常見問題 FAQs | Cable TV 客戶服務支援中心 Customer Service Support Center
客戶服務支援中心 | Customer Service Support Center
常見問題 | FAQs
1. 一般問題 | General Enquiry
你們公司是否結束營業? | Is your company closed for business?
你們的免費電視頻道會否受到影響? | Is your free-to-air channels affected?
我是有線18台 (賽馬頻道)的長期觀眾,以後還可以在那裡觀看賽馬節目? | I am your long-term audience of Horse Racing Channel (Ch.18), where can I watch related programmes from now on?
有線新聞台和財經台還可以在那裡觀看? | How can I continue watching Cable News and Finance from now on?
2. 合約事宜 | Contract-related Issue
我是有線電視用戶,我的合約期會於6月1日或之後的日子完結,我需要遞交終止服務通知書嗎? | I am your CABLE TV subscriber. My contract will be ended on or after 1 June 2023. Do I need to submit termination application?
我是有線電視用戶,我的合約期會於5月31日或之前的日子完結,我需要遞交終止服務通知書嗎? | I am your CABLE TV subscriber. My contract will be ended on or before 31 May 2023. Do I need to submit termination application?
我是有線電視用戶,我的服務並沒有合約,我需要遞交終止服務通知書嗎? | I am your CABLE TV subscriber. I am using your service in month-to-month basis (no contract period). Do I need to submit termination application?
我是綜合服務用戶(即簽約時連同其他服務如家居電話、家居寬頻、流動通訊等),我的合約期會於6月1日或之後的日子完結,我需要遞交終止服務通知書嗎? | I am your Combo Service subscriber (means subscribing with other service like HomeLine , Broadband or Mobile service), my contract will be ended on or after 1 June, do I need to submit termination application?
我是綜合服務用戶(即簽約時連同其他服務如家居電話、家居寬頻、流動通訊等),我的合約期會於5月31日或之前的日子完結,我需要遞交終止服務通知書嗎? | I am your Combo Service subscriber (means subscribing with other service like HomeLine , Broadband or Mobile service), my contract will be ended on or before 31 May, do I need to submit termination application?
我申請有線電視服務時繳付了按金,有關款項會如何退回? | I have paid a deposit while subscribing the service, how will this be handled?
我的有線電視賬戶截數日為每月20號,知悉你們會於5月31日終止服務,我依然會於截數日後收到賬單嗎? 賬單月費會按比例計算嗎? | My CABLE TV service account's billing cycle ends on 20th of every month, and I understand that your CABLE TV service will be terminated on May 31. Will I still be receiving statement after my billing cycle ends? Will the monthly fee be prorated?
3. 機頂盒或儀器退還安排 | Handling of returning Set-Top-Box or related accessories
服務完結之後機頂盒或者其他儀器應怎樣處理? 需要歸還嗎? | Do I need to return the Set-Top-Box or related equipments?
如我不歸還機頂盒或者其他配件,會否收取相關罰款? | Is there any penalty if I do not return the mentioned equipments?
你們可以上門收回機頂盒或者其他儀器嗎? | Can you send us a technician to help collecting the related equipments?
我是衛星傳送 (碟型天線)用戶,知道機頂盒或者其他儀器並不需要歸還,但碟型天線非常大,難以自行處理,可否安排師父上門跟進? | I am Satellite Transmission subscribers, understood that no set-top-box and related accessories are needed to return, but the Dish Antenna is very large and difficult to dismentle by myself, can you send us a technician to help?
如我去回收站退還有線電視解碼器時,發現遺留了部份配件(如:、遙控器、變壓器及相關儀器)在家,是否需要再次去到回收站退還?有沒有相關罰款? | I have visited the Collection Centres to return my equipments, but I realized I have not returned all the required equipments, can I revisit the Collection Centres again? Will there be any penalty?
4. 技術支援 | Technical-related
服務完結後我想自行解除安裝機頂盒,應如何處理? | How to dismantle the set-top-box or other equipments?
你們公司技術人員安裝服務時曾經將電視天線重新接駁,服務完結後如何還原/重新接駁天線收看免費電視? | During the installation of the service, your technicians had reconnected my antenna of my television, how can I restore the antenna connection upon the service end of CABLE TV so that I can continue to watch free-to-air TV channels?
我已觀看教學了解如何簡易移除安裝機頂盒及自行接駁天線的影片,但仍然不成功,你們可否安排技術人員上門還原安裝? | I have watched the DIY tutorial video but failed to follow. Can you send us a technician to assist?
我是綜合服務用戶(即簽約時連同其他服務如家居電話、家居寬頻、流動通訊等) ,我除了移除安裝機頂盒等儀器外,還有另外儀器需要重新安裝嗎? | I am your Combo Service subscriber (means subscribing with other service like HomeLine , Broadband or Mobile service),except set-top-box and related accessories, do I need to reinstall/ dismantle any other equipments?
我是衛星傳送 (碟型天線)用戶,知道機頂盒或者其他儀器並不需要歸還,但碟型天線非常大,難以自行處理,可否安排師父上門跟進? | I am Satellite Transmission subscribers, the Dish Antenna is very large and difficult to dismantle myself, can you send us a technician to help?
登記有線電視時附帶一個APP可以欣賞體育同埋娛樂節目, 之後還可以用APP收睇相關節目嗎? | Is i-CABLE Mobile App still be operated?
遇上疑難? | Got Troubles?
In technical support, there may be an answer to the problem.
前往技術支援 | Go to Technical Support