St Francis' Canossian College

School News

17 Apr 2024

SFCC Career Expo Sparks Inspiration and Broadens Horizons for Students

The Franciscan College community came together on April 17th, 2024, for a groundbreaking event that left a lasting impact on students. The Careers Expo@SFCC proved to be an ingenious initiative that connected our current students with our accomplished alumni, igniting inspiration, empowering them by broadening the horizons of future career choices. 

Inspired by our visionary Principal, the semi-formal gathering aimed to strengthen the bond among Franciscans while encouraging students to explore diverse career paths. The Alumni’s participation was crucial, as they shared their invaluable experiences and journeys, revealing that many had ventured into professions completely unrelated to their university majors.

The theme of the expo offered a new perspective to students, who believe that the subjects they choose would determine their degree programs and their future career paths. However, after attending the event, there has been a paradigm shift from the linear train of thought towards a growth mindset where students realize the importance of embracing the unknown and exploring alternative paths.

The event’s resounding success showcased the commitment of SFCC in nurturing a well-rounded education that extends beyond the classroom.


15 Apr 2024

National Security Education Day 2024 --- Talk on national security education

Our civic leaders and class representatives of the core subject Citizenship and Social Development from various classes, were glad to have the opportunity to participate in the online talk related to national security, which was co-organised by Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers and Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong. They represent SFCC to take part in the “National Security Education Day 2024”, in order to raise the whole school’s awareness to the significance of defending national security, and to promote the importance of law-abidingness. This event serves as an inevitable step for students to increase their consciousness to national development and strengthen their sense of national identity.


08 Apr 2024

Visiting the polar research icebreaker "Xue Long 2"

The first polar research icebreaker "Xue Long 2" docked in Hong Kong on 8 April 2024. Some F.4 students, Hayley Wong, Fiona Mak, Chloe Choi and Sophie Tse, took the opportunity and participated in the Welcome Ceremony of Xue Long 2's Visit cum Tour, organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Volunteers.

Our students were able to get a close-up view of the ship which deepened our pride in our motherland's scientific research achievements.  They even got the chance to admire the interior of the ship. They could access areas such as the marine sampling room, the laboratory, and the helipad, complete with the ship's "Snow Eagle 301" helicopter. This event was undoubtedly a valuable experience for our students; it is hoped that their understanding and awareness of polar expeditions will be enhanced, as well as their interest and enthusiasm in exploring the polar regions.


31 Mar 2024










21 Mar 2024

Joint school workshop on sustainable development: Visiting SPC

Our civic leaders Hayley Wong (4A), Hailey Lau (4B) and 4C Amanda Fung (4C), accompanied by green ambassador Karine Kwong (3A) are thrilled to have the opportunity to pay a visit to St. Paul's College. They are honour to represent SFCC to take part in the “SDG Action and Awareness Month workshop” Lohas Festa” organised by the sustainability society of St. Paul’s College. They got the chance to participate in various types of sustainable activities, including the production of paper folders with recycled materials. This event has greatly increased their environmental consciousness and deepened their understanding of the sustainable development of Hong Kong.


21 Mar 2024

Joint School Staff Development Day: Visiting the Greater Bay Area

On 21st March, 2024, our teachers took the invaluable opportunity to pay a visit to Shenzhen Shekou Yucai Education Group Yucai High School, SZMS Nanshan Innovation School, and The Experimental School of Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, with teachers from Sacred Heart Canossian College and St. Mary’s Canossian College. With the eye-opening experience, teachers exchanged views on STEAM education, curriculum planning, and educational beliefs. Partaking in the interaction, substantial information and experiences that benefit our education are shared.


16 Mar 2024

家長教師會高中講座系列 ------- 建立正向情緒與新世代生涯規劃

生活緊張,學習上面對重重的困難和壓力,又要面對很多人際關係上的問題,同學們因此常常都會感到灰心沮喪。作為家長,如何幫助女兒們除去負面的情緒呢?本校於2024年2月24日,邀請了香港城市大學正向教育研究室服務督導郭啟晉先生,主領中四至中六級家長講座,主題為「如何協助子女建立正面情緒」。郭先生指出要先安頓情緒,而不是解決情緒,亦即是家長需要接納女兒的憤怒或不安的負面情緒,之後協助女兒將負面情緒轉化為正面能量。同時,家長要明白女兒發洩憤怒情緒的原因,彼此傾談,從而建立良好的親子關係。講座後, 羅校長和英文科科主任蔡老師與家長及同學分組,分享學習心得,以幫助同學改善學習技巧,使能好好預備公開考試。

