恆河猴 - English translation – Linguee

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External sources (not reviewed)

D. 印度人口最稠密的區域是恆河
D. The most densely populated area of
[...] India is the Ganges River Valley.
我的姨母艾米莉亚与 一模一样,而说到我父亲罗耶里奥,毫无疑问,没有人比他更像一只狒狒了。
My aunt Amalia was almost
[...] identical to a rhesus macaque and Rogelio, [...]
my father, was without a doubt the closest thing to a baboon.
即使在數字上顯示當局截獲私 煙的數字急升,但恐怕漏網之魚,多 恆河
Notwithstanding the increasing number of illicit cigarettes seized by the authorities, the number of undetected cases must have been astronomical.
如输送的是全血或红血球,则必须先进行血液交叉配合试验;如输送血小板或血浆,则只需进行血型及 河猴 测试。
Compatibility testing must be performed for the transfusion of whole blood and all red cell components, while only ABO and Rh typing are required for the transfusion of platelet and plasma components.
我們作為議員是很慘的,因為在過去兩三個星期經常被人疲勞轟炸,不 止是約見,還恆河 的往來電郵和信件。
We Members have been very much stressed, because over the past couple of weeks we have been bogged down in many very tiring tasks.
地震當中,人民無私奉獻的故事有 恆河 ,幕幕可歌可泣、 感人肺腑,道盡所謂“天災之無道,人間卻有情”。
In the earthquake, there were countless stories of people making selfless sacrifices and every of them was stirring and touching to the utmost.
其實在香港法例中,可被判刑超過1個月以上的罪行有 恆河
As a matter of fact, numerous offences under the laws of Hong Kong are liable to imprisonment for one month or more.
除此以外,全新Cintiq 24HD touch 的顯示使用了先進的LED背光技術,帶給用戶 恆河 般數量的色彩表現。
In addition, the new display in the Cintiq 24HD touch offers stellar color performance thanks to advanced LED backlighting.
通过将番泻树、橄榄树、悬铃树和豌豆 树结合,娇韵诗实验室创造出了独一无二的防晒护理产品——植物性阳光防护元素2(Phyto Sunactyl 2),能够保护皮肤细胞及其遗传免受太阳的侵袭。
By combining senna, olive, plane tree and pea with baobab, Clarins Laboratories created Phyto-Sunactyl 2, the exclusive complex present in Clarins sun products which protects skin cells and their genetic inheritance against the sun’s aggressions.
漁 護 署 會 繼續嚴厲 執 行該措 施 ,
[...] 並 會 研究其他適當的 方 法,控制野 目的 增 長 。
The AFCD will continue to strictly enforce the feeding ban and explore other suitable measures to contain the
[...] growth of the wild monkey population.
在香港持不同政見的人士有恆河 的情況下,如何才 能在過程中讓市民認同民主是一樣好東西,而不是惹人憎厭和厭煩的 物事,也不是一個每每透過癱瘓立法會運作來作出爭取的制度,而是 更加寬容和包容、可以吸納不同意見的機制。
As there are countless Hong Kong people with different political views, how can we let them understand that democracy is desirable rather than something that arouses hatred and aversion?
在 “近年”之前加上“青年人為香港社會支柱,”;在“批評;”之後刪 除 “ 及 ” ;及在緊接句號之前加上“ ; (五 ) 重新組成十八區青年議 會,並設 制,由當區學校及青年組織派青年人擔任代表, 以便有效地推動地區青年活動及服務;(六 ) 增加舉行青年論壇, 讓青年人可以面對官員提出意見,讓政府吸納不同青年人聲音; 及 (七 ) 檢討青年事務委員會架構運作,並且評估對推動青年事務 的成效和推行青年人自我提名機制加入委員會,增加參與機會及 委員會的認受性”。
To add "young people are the pillar of the Hong Kong society," after "That"; to delete "and" after "criticism;"; and to add "; (e) to establish afresh the youth councils in the 18 districts, and to set up a permanent mechanism for schools and youth organizations of the respective districts to send young people as delegates, so as to effectively promote youth activities and services in the districts; (f) to hold more youth forums, so that young people can put forward their opinions to officials in person and the Government can listen to various voices of young people; and (g) to review the structure and operation of the Commission on Youth, and to assess its effectiveness in promoting youth affairs, as well as to implement a self-nominating mechanism for young people to join the Commission, so as to enhance their chances of participation and the Commission's recognition " immediately before the full stop.
After seeing a Monkey's Paw sold in Chinatown, [...]
I.R. starts making wishes using the fingers of his hands.
为了探讨HSF2 mRNA在热应激和超生理剂量睾酮诱导 河猴 细胞凋亡中的表达变化,我们建立了手术诱导单侧隐睾和注射大剂量11酸睾酮(T U) 河猴 模型,应用3′末端标记分析(TUNEL)和原位杂交方法,检测睾丸细胞的凋亡信号和HSF2的表达变化。
In order to investigate the changes of HSF2 mRNA expression and its role in germ cell apoptosis induced by heat stress or a high of
[...] undecanoate,we established the operation induced unilateral cryptorchid and TU-injected monkey models,and examined in situ analysis of testicular cell DNA fragmentation [...]
and the expre ssion
level of HSF2 mRNA in germ cells after treatment.
[...] 機會發展為主要藝團,我們建議增 源給香港藝術發展 局,以增加對藝團的支援。
To ensure that there is a progression and succession ladder for the budding artists and arts groups as well as the small and medium sized arts groups to rise to
the league of majors, we propose to provide the
[...] HKADC with additional recurrent [...]
resources to increase the support to them.
