Civilization 7 release date estimate and latest news
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Civilization 7 release date estimate and latest news

Now that we know it’s coming, we can begin to calculate when the Civilization 7 release date will be and the new features on the horizon.

Two people standing on the nose of a giant stone statue while looking at several monuments, waiting for the Civ 7 release date.

When is the Civilization 7 release date? For over 20 years, the Civilization series has captivated PC gamers with its intricate strategy, forcing players to think about more than just conquering their neighbors. Sometimes, the best victory is by being diplomatically savvy while secretly building massive cultural wonders and hoping nobody notices – especially the nuke-hungry Gandhi.

Now that we’ve had confirmation from Firaxis that Civ 7 is officially in development, we’ve been gathering as much information as possible about the next installment of the strategy game series. While it’s still early days, we can at least figure out when you should expect to play it.

Civ 7 release date: how the Civ 6 map looks right now, with the hope that Civ 7's map doesn't look like this.

Civilization 7 release date estimate

The Civilization 7 release date is expected sometime in late 2024. We’re basing this date on a few factors. It’s the earliest we’ve known about the release of a new game from Firaxis, and Civ games typically launch a few months after the announcement trailer.

There has been no official confirmation of a Civ 7 release date yet from Firaxis or 2K Games, and given that we’ve not heard a peep about an announcement trailer, it’s unlikely that the game will come out in the first half of this year.

Civilization 7 news

Firaxis job listing has gone out for a new senior manager for product marketing with a “wealth of knowledge about the Firaxis portfolio of titles, especially Civilization.” Firaxis says it is planning “for the future of one of gaming’s most beloved franchises” and needs someone who will work to ensure “Civilization’s continued reign as the best strategy game on Earth.”

Civilization 7 gameplay

We’re not expecting Firaxis to rock the boat in this department too much. After all, the perspective shift from Civ 4’s traditional view of the world map to Civ 5’s hexagonal spaces divided a few fans. However, we already have a Civilization 7 wishlist for everything we’d love the developers to include, such as better AI for tenser diplomatic relations.

That’s everything we know about Civilization 7. While we all wait for more info about the latest Firaxis Civ game, try some of the best grand strategy games to get that Civ fix, or perhaps even a look at some alternative turn-based strategy games that don’t have to do with global or universal conquest.