【「港」你知:昏迷指數】 「GCS 334」即係點?除咗用維生指數嚟測量維持生命嘅基本表徵,面對嚴重創傷嘅傷病者,醫護亦會採用昏迷指數(Glasgow Coma Scale, GCS)嚟評估當時人嘅神志清醒程度。 GCS嘅評估分為三個方面,分別以睜眼反應(Eye Opening Response)、說話反應(Verbal Response)同運動反應(Motor Response)嚟評估傷病者嘅昏迷程度,再將上述三個評估分數相加,滿分15分、最低3分。一般而言,GCS喺8分或以下,會被視為處於昏迷狀態;9至12分視為半昏迷;13至15分視為清醒。 不過,如果傷病者受酒精或藥物影響、本身有心理或精神病、氣管插管、眼/口部受損等,都會影響GCS評估結果嘅準確性㗎! 資料提供:香港港安醫院-司徒拔道 急症科專科醫生高曉輝 #香港港安醫院 #司徒拔道 #港你知 #昏迷指數 [ Medical knowledge: What is GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale)? ] What does "GCS 334" mean? In addition to using vital signs to measure a body's basic functions, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is also used to assess the level of consciousness of the person in the case of severe injuries. The scale of GCS is composed of three tests: eye-opening response, verbal response and motor response. The scores of the individual elements are then added together, with 3 being the worst, and 15 the best. Patients with scores of 8 or below are usually said to be in a coma; a range of 9 -12 are considered to be semi-conscious; and a range of 13-15 indicate a mild injury. However, if the injured person is under the influence of drink or drugs, with psychological or mental illness, tracheal intubation or eye/mouth injuries, the accuracy of the GCS can be affected accordingly! Source: Dr. Ko Hiu Fai, Emergency Medicine Specialist at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital 香港港安醫院-司徒拔道網站 HKAH-SR website: https://www.hkah.org.hk/en/main 預約電話 Appointments: 3651 8626 #HongKongAdventistHospitalStubbsRoad #HongKongAdventistHospital #HKAHEmergency #EmergencyMedicine #Coma #GlasgowComaScale #GCS... - 香港港安醫院-司徒拔道 Hong Kong Adventist Hospital - Stubbs Road