进一步分析表明黄山短川短 存在着极显著的遗传分化(FST = 0.399,P<0.001),基于最大似然法和邻接法构建的系统发生树均将两者聚为不同的类群,支持将它们归入各自的管理单元 [动物学报52(4): [...]
724–730, 2006]。
The phylogenetic tree and AMOVA analysis demonstrated that there were
distinctive genetic divergences
[...] between the two Tibetan macaque populations (FST = 0.399, [...]
P<0.001), supporting the treatment
of the Huangshan and Sichuan Tibetan macaque populations as two different management units [Acta Zoologica Sinica 52(4):724–730, 2006].
中心因應事 件會把塑化劑納察計劃內。
Arising from this incident, CFS would include plasticisers in routine surveillance programme.
畢業熊仔最受歡迎的包括Guilliver白色淺咖啡色米色公仔穿上畢業袍畢業帽和證書,德國Nici各款畢業公仔有綿羊畢業公仔猩 頸鹿斑馬公仔Nici白馬樹熊獅子老虎兔子小狗花貓畢業公仔,我們也有獨家Nici與法拉利聯合推出的法拉利黑馬公仔,可以穿上畢業袍十分適合送給男性。
Popular graduation bear includes Guilliver white teddy dressed in graduation gown, hat and certificate. There is German
Nici graduation teddy bear series, sheep
[...] plush gorrillas monkey giraffe zebra Nici [...]
teddy dolls white horse koala lion tiger
rabbit doggie kitten graduation dolls, we also carry the exclusive Nici Ferrari black horse doll, a perfect graduation bear for guys.
该委员会在本双年度期间举行了会议,并决定制定一个关于 管理的项 目,以表明可以而且应该开展跨学科研究来解决复杂的环境问题。
This committee met during the biennium and resolved to set up a
[...] joint project on river basin management [...]
to demonstrate how interdisciplinary research
can and should be pursued to address complex environmental issues.
毒奶粉案恆河 的人禍,在在反映中國政制的腐敗,每一起 悲劇,都是制度的缺陷使然。
The occurrence of the tainted formula milk incident as well as numerous man-made disasters are testimonies to the corruption of the Chinese political system, and every tragedy is caused by institutional defects.
根據董事會函件,富宏擁有的該等物業為位於香港新界葵涌和宜合道1 31 心的7樓A室、12樓B室、11樓、16樓及19樓A室及B室,該等物業包括一幢26層高工業 樓宇(其鋼筋混凝土工程於1992年竣工)內的8個工業單位。
According to the Letter from the Board, Richmind owns the Properties at Workshop A on 7th Floor, Workshop B on 12th Floor, Workshops A and B on 11th, 16th and 19th Floors, Henry Centre, No. 131 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong which comprise 8 industrial units within a 26-storey industrial building of reinforced concrete construction completed in 1992.
[...] 期生產能力之提升及與發動機管理系統業務客戶之現有合同(如在以上標題為「貴集團 之業務」及 資料」之章節中所示),及在中國之汽車生產量及銷售量之增長走勢 [...]
(如在以上標題為「中國汽車行業之概況」之章節中所示),收購事項代表 貴集團一個
集中對發動機管理系統業務之控制及收購可補充及配合 貴集團現時業務運作之技術 的機會,吾等認為收購事項符合 貴集團之業務發展,亦為 貴集團於日常業務過程 中進行。
Taking into account the optimistic view of the Directors on the EMS business of the Group, in particular in view of its recent focus of development, expected enhancement of its production capacity and existing contracts with customers in the EMS business, as detailed in the section
headed “Business of the Group” and
[...] “Information of Ever Techabove, and [...]
the increasing trend of production and sales of
automobiles in the PRC as detailed in the section headed “Overview of automotive industry in the PRC” above, and the Acquisition represents an opportunity for the Group to consolidate control over the EMS business and acquire technologies complementary and synergetic to the existing business operations of the Group, we consider that the Acquisition is in line with the business development of the Group and in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Company.
除正在议程项目 3 下审议的共同文件外,经社会还收到了环境与发展 委员会第二届会议的报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/10)、以及以下两份资料性文件:
[...] 东亚和东南亚地球科学方案协调委员会的报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/INF/4)和湄 会的报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/INF/5)。
In addition to the common documents being considered under agenda item 3, the Commission had before it the report of the Committee on Environment and Development on its second session (E/ESCAP/68/10) and two information documents: the report of the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience
Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (E/ESCAP/68/INF/4) and the
[...] report of the Mekong River Commission (E/ESCAP/68/INF/5).
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止;
[...] 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔 的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 [...]
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in
ensuring that the area between the Blue
[...] Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized [...]
armed personnel, assets and weapons,
taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
委員要求政府當局確保:(a)在工程設計方面採納適當的 措施,盡量利用可再生能源和提高能源效益;(b)該計劃所包括 的各項新設施,應在 遠的地點興建,以便城 沿 可有更多綠化地帶供市民享用;(c)重建後的香港體院會為殘疾 運動員提供足夠的體育及配套設施和無障礙通道;及(d)拆卸位 [...]
於火炭院址的室外單車場以騰出地方建造的新的多用途大樓會 提供單車訓練設施。
Members requested the Administration to ensure that: (a) the design of the Project should incorporate appropriate measures to maximize the use of renewable energy and promote energy efficiency; (b) the new facilities for the Project would
be constructed further
[...] away from the riverside in order to provide a larger green area along the Shing Mun River for public enjoyment; [...]
(c) adequate sports
and ancillary facilities and barrier-free access would be provided for disabled athletes in the redeveloped HKSI; and (d) training facilities for cycling would be provided following the demolition of the outdoor velodrome at Fo Tan venue to make way for the construction of the new multi-purpose building.
Thank you very much for your vote!
You helped to increase the quality of our service.