Tokyo Metro | Subway Map

Subway Map

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Here you can download the Tokyo Metro subway map.

About Station Numbers

Station numbers consist of a letter representing the subway line and a number for the station.
They are circled with a color that represents the subway line making it easy to find your station.

How stations are numbered

  • The alphabet letter represents the subway line name.
  • In the subway route map, the station number is shown according to subway line.
  • Station numbers are circled with a color that represents the subway line.

Why use station numbers?

  • It is easy to know the station number for the subway line of your desired station.
  • It is easy to know the number of stations until your desired or transfer station.
  • It is easy to know if your train is going in the desired direction.

Where to find station numbers

Conventional subway line and station names are displayed in addition to station numbers.

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