Best Valorant settings for fps and lower system latency
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Best Valorant settings for fps and lower system latency

Almost any gaming PC can run the best Valorant settings for fps, but those with a GeForce GTX 900 series GPU or newer can greatly benefit from Nvidia Reflex

Best Valorant settings for fps

Applying the best Valorant settings for fps can significantly improve your chances to successfully make those game changing plays, and climb up the game’s ranks. However, reducing your gaming PC‘s system latency is just as important as having a higher frame rate, and we’re here to help you do both.

There’s more nuance to the best Valorant settings than simply whacking the game’s various graphics options as low as possible and calling it day. In fact, doing just that may inhibit your ability to read the game’s environments thanks to murky textures and distractingly blurred edges.

With that in mind, we’ve put together the best Valorant settings that prioritise frames per second without sacrificing the look of the game’s visuals too much. Unfortunately, neither AMD FSR, Nvidia DLSS, or Intel XeSS make an appearance in the options menu, but Nvidia Reflex is available and can lower your system latency if you’re running an Nvidia GeForce GTX 900 series graphics card or newer.

Asking yourself the question: Can I run Valorant? Here’s a reminder of the Valorant system requirements:

OS Windows 7 64-bit Windows 10 64-bit Windows 10 64-bit
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E8400
AMD Athlon 200GE
Intel Core i3 4150
AMD Ryzen 3 1200
Intel Core i5 9400F
AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
GPU AMD Radeon R5 200
Intel HD 4000
Nvidia GeForce GT 730
AMD Radeon R7 240
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
AMD Radeon R7 370
Storage 20GB 20GB 20GB

PCGamesN test rig: MSI MPG Trident AS 11th gaming PC, featuring an Intel Core i7 11700F, MSI Ventus Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070, 32GB of DDR4 3,200MHz RAM, MSI B560 motherboard, and Windows 11.

Before we get into the thick of it, it’s best you download an fps monitor so you can track your frame rate before and after the changes you make. That way, you know what you’re doing is making a difference.

Best Valorant settings for fps

Best Valorant Settings

Here are the best Valorant settings:

  • Display Mode: Fullscreen
  • Nvidia Reflex Low Latency: On + Boost (if supported)
  • Multithreaded Rendering: On
  • Material Quality: High
  • Texture Quality: High
  • Detail Quality: Low
  • UI Quality: Low
  • Vignette: Off
  • VSync: Off
  • Anti-Aliasing: MSAA 4x
  • Anisotropic Filtering: 8x
  • Improve Clarity: Off
  • [Beta] Experimental Sharpening: On
  • Bloom: On
  • Distortion: Off
  • Cast Shadows: Off

These settings should provide the best balance between visual quality and performance for most gaming PCs, but there are a few key changes you can make to affect the way Valorant performs and looks.

We found Detail Quailty to be the most demanding of Valorant’s graphical options. It changes the level of detail applied to background and non-gameplay related effects, so you won’t be missing on anything critical by turning it down to ‘Low’. That said, most systems should have little trouble running this in its higher presets.

Material Quality has the most significant impact on the game’s visuals, controlling the complexity of its shaders. It doesn’t have a significant impact on frames per second for most graphics cards, so we recommend running it in as high a preset as your PC can manage.

Anisotropic filtering and bloom also lend Valorant a greater sense of flair at their higher presets, and thankfully don’t have a large performance footprint. That said, try turning the latter off before bringing the former down if you need to boost fps.

While Nvidia Reflex Low Latency won’t help your frame rate, it will reduce your system’s input lag. Essentially, it allows your PC to draw frames as quickly as possible, meaning you’ll be able to see enemies sooner and somewhat mitigate things like peeker’s advantage as a defender. There’s no downside to turning this setting on, and so we recommend switching it to its ‘On + Boost’ mode.

Best Valorant settings for fps

Valorant Performance issues

You shouldn’t encounter many Valorant performance issues, but if you have an AMD Ryzen processor and one of the best gaming motherboards from Asus may encounter some minor problems. Thankfully, there’s an easy fix you can apply to help remedy any trouble you’re having.

Just follow the steps below, but please note this fix will only work if Asus AI Suite 3 is installed on your gaming PC, and HPET is set to on:

  • Press the Windows key on your keyboard and type cmd
  • Right click Command prompt and select Run As Administrator
  • Type bcdedit.exe /set useplatformclock false and press Enter
  • When ‘The operation completed successfully’ appears, restart your PC
  • Enjoy your improved performance

Best Valorant settings for fps

Upgrading your gaming CPU and GPU may also help to improve performance, and you don’t need to splash out for the best graphics card or processor to get Valorant running at high frame rates. In fact, most components released within the last five years, like the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti or Intel Core i5 9400F are plenty powerful for Riot Games’s tactical FPS.