
- 今年以來有2大負面因素困擾市場:監管風暴以及內房債務,前者應佔大部份(70-80%),後者20-30%。

- 簡單看了一下,恒大債務~RMB2萬億(資產~RMB2.4萬億),早前違約的華夏幸福債務~RMB3900億。另外可能違約的富力債務~RMB3300億,花樣年~RMB800億。

- 相比之下,6月底中國商业银行不良贷款余额2.8万亿元,损失准备余额为5.4万亿元,商业银行正常贷款余额156.2万亿元。上半年净利润1.1万亿元。亦即恒大債務佔商行貨款~1-1.5%或商行一整年的淨利潤。金額雖大,但應該仍可接受(即使考慮到spillover effect)。

- 而也挺肯定恒大不是雷曼:雷曼當年債務為6130億美元(更大,尤其這是十幾年前),而更重要的是其CDS counterparty的角色,涉及估計高達USD4-6萬億,佔市場8%*。

- 讓違約內房持續經營是令違約影響減至最少的重要原素。暫時中央也了解到這點,「強調要維持恒大房地產項目的穩定運營」(8月26日:外電據REDD報導)

- 另外,相信現時經濟疲弱(中國製造業PMI自去年11月起不斷下跌,至8月份官方@50.1,,財新的更處收縮的49.2),且未來經濟可能仍有下行空間(如估計有千萬人的教培行業面臨減人工/失業),估計應中央會幫幫手。

- 債市已反映很多,如恒大2022年3月到期債券跌至~31。從債價看,恒大應於半年內default。剛剛REDD Asia報導指恒大集团已经通知两家银行,将暂停支付9月21日到期的贷款利息(恒大9月份需要支付共计1.65亿美元的债券票息,其中包括9月23日到期的8350万美元,以及9月29日到期的4750万美元),看來時間不遠。

- 配合現時港股反彈已多並近日線保通頂,消息應令市場再次意識到除監管風暴亦有內房債務陰霾未除,令港股有沽壓。

- 同一時間總體是偏樂觀覺得情況可控,回調壓力不及監管風暴大。希望這炸彈能快點處理(爆/炸),渡過蔡金強所指的「黎明之的至暗」。

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Lehman’s failure was particularly scary because of its large and poorly understood interconnectedness with the rest of the financial system There were a couple of major channels of potential contagion. The most important (and least clear) was Lehman’s substantial presence in derivatives markets. At the time of its bankruptcy, Lehman was a party to between $4 and $6 trillion worth of exposure in CDS, accounting for about 8 percent of the total market. Though many of these exposures were offsetting—Lehman did not actually owe huge sums on net—its failure sent clients scrambling to find new counterparties. At the time, no one knew how large Lehman’s net exposure was, or who was on the other side of it:

The uncertainty of this situation is tremendous. What happens when you go to settle a currency forward transaction with a counterparty that suddenly doesn’t exist? Maybe everything goes fine, but maybe some unexpected condition bites you in the ass




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