係士多啤梨沙冰同士多啤梨醬 而下面就係純乳酪🧀口感軟滑 整體飲落酸酸甜甜 清新解膩👍🏻🤎✨Cold brew☕️✨價錢:$52推薦度:7.5/10-咖啡口感順滑 飲落有濃郁嘅咖啡香氣 帶點輕微嘅堅果味🌰 值得一試👍🏻-90s Lazy近日喺荃灣分店開張🎊住喺新界區嘅朋友都可以試吓佢哋期間限定嘅食物同飲品😋 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-02-19
470 瀏覽
價錢合理,牛尾幾好食呀👍🏼個碗都靚😁建議大家跟紅棗茶飲品!熱飲,女仔補補,不錯不錯幾鍾意杯紅棗茶🔴🎀就算要加錢都係好選擇💪🏻risotto正🫶🫶本身都鍾意食risotto⭐燒春雞並唔係真係燒春雞咁 細細隻喎,仲有兩個髀,好食✓開頭以為兩舊雪糕咁開心😁結果當然係一舊雪糕一舊cream Emm🌫️🌫️幾好食嘅,如果水果可以再冰凍少少就會fresh啲💫冇諗過係呢三種水果組合👀尤其是火龍果⬛⬜唔似得士多啤梨 提子 呢啲咁酸甜 香 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-02-17
292 瀏覽
Celebrating Christmas late, my other half introduced me to "90s Lazy" for our belated Christmas meal, so we decided to go there. The seats were pretty comfortable, with cushions and pillows around—overall, it was nice. When we were ordering our food, the waitress simply listened and didn't repeat what we ordered. It was unusual because a waiter is supposed to repeat the customers' orders and ensure they are correct. However, she memorized our order, and the food came out correctly, so I didn't mind. Good job.'Forgot the name of the drink' $Forgot the priceThe first thing that arrived was the drinks, but I forgot the name of the drink. It was chocolate and tasted nice. No complaints there.'Angus beef cheese burger w/ french fries' $83The taste matched its price, meaning it was already better than your average McDonald's. I'm satisfied. For its cheap price, it tasted good.'Forgot the name as well' $Forgot the priceForgot the name but I know it was Omurice with Angus beef. We probably shouldn't have ordered this since we already had Angus beef, haha. Nonetheless, it tasted nice and was worth the price.'BBQ spare ribs w/ fries' $188Lastly, we got BBQ spare ribs w/ fries. By this point, we had already had fries so perhaps should have chosen a different side lol. Still, the ribs were tasty and the pricing seemed fair.ConclusionAll the food portions were hearty and met the quality level suggested by their respective price points. While not the finest dining, 90s Lazy offered better quality than most casual restaurants at affordable prices. I think I would return for their fair pricing and generous servings. It was a decent late Christmas celebration lunch overall. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-02-15
269 瀏覽
旺角|𝟗𝟎𝒔 𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒚 🍝朋友的秘密基地㊙🤣黑松露帶子忌廉汁意大利飯 $108- 忌廉汁唔算好濃,飯做到半生熟嘅口感~<痴朋友一啖🤣所以冇食帶子同黑松露>香辣蒜片蜆肉意大利粉 $98- 蜆肉意粉嚟講都算幾辣下🥵但幾開胃嘅,同埋係會想keep住食嘅味~明太子蟹肉忌廉意大利粉 $128- 朋友推薦👍🏻👍🏻的確幾好食😋- 意粉嘅口感介乎普通意粉同扁意粉,少少彈牙~- 加咗紫菜絲同木魚碎,和風嘅味道upupup- 明太子忌廉汁唔會好膩👍🏻清盤✨係對嘢食嘅最高稱讚🫦水牛城雞翼 $62/4隻- 食到雞皮仲有少少位係脆嘅🤤- 但水牛城就係要做到好酸先好食,佢就略嫌有少少唔夠酸同辣,但整體嚟講係好食嘅~比較溫和嘅味道🔺有加一服務費整體而言▪️味道 3.5 / 5▪️環境 3.5 / 5▪️抵食 3.5/ 5📍旺角山東街50號1-2樓 繼續閱讀
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