



  • smuggle
  • "走私" 英文翻譯 :    smuggle
  • "進口" 英文翻譯 :    enter port; sail into a port ...
  • "走私" 英文翻譯 :    smuggle◇走私案件 smuggling case; 走私船 runner; 走私犯 owler; 走私貨物 smuggled goods; run goods; uncustomed goods; 走私集團 smuggling ring; 走私漏稅 bootlegging; 走私貿易 smuggling trade; 走私行為 smuggling behavior; act of smuggling; 走私者 smuggler; 走私罪 offense of smuggling
  • "進口" 英文翻譯 :    1.(船只進港) enter port; sail into a port2.(外貿進口) import3.(入口) entrance; [機械工程] inlet; admission intake◇進口保證金 import deposit; 進口報單 consumption entry; 進口報關 customs entry; import entry; 進口報關單 import declaration; import entry; 進口補報 post entry; 進口補貼 import subsidy; 進口差額稅 variable import levies; 進口差價稅 variable import levies; 進口承諾 import commitment; 進口存款制 import deposit scheme; 進口代辦行 import commission; 進口代理商 import commission house; import agent; 進口登記證明書 registration certificate of import; 進口定貨單 indent; import order; 進口附加稅 import surcharge; import surtax; 進口港 port of import; port of entry; 進口跟單匯票 inward documentary bill; documentary import bill; 進口估價 valuation of import; 進口管制 import control; 進口過境單 transit pass for imports; 進口黃金點 import gold point; 進口匯票 import bill; 進口貨物 import cargoes; 進口貨物報單 entry for consumption; 進口貨物估價表 import valuation list; 進口檢疫 import quarantine; 進口凈值 net import value; 進口卡特爾 import cartel; 進口量 import volume; 進口貿易量指數 index number of import quantum; 進口配額[限額] import quota; 進口簽證更改 imports amendment; 進口簽證許可制 import licensing system; 進口商 import merchant; importer; 進口商品 import commodity; 進口申報 declaration for import; 進口手續 process of import; entry formalities; 進口水陸運費 inward freight and cartage; 進口稅 import duty; inwards; 進口稅則 import tariff; 進口損失 entrance loss; entry loss; 進口替代產品 import substitute; 進口替代產品生產企業 enterprises producing import substitutes; 進口統計表 import list; 進口外匯 import exchange; 進口違禁品 contraband of import; 進口限額 import quota; 進口信用證 import letter of credit; 進口許可證 import licence [license]; import permit; import authorization; 進口許可證明 certificate of import licence; 進口許可證制 import licence system; 進口押金辦法 import deposit scheme; 進口押金制 import deposit scheme; 進口盈利指數 import profit indices; 進口雜費 import sundry charges; 進口資金融通 import financing; 進口總額 total import; 進口總值 gross import
  • "反走私" 英文翻譯 :    anti-smuggling
  • "偷關;走私" 英文翻譯 :    smuggle
  • "走私;偷運" 英文翻譯 :    smuggling
  • "走私案" 英文翻譯 :    smuggling case
  • "走私凹" 英文翻譯 :    smuggler's p; tsau sz au
  • "走私船" 英文翻譯 :    runner; smuggler
  • "走私販" 英文翻譯 :    bootlegger
  • "走私犯" 英文翻譯 :    a smuggler; owler
  • "走私貨" 英文翻譯 :    contraband goods; smuggled goods
  • "走私品" 英文翻譯 :    smuggling articles
  • "走私商" 英文翻譯 :    smuggler
  • "走私者" 英文翻譯 :    bootlegger; contrabandist; owler; runner; smuggler
  • "走私罪" 英文翻譯 :    crime of smuggling; offence of smuggling
  • "專營走私, 包攬走私" 英文翻譯 :    monopoly over smuggling
  • "〔美口〕酒類走私。" 英文翻譯 :    rum-running
  • "查緝走私" 英文翻譯 :    prevent and counter smuggling
  • "查禁走私" 英文翻譯 :    prevention of smuggling
  • "打擊走私" 英文翻譯 :    crack down on smuggling
  • "大走私犯" 英文翻譯 :    major smuggler
  • "毒品走私" 英文翻譯 :    drug smudggling; drug smuggling; drug traffic
  • "毒品走私犯" 英文翻譯 :    drug trafficker
走私進口的英文翻譯,走私進口英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯走私進口,走私進口的英文單字,走私进口的英文走私进口 meaning in English走私進口怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。