完全免費的網站製作器 | 創建免費網站 - SITE123


使用現成的版面設計及風格製作網頁 無須具備設計或編程技能 只需輸入內容,然後數 1、2、3,您的網站就誕生了!

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網站模板 - 1
網站模板 - 2
網站模板 - 3
網站模板 - 4
網站模板 - 5
網站模板 - 6


直觀的網站編輯器 - 無需編碼
SEO 工具
為您提供完美優化網站的 SEO 工具


SITE123 是市場上最直觀易用的網站建造工具。我們處理從網站結構到設計的所有事情,以確保您只關注您的內容。

SITE123 的編輯器比傳統的拖放式網站建造工具更高效。


通過 3 個簡單步驟構建您的企業網站

通過 3 個簡單步驟創建您的企業網站。選擇您的網站類型並上傳您自己的內容。然後在不到一個小時內發布您的網站,讓您的業務上線。


設置您的 SEO 以改善您在搜索引擎上的結果並為您的企業網站帶來流量!
通過 3 個簡單步驟構建您的企業網站




24/7 線上支援 - 我們在這裡幫助您!

我們的免費24/7線上支援在這為您服務。SITE123 線上聊天支援可以回答您的問題, 指導您建立一個成功的網站。

有我們優秀的支援小組的幫助, 您無需孤軍奮戰!


Why SITE123?

Because it is the easiest, the simplest and the fastest free website builder out there. No need for coding or design skills. No need to even drag and drop anything. Just upload your content and get a designed working cross-platform website, fully adjusted to all devices available on the market.

How much does it cost?

It’s free! Our product is offered at no cost and includes hosting and the web editor with all its tools. No payment, no trial, no commitment. If you want to connect a custom domain then you will be charged as low as $10.8 per month (annual plan, paid up front). Why wait? Create a website now.

Is my website SEO-friendly?

A website that cannot be indexed by search engines is literally useless, therefore we at SITE123 make sure that your website will be fully visible to all search engines, including Google. It is one of our major advantages, and we’re proud to be able to provide you with a professionally made top quality website.

How can I find my website online?

SITE123 provides you a custom sub-domain free of charge. Your domain address can be found easily in your website's dashboard.



How many websites can I register under my account?

There is no limit - you may create a website or multiple websites under one account and manage them all with a single admin username.

Where will my website be stored?

The question is more important today than ever before, since it is believed that a site’s storage location directly influences its loading time, which in turn affects a business’s ability to attract and retain traffic to the site. To reduce loading time, SITE123 websites are stored on content distribution network (CDN) servers spread across the globe. A visitor will view your site in the fastest manner, when loaded from the closest possible location. Make a website with great performance.

I’m not a designer. Will I have to hire a professional to have my site built?

SITE123 free website builder is designed to suit anyone. You don’t need to have any design skills or purchase any design software whatsoever. Our web builder provides a range of ready-made styles and layouts that allow you to set up a totally professional website in mere minutes. What you need to do is upload your contents and pick the appropriate mockup for each tool from the offered variety. All styles and layouts are easily replaceable at any given moment.

How can I make my website compatible with mobile devices?

Easy as one-two-three. You don’t have to worry about it, because we have already done that for you. Every SITE123 website is automatically adjusted to smartphones and tablets. Create a website now to make your business look perfect on any device.

Do you provide royalty free images for design purposes?

Absolutely! Our web wizard features an integrated image bank containing hundreds of quality pictures that can be used with no limitations and help you make your own website look attractive.

Can I keep updating my website myself?

Certainly! Our web wizard allows you to manage and update your website once it has been published, at any time and from anywhere in the world.

今天已經有超過US 個國家的 2333 個SITE123網站被創建!