此外, 於2024年3月16日,本校亦舉行了中五級家長講座,由社會服務機構「加減乘除」項目主任及香港科技大學梁家樂博士主領,主題為「升讀大學,何去何從?」講員指出在新時代,香港學生面對很多社會轉變,大學的學科組合亦有新的趨勢,新興學科逐漸受歡迎,家長和子女不妨多作了解,給予自己多選擇。同時,面對這些轉變和挑戰,家長可從旁協助和支持。講座第二部分是由升學輔導組余慧賢老師解釋2025聯招的程序和注意事項,當中包括各項呈交的文件和日期。最後,家長和學生會面班主任和副班主任,從中商討如何回應及預備考試的要求和聯招的程序。


06 Mar 2024

“Meeting with the Financial Secretary 2024”

Our civic leaders, including the chairlady Zoe Chan (5B), vice-chairlady Joanna Ng (5A), Peace Lo (5A), Hayley Wong (4A), Hailey Lau (4B), Amanda Fung (4C), Eunice Ng (4C), Catherine Lam (4D), Dorothy Lai (5C) and Cherry Lo (5C) participated in the “Meeting with the Financial Secretary 2024” held on 12th March 2024. Organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the activity aimed to provide a precious chance for youth student leaders to communicate and exchange their opinions on government’s policy-making. Our civic leaders have the grasped the opportunity to interact with the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong, Mr. Chan Mo-po, Paul. They expressed their concerns over various perspectives of the government budget issued in February 2024, as well as shared their views with the representatives from different schools and social sectors. This event was undoubtedly a refreshing experience for all our civic leaders, it is hoped that they will maintain their passion and awareness to current issues and keep exploring their sense of belonging to the community.


07 Feb 2024

Admission Application for S2 to S4

Applications are now open to S2 to S4 students for the school year 2024-25.

Applicants are required to download the New Student Data Form and submit the completed form together with supporting documents (Refer to page 5 of the New Student Data Form) in person to the school office during office hours* or by post on or before 3 June, 2024.  

*School office hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 

Selected applicants are requested to sit for a written entrance examination (Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics) on 15 June 2024 (Saturday). Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an interview which will be conducted in English.

Successful applicants will be notified individually. The application is considered as unsuccessful if the school does not contact the applicant by 1 August, 2024.

19 Jan 2024

Extended Learning Day

 The Extended Learning Day was successfully held on 19 January 2024. Various activities were organised for different levels to expand knowledge, foster creativity, and cultivate new skills. The immersive educational activities include S1 organic farm field trip, S2 Chinese History Panyu trip, S3 & 4 Careers programmes and S5 horse riding.

Students were encouraged to engage actively in these activities, fostering team spirit, boosting self-confidence, and forging stronger bonds among peers. The diverse range of learning experiences provided valuable opportunities for students to develop holistically as lifelong learners, reaping the benefits of a well-rounded education.

As our students discover endless opportunities for growth and make the most of their learning journey, this day has been particularly remarkable.



21 Dec 2023

Christmas Celebration

The Christmas celebration held on 21st December 2023 was a resounding success, leaving behind wonderful memories filled with joy and excitement. One of the highlights of the event was the Dress-down Day, which allowed students to come to school in casual wear. This year, the primary objective was to raise funds for Orbis, an esteemed charitable organization dedicated to fighting blindness worldwide. 

The day was brimming with activities that showcased the students' creativity and enthusiasm for the spirit of Christmas. Talent shows and games added an extra layer of excitement. It truly became a magical occasion, uniting everyone in a celebration of love, kindness, and the birth of baby Jesus. Heartfelt gratitude goes out to the students, teachers, and staff members whose contributions made this event an exceptional success. Such events not only bring us all together but also instill a sense of unity and support for charitable causes.

May the impact of this remarkable Christmas celebration endure, and may the funds raised for Orbis contribute significantly to their mission of combating blindness worldwide.


13 Dec 2023

155th Anniversary Open Days

The 155th Anniversary Open Day, dated 8th to 10th December 2023, were successfully held. It is a whole school event aiming to celebrate the 155th Anniversary of our School.

