SBS Australian Census Explorer

July 7, 2022 / By SBS Learn

SBS Australian Census Explorer
SBS Australian Census Explorer Source: SBS Australia.

Help your students discover how Australia is changing with SBS’s new multilingual Australian Census Explorer

Do you know how many people access higher education in your suburb? Are you curious about which languages are most commonly spoken in your school’s area? How has your community’s student population grown over the last five years?

Deep-dive the Census 2021 data with SBS’s new Australian Census Explorer, available for the first time in eight languages alongside English. Discover key insights into demographics, population, language, statistics and more. Use our highly interactive tool in your research, class preparations and guided learning. Bookmark it with your students – they will love its fun and easy-to-use interactive elements for their assessments and ongoing learning about who we are as Australians today.

Launched during NAIDOC Week 2022, SBS’s unique tool also provides insights into First Nations peoples and communities, enabling all Australians to gain a deeper understanding of the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures. Explore the rich diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, presenting the 167 Indigenous languages spoken in Australia, with the Census counting 812,728 First Nations people (3.2 per cent of the population).

Alongside English, the SBS Australian Census Explorer is available in Arabic, Greek, Italian, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese, making the national snapshot accessible to multilingual communities around the country.

Discover for yourself how Australia is changing. Access the SBS Australian Census Explorer here.