手推車的英文單字,手推車的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


  • dolly
    玩具娃娃; 手推車; 臺車,移動攝影車; 洗衣攪棒;
  • gocart
  • handcart
  • wheelbarrow
  • barrow
    獨輪車; 雙輪手推車; 古墳; 閹豬;


餐飲手推車meal and beverage cart

混凝土手推車[建] concrete buggy ; concrete pushchair ; concrete barrow ; [建] concrete cart

糧袋手推車sack truck


泡沫手推車foam cart

手推車工人[勞經] wheeler

手推車系列Wheel Barrow




  • 她現在使用一輛手推車搬運貨物,但為了她的生意她老人家可能想要一輛小汽車。

    she currently carries the items in a handcart, but thought that she might need a car for her business.

  • 腳夫把他們的行李(用手推車)推運到汽車.

    the porter trundled their luggage over to the car.

  • 但是手推車的售價很貴,它們只需3,4天就可以節省勞力的方式來賺回自己的價錢。

    although wheelbarrows were expensive to purchase, they could pay for themselves in just 3 or 4 days in terms of labor savings.

  • 人們在超級市場沒有帶有保密功能的手推車,所以雜貨店把他們的購買習慣賣給經銷商算是侵犯了他們的隱私權么?

    people do not have secret trolleys at the supermarket, so how can it be a violation of their privacy if a grocer sells their purchasing habits to a marketing firm?

  • 那園丁在小徑上推著一輛獨輪手推車.

    the gardener trundled a wheelbarrow along the path.

  • 讓投票箱見鬼去吧,用超市手推車不也一樣能投票嗎?

    never mind the ballot box: vote with your supermarket trolley instead.

  • 下午一位女士用手推車給辦公室里的人送茶水.

    a lady comes round the office with a tea handtruck in the afternoon.

  • 這項研究的參加者要進行一些包含逃生鐵路手推車和車廂的思維實驗。

    the subject of the study is challenged with thought experiments involving a runaway railway trolley or train carriage.

  • 酒店員工發誓說他們看見了手推車移動、托盤漂浮,并且那個瑞秋還被發現在外面的街道匆忙來回。

    hotel employees swear that they’ve seen carts move and trays float, and that rachel can even be spotted rushing up and down the street outside.

  • 想象一下滿載食品的手推車被顛到了空中,然后猛地砸在行李柜上,這下您可以想見它有多糟了吧。

    imagine the heavy food trolleys jumping into the air and bashing into the overhead lockers, and you will have some idea of how nasty it can be.

  • 我穿上笨重的鞋,推出了我的手推車

    i put on heavy shoes and rolled out my wheelbarrow.

  • 四個人推著一輛裝著廚房垃圾的手推車,開始朝「勞動帶來自由」大門走去。

    picking up a rubbish cart containing kitchen waste, the four started walking towards the arbeit macht frei gate.

  • 該計劃不僅適用於電動車輛,同時也適用於插入式混合車輛、電動摩托車和電動手推車

    the program isn't just for electric vehicles, but also plug-in hybrid vehicles, electric scooters, and electric carts.

  • 狹窄的碼頭被數百輛手推車堵得水泄不通。

    the narrow quay was encumbered by hundreds of carts.

  • 我們需要一輛手推車.

    we need a trolley.

  • 搬運工幫她卸下了她一直用手推車推著的3個大箱子。

    a porter relieved her of the three large cases she had been pushing on a trolley.

  • 布洛克指責金酸梅獎的評委可能根本沒有看過這部影片,她在現場一邊拉著手推車發放電影的dvd,一邊說:「你們毀了我的事業,謝謝你們做出這個錯誤的選擇。」

    「thank you for ruining my career with a very bad decision,」 bullock told the group while dragging a cart of dvds to hand out to members who she accused of never seeing the dud movie.

  • 在鹽湖城教堂廣場的邊緣附近有一座很溫馨的雕像,塑造了一個拉著木質手推車的男人和他的家人一起行走。

    near the edge of temple square in salt lake city is an unobtrusive statue of a man pulling a wooden handcart, with his family walking beside him.

  • 他們將用手推車轉載貢品。

    they would use trolleys to carry the tributes.

  • 搬運工把我們那些被雨水浸透的臟兮兮的行李放上了手推車

    the porter put our scruffy rain-sodden luggage on a trolley.

  • 那個老頭提起手推車,慢慢推走了。

    the old man lifted the barrow and trundled it away.

  • 在溫哥華,第十西大街的100各街道的林蔭大道旁,已經加進了些花盆,車籃子,手推車以及花床。

    in vancouver, along the boulevards of 100 block west 10th they have added planters, bicycle baskets, wheelbarrows and flower beds.

  • 居住在這個我們叫歐洲的地方就意味著會看見國家在一連串堆積事故中好像在手推車上滑行。

    to inhabit this place we call europe is to see nations wheeled in on trolleys from a series of pile-ups.

  • 我迅速爬起來,把一個桶子放在暴風雨中,并把手推車直立起來,這樣我們轉天早上醒來時就會存上很多水。

    i shot up to lay buckets out into the storm and to turn a wheelbarrow upright so we’d wake up to plenty of water in the morning.

  • 你有手推車嗎?

    do you have any handcarts?

  • 烘山芋是這個城市里最健康的小吃之一,它們一般在冬天被放在手推車里販賣。

    usually sold out of a pushcart until summer, they are one of the healthiest snacks in town.

  • 弗蘭克:到了,請拿一輛手推車

    frank: here, take one of these trolleys.

  • 我被一輛手推車給擦了一下.

    i got a brush from the wheelbarrow.

  • 我的外婆因為脊骨狀況惡化,她矮了足足一英尺。她只是因為推了購物的手推車,髖關節就骨折了。

    my grandmother lost a foot in height as her spine deteriorated, and broke her hip just pushing a grocery cart.

  • 他使勁拉走那笨重的手推車.

    he lugged a heavy handcart along.

  • 設法不要去評論任何你需要「看」她的購物手推車或者需要「聽」她和屠夫說話的東西。

    try not to comment on anything that involves you having to 「look」 into her shopping cart or 「over hearing」 her talking to the butcher.

  • 印度,孟買:在家禽批發市場上,一名工人睡在一個手推車上。

    mumbai, india: a worker sleeps on a hand cart at a wholesale poultry market.

  • 被收養所收容的女孩尼娜被一個法國女人所認出,她堅信尼娜就是她多年前在超市手推車里被人拐走的女兒。

    a girl in care, nina, is spotted by a french woman who believes her to be her baby, stolen years before from a supermarket trolley.