The kick-off ceremony was held at the school hall with an opening speech delivered by the principal, Mr. Kenneth Law and started with the performance of the school choir and Orchestra. An array of exciting events and activities were planned to commemorate this special milestone, such as Talent Show- Singing and Dance performances, Game Booths, and STEM Activities. To deepen public understanding of our school, two sessions of the S1 Admission Information Talk were held. The public, students, and teachers were seen having fun at different activities.

As the highlight of the 155th Anniversary Open Day, we are honored to have invitied the renowned Chinese musician Ms. Hsin Hsiao-ling to perform a recital on 10th December. The response to this performance event was enthusiastic. The audience not only can enjoy the wonderful music but also can benefit from an eye-opening experience of the concert.

The final event of the 155th anniversary was the alumni reunion - the Poon Choi gathering. Following the delighting performance of the school chamber music team, alumni who joined the event treasure the chance to reconnect with old classmates, reminiscing their fond memories.

We are grateful that students, parents, and the public can celebrate the 155th anniversary with us and join the related events, witness the development and achievements of our school over the years together. Thank you for joining us! 

Please click here to view the highlights!


06 Dec 2023

Tram Set Sail Ceremony: A Momentous Start to St. Francis' 155th Anniversary and Open Days

On 4 December 2023, our school community gathered with great excitement at the Tram Depot on Whitty Street to witness the Set Sail Ceremony of St. Francis' Anniversary Tram. Led by our principal, Mr. Kenneth Law, the event was attended by the designer of the tram body, Scarlett Chan of F.5B, along with her parents and four schoolmates. Their infectious enthusiasm showcased their eagerness to embark on personal journeys of growth and discovery.

The ceremony set a vibrant tone for the upcoming Open Days, scheduled from 8th -10th December 2023. Visitors can anticipate engaging experiences as they explore our school's offerings. This Tram Set Sail Ceremony not only marked the beginning of St. Francis' 155th anniversary celebrations but also ignited anticipation and excitement for all involved.

Keep an eye out for Tram #88, as it will be making its rounds around the Hong Kong Island for 4 weeks starting from 4 December 2023, on one of the 6 routes shown.


04 Dec 2023

「國家憲法日」 - 國旗下的短講與相關活動



30 Nov 2023


 學校主保聖人—聖方濟各(St. Francis of Xavier),他一生以熱切的心神敬拜上主,遠道東亞各地傳揚福音。在這遙遠而艱巨的傳教生活中,遇上不少困難和危險,但仍能一一克服,全心依靠天主。今年的主題 —— 「來跟隨,去見證」。透過活動和嘉賓的分享,加深同學對聖人的認識,並樂意以身體力行,效法聖人在生活中為基督作證。



23 Nov 2023

Formation of Heart

Six Catholic Formation sessions are conducted during Home Time for Catholic students. The student leaders will take on the responsibility of preparing and hosting the event, with valuable support from Sr. Betty, who will provide informative talks on Catechism during the initial sessions. Furthermore, the students will actively engage in preparing activities for their peers. Catholic students gather in small groups to respond to some reflective questions after each session. 

Six spiritual development programs are arranged during Home Time for non-Catholic students. We aim to create a nurturing environment where students can explore their spirituality and deepen their relationship with God. Additionally, we will invite guest speakers to deliver talks on ethics and faith. Throughout the programs, we instill moral values such as gratitude, respect, sacrifice, and forgiveness.



18 Nov 2023

Swimming Gala

The much-anticipated Swimming Gala took place at Victoria Park Swimming Pool on November 17th, and it was a resounding success. Students displayed great enthusiasm and actively participated in the event, giving their best efforts to score points for their respective houses. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and cheer as they competed. St. Valentina House was the champion of the C grade section, while St. Nicolaus House was the champion for the B grade section, A grade section and secured the overall championship of the Swimming Gala. Heartfelt congratulations go to the winning houses and all the victorious individuals in the gala. It was a day that will be remembered fondly, as everyone experienced joy and delight. We look forward to organizing more such events in the future, providing opportunities for students to shine and revel in joy.


18 Nov 2023

中四級家長講座 (18-11-1023)



04 Nov 2023

家長教師會週年會員大會暨家長講座 (4-11-2023)



03 Nov 2023

2023-24 S1 Admission Information Talks