执行董事 - Translation in English - bab.la

"执行董事" English translation


"执行董事" in English

执行董事 [zhíxíngdǒngshì] {noun}

执行董事 [zhíxíngdǒngshì] {noun}


Chinese English Contextual examples of "执行董事" in English

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab.la is not responsible for their content.

Mountain Rise路155号
B2G 5T8
The Managing Director
Fightstar Corporation
155 Mountain Rise
Antogonish NS B2G 5T8

Chinese How to use "executive director" in a sentence

According to the bank's website, there is currently only one executive director at the bank.
In addition, 47 general managers were also interviewed for the 18 executive director vacancies in public sector banks.
Graves, the executive director, has spent nine months developing a business plan and educating herself on the slimy underworld of human trafficking.
I have been practising quantity surveying for 13 years, but my role is that of executive director and shareholder.
He became executive director in 2009 and was named to the same role for the playoff when it was created in 2012.