balance of forces中文, balance of forces中文意思

balance of forces中文

用"balance of forces"造句"balance of forces" in a sentence"balance of forces"怎麼讀


  • 力的平衡
  • "balance" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.〔常作 a pair of balances〕 ...
  • "force" 中文翻譯 :    n. 〔北英〕瀑布。
  • "balance of class forces" 中文翻譯 :    階級力量的對比
  • "forces" 中文翻譯 :    軍隊,兵力; 勢力; 意義詳見附錄
  • "balance" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.〔常作 a pair of balances〕 天平,秤。 2.平衡,均衡,對稱;抵消;比較,對照,對比。 3.(鐘表的)平衡輪,擺輪。 4.平衡塊,平衡力。 5.【商業】收付平衡[差額];余額,找頭,尾數。 6.〔B-〕 【天文學】天平座,天平宮。 7.(情緒的)穩定,鎮靜。 8.(藝術作品中)布局和比例的協調。 9.〔美口〕 〔the balance〕 剩余部分。 10.【醫學】身心平衡治療法。 You may keep the balance. 尾數[找頭等]你收下好了。 The balance of the account is against me. 兩抵下來是我欠人。 a favorable [an unfavorable] balance of trade 順[逆]差;貿易出[入]超。 balance due 賬簿中貸方超過借方的數。 balance on hand 賬簿中借方超過貸方的數。 balance of accounts 對賬。 balance of clearing 匯劃結算余額。 balance of (international) payment 國際收支差額,國際收支。 balance of power 力量對比;力量均勢。 balance of trade 貿易[輸出入]差額。 be (thrown) off one's balance 失去平衡;摔倒;張皇失措;煩惱。 be out of balance 在不平衡狀態下。 hang in the balance = tremble in the balance. hold in balance 懸置未決。 hold the balance 掌握決定權;舉足輕重。 in [on] balance 總的來說。 in the balance 猶豫未決,忐忑不安。 keep one's balance 保持身體平衡;鎮定。 lose one's balance 身體失去平衡,摔倒;慌亂。 on(the) balance 兩抵,結果。 redress the balance 公平處理[調整]。 strike a balance 結賬;衡量得失,作出結論。 throw sb. off his balance 使(某人)失去身體平衡,使摔倒;擾亂,使(某人)狼狽不堪。 tremble in the balance 處于緊要關頭,吉兇未決。 vt. 1.(用天平等)秤。 2.使均等,使平衡。 3.比較,對照;權衡,斟酌。 4.和…相抵,兩抵;抵消。 5.結算,清(賬)。 vi. 1.平衡,均等。 2.收支平衡。 3.躊躇;搖擺不定。 4.(舞蹈)作搖擺動作。 a balanced criticism 實事求是的批評。 a balancing plane 【航空】安定翼面;平衡翼。 a balancing test 【航空】平衡試驗。 balance accounts 使收支平衡;結賬。 balance the book 結清各賬。 balance oneself 保持身體平衡。 balance out 【物理學】衡消。
  • "balance of" 中文翻譯 :    當付款項
  • "in balance" 中文翻譯 :    平衡; 總而言之
  • "of balance" 中文翻譯 :    平衡的
  • "on balance" 中文翻譯 :    將一切情形都考慮到; 總的來說; 總的說來; 總的效果; 總而言之
  • "on the balance" 中文翻譯 :    兩抵, 收付平衡
  • "the balance" 中文翻譯 :    天秤座
  • "a system of forces" 中文翻譯 :    力的系統
  • "adsorption forces" 中文翻譯 :    吸附力
  • "airborne forces" 中文翻譯 :    空降兵
  • "airlanded forces" 中文翻譯 :    機降部隊
  • "alignment of forces" 中文翻譯 :    軍事力量的部署
  • "allied forces" 中文翻譯 :    同盟軍
  • "amphibious forces" 中文翻譯 :    兩棲部隊
  • "antiaircraft forces" 中文翻譯 :    防空部隊
  • "antimissile forces" 中文翻譯 :    反導彈部隊
  • "antisubmarine forces" 中文翻譯 :    反潛艦隊
  • "applying forces" 中文翻譯 :    用力方法
  • "armed forces" 中文翻譯 :    布基納法索武裝部隊; 陸海空三軍,軍隊,武裝部隊; 武器的力量; 武裝力量, 武裝部隊; 斐濟武裝部隊
  • "armed forces the" 中文翻譯 :    武裝部隊報
  • "armija forces" 中文翻譯 :    波黑武裝部隊


  • How can this new framework be used to assess force and the balance of force
    如何運用這些新的認識去進行力量和力量平衡的評估? 。
  • In the information age , what are the changes in the concept of force and the balance of force
  • In my opinion , if the civil war is prolonged , this repetition will cease when a fundamental change takes place in the balance of forces
  • All this is aimed at protracting the war , gradually changing the general balance of forces and preparing the conditions for our counter - offensive
  • The reform will exert a great and far - reaching influence to the military balance of force , international strategic pattern and future military struggle of the world
  • When we say , " pit one against ten , pit ten against a hundred " , we are speaking of strategy , of the whole war and the over - all balance of forces , and in the strategic sense that is just what we have been doing
    “以一當十,以十當百” ,是戰略的說法,是對整個戰爭整個敵我對比而言的;在這個意義上,我們確實是如此。
  • If we resolutely apply " quick - decision offensive warfare on exterior lines " on a battlefield , we shall not only change the balance of forces on that battlefield , but also gradually change the general situation
    (七六)如果我們堅決地采取了戰場作戰的“外線的速決的進攻戰” ,就不但在戰場上改變著敵我之間的強弱優劣形勢,而且將逐漸地變化著總的形勢。
  • As long as there is no fundamental change in the over - all balance of forces , both strategy and tactics involve the defensive and the offensive , containing actions and assaults , and " attacks on all fronts " are in fact extremely rare
  • The research of the local organized course - mechanism also indicates relationships between the nation and the society should not only simple antithesis , that cause the simple dualism during the relationship between the nation and society , but the complicated integration of the two trends , namely have complicated games , and are influencing the balances of force of the nation and society constantly
    地方組織化過程?機制研究也表明,國家與社會關系不應是簡單的對立(這種對立通常導致國家與社會關系的簡單二元化解釋) ,而是兩者復雜的融合(也即存在著復雜的動態博奕,并不斷影響國家與社會的力量對比) 。
  • In 2003 , the policy of “ rejuvenating the northeastern china ” let the northeastern china , the old industry base , start to fresh industry charm , and the economy of china establish the opening situation of tripartite balance of force , namely , rejuvenating the northeastern china , developing the western china and fully speeding ahead of the economy in southeastern china , thus the chinese economy will continue reform and opening to the outside world , and increase strongly
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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