

2017-07-05 12:03

? 人氣


[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

英國「獨立報」(Independent)和「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,苦主海格(Natalie Hage)6 月30日搭機從德州達拉斯飛往加州洛杉磯時,鄰座的男性乘客向友人傳訊,說她看起來像「剛吃掉 1 個墨西哥人」,還說她占了太多空間,害他被擠到脖子都印在機窗上。


海格解釋,自己有多花 70 美元(約新台幣 2100 元)來買額外空間,但機上只剩中間位子可坐。

海格在 Instagram 上寫道:「我才一坐下來,這位先生就開始嘆氣,在座位上調整自己。」她說:「我看到他猛打字,還故意把手機轉移我的視線,所以當他又打起字來,我自然會瞄一下,發現內容是在講我。」

她還說:「(收件人)說『希望她沒吃墨西哥菜』,男子回『我覺得她吃了 1 整個墨西哥人』,接著說『機窗有脖子印痕』,因為他整個被擠扁。」

海格表示,男子接下傳訊說:「如果新聞報導達拉斯─沃斯堡(Dallas-Fort Worth)機場 1 架空中巴士 A321 飛機沒能拉起機頭就離開跑道,那就是我搭乘的班機啦。」


i'm shaking right now. i'm on a flight to LA right now on @americanair. i paid almost $70 extra for this seat i'm in because i know i need a little extra leg room. i'm extremely flight anxious but there were only middle seats available so i had to take what i could get. as soon as i sat down, the gentleman on my left began LOUDLY huffing, sighing, and readjusting himself in his seat. i see him furiously texting and then purposefully turning the phone away from me. so, naturally next time he texts, i take a look. the texts were about me and i'm almost positive he took photos of me. not only were the texts about me, but they were really mean and ugly, with even the recipient named 'linda' chiming back with shaming retorts...someone who can't even see the situation. if you can't read the texts, it says 'hopefully she didn't have any mexican food' and his response is 'i think she ate a mexican'. then he proceeds to say he's leaving a 'neck mark on the window' because he's so smashed against the wall. from the photos, you can see i'm not in his space. he's even taken over both arm rests on purpose, coming to my space and digging his elbows into my side...which is in my seat. his next text to her was 'if the news reports a DFW airbus a321 leaving the runway without rotating, that would be my flight.' another i see later? 'if these seats don't hold, it's not going to matter.' and that's just a few of them. there were several more. i didn't do anything to him. i'm in my seat, completely (see photos). i am crumpled into a ball trying to not bother. i'm just so upset. i asked the other man to my right if he'd switch me and told him what the man was saying about me and he said laughed and refused. that's fine, it's not his issue. this is a fat person's daily reality and not just on a plane. this is on a bus, standing in line at the grocery store, at a concert, on the internet. you can be completely in your own space, not bothering anyone, and people will still fuck with you and try to hurt you. all you can do is know you haven't done anything wrong just by existing and to move on. this just makes me a mixture of enraged and super sad.

natalie.(@nataliemeansnice)分享的貼文 於 張貼



她說,這件事情讓他「既憤怒又超難過」,於是她當面質問這名男乘客,並把影片張貼到臉書,影片至今已被瀏覽超過 140 萬次。


海格告訴對方,她每週運動 5 次,擔任模特兒,在社群媒體上擁有大量粉絲。她也告知對方,已經推文知會美國航空公司(American Airways)這起事件。



多數臉書網友對海格的作為表示激賞,雷拉(Gloria D. Rella)說:「妳是我的英雄!」

席佛斯(Mary Anne Silvers)說:「這世上有各式各樣的霸凌,總有一天他自己也會遇上。」

但也有網友不認同海格的作為,羅斯(Sarah Rose)說:「基本上是妳去騷擾他、看他手機的簡訊…拍下他的手機畫面還把他錄下來,侵犯他的隱私。」





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