榴彈炮的英文單字,榴彈炮的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典




輕型榴彈炮[軍] light howitzer ; Light Artillery

山地榴彈炮Gebirgs-haubitze ; GebH

鐵道榴彈炮railway howitzer

突擊榴彈炮stuhaub sturmhaubitze assault howitzer

中等榴彈炮medium howitzer

中型榴彈炮medium howitzer

裝甲榴彈炮AAR ; AAH

自行榴彈炮Howitzer ; Self Propelled Howitzer


  • lrad已經成功應用在各個領域,其中一個例子就是,lrad已被用於保護大型巡洋艦不被裝備榴彈炮和機槍的索馬里海盜襲擊。

    lrad has been used successfully, in one instance protecting a large cruise ship from pirates off the coast of somalia who had rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns.

  • iii號 坦克最后的版本-n型, 安裝了短管的75毫米榴彈炮,用於步兵支援.

    the final version, ausf n, mounted a short 75 mm howitzer for use in infantry support.

  • 卡爾德隆派遣了五萬人的部隊與毒匪作戰。現在毒匪們已經有了火箭榴彈炮、直升機和半潛式載具。

    mr calderón has deployed 50,000 soldiers to fight the gangsters, whose inventories now include rocket-propelled grenades, helicopters and semi-submersible vessels.

  • 4號榴彈炮對建筑物的傷害從150%降低為100%.

    axis stuhs damage vs buildings modifier reduced to 100 % from 150 %.

  • 了解各種火炮的性能并有效利用。迫擊炮,榴彈炮和多管火箭發射系統都有著截然不同的性能和效用。

    know the different types of artillery and how to employ them effectively. mortars, howitzers, and mlrs systems all have distinct characteristics and uses.

  • 這種炮被稱為步兵榴彈炮是因為炮手們和拉炮的馬一起步行前往戰場.

    the term foot artillery applies because the gunners walk into battle alongside the draft animals.

  • 結果一場涉及博福斯(bofors)榴彈炮合同的丑聞拖延了幾乎整個禁令有效期限,直到今年初才結束。

    one resulting scandal, involving agents in a bofors howitzer gun contract, dragged on for almost the duration of the ban; it was ended earlier this year.

  • 中國sh2122毫米自行榴彈炮是近幾年來由中國北方工業總公司(norinco)發展的第二種6x6車載火炮系統。

    the sh2 122mm self-propelled howitzer is the second 6x6 truck-mounted artillery system developed by china north industries group corporation (norinco) in recent years.

  • 在每6秒1輪的前三輪的比率(第三版同樣的速度),但此后標準的榴彈炮火火只能在一個每12秒1圓率。

    the standard howitzer fires at the rate of 1 round per 6 seconds for the first three rounds (same rate as v3) but thereafter it can only fire at a rate of 1 round per 12 seconds.

  • 火炮: 遠射 程,加農炮、榴彈炮或迫擊炮之通稱.

    cannon: long - range artillery piece , as distinguished from other big guns such as the howitzer or mortar.

  • 大口徑武器, 如火炮, 榴彈炮, 及導彈發射器,由炮手組操作.

    large - caliber weapons, such as cannon, howitzers, and missile launchers are operated by crews.

  • 流動火箭彈發射車的長程射擊與榴彈炮的射擊方式類似.

    long - range fire is similar to the way howitzers proceed.

  • 然而,此行去清理現場所吸引我的不只是站在支撐榴彈炮的那些石塊上,更重要的是能夠近距離仔細觀察下方的浮雕。

    the fascination of my visit to the scaffolding, however, was not so much standing on the stone blocks that support the gun as peering very closely at the reliefs below.

  • 雙遙控武器站裝備有兩個武器,主武器是一個40mm口徑的榴彈炮或12.7mm口徑的重型機槍,副武器則是一個7.62mm口徑的機槍。

    the dual remote weapon station is equipped with two weapons, the primary weapon can be a 40 mm agl or a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun, and the secondary weapon is a 7.62 mm machine gun.

  • 國防軍閃電學42型突擊榴彈炮對步兵的殺傷范圍略增.

    wehrmacht stuh 42 weapon does marginally increased area damage to infantry.

  • 步行機的前部排列著四座激光球型炮塔,一門單獨的重型榴彈炮安裝在步行機脊背表面的炮塔上。

    the front of the walker is lined with four ball-turret laser cannons, while a single heavy projectile cannon is turret-mounted on the vehicle's dorsal surface.

  • 一般考慮中國北方工業總公司(norinco)正在發展它的plz45155毫米自行榴彈炮一種改進型,在1990年早期內被首次介紹。

    it was speculated that norinco was developing an improved variant of its plz45 155mm self-propelled gun-howitzer, which was first introduced in the early 1990s.