在職訓練 - English translation – Linguee

Dictionary Chinese-English Under construction

External sources (not reviewed)

18.15 律政司司長指出,法例草擬需要特別專長,而科內在 職訓練 為是提升初級草擬人員草擬技巧的最有效方法。
18.15 SJ pointed out that legislative drafting
required special expertise of which
[...] in-house on-the-job training was found to be [...]
the most effective way of enhancing drafting skills of junior drafters.
培訓內容: 參與有關訓練課 程/計劃,並接在職訓練 以 學習活 動 籌 劃、機械操作、資料搜集、管理、應對 ,以及提供行 政支援等技巧 。
Scope of Training: To attend training courses/progammes and receive on-the-job training on techniques [...]
concerning organisation
of activities; operation of machines; collection of information; management, communication and provision of administrative support services, etc.
在這兩個計劃下,本地的 數碼娛樂
[...] 公司及廣告公司將 會為最多120位 畢業生提供為期一年的全 職工作在職訓練
Under both graduate internship support schemes, local digital entertainment companies and
advertising companies will provide a one-year full-time employment
[...] and on-the-job training for up to 120 graduate [...]
18.16 吳靄儀議員表示,除為草擬人員提 在職訓練 持高 質素的草擬外,律政司亦應重視草擬人員在草擬法例及法律原則 [...]
18.16 Ms Margaret NG opined that in
[...] addition to on-the-job training for draftsmen to [...]
maintain high drafting quality, D of J
should attach importance to the knowledge and experience of draftsmen in legislative drafting and legal principles.
該署亦為教師舉辦多在職訓練 及研討會,並製備有關 選舉、㆗英聯合聲明及基本法等題目的教材套及單張,以供學校使用。
The Department also organizes in-service courses and seminars for teachers and provide schools with teaching kit and pamphlets on topics like elections, the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law and so on.
李教授亦解釋教資會資助在職訓練 數目令兼讀幼兒教 育證書課程學額在二零零五至零六學年減至 [...]
200 個的原因。
Professor Li also explained why the number of
[...] UGC-funded in-service training places led to the [...]
reduction of part-time C (ECE) places
to 200 in the 2005/06 academic year.
同時,由 2008/09 學年開始,我們會為已表達意願在
2009/10 學年推行小班教學的學校提供 為期兩年的額外教師職位,以便學校可豁免教師原有的一些日常教學職務,讓他
[...] 們制定校本計劃(例如設計校本課程、訂定教學策略、擬備教案等)以達致全校參 與推動小班教學,以及參在職訓練 關的專業發展活動。
In the meantime, we will provide schools which have indicated their readiness to implement small class teaching in the 2009/10 school year with additional teaching posts for a period of two years, starting from the 2008/09 school year, so that these schools can release their teachers from their normal teaching duties to undertake school-based professional programmes (such as designing school-based curriculum, revising teaching strategies, lesson planning, etc.), to achieve a whole-school approach for
small class teaching, and to
[...] participate in the in-service training courses and relevant professional [...]
development activities.
(a) 本港就業輔導組屬㆘ 10 個分區辦事處的所有 18 名就業輔導主任,將會協助 監察由僱員再培訓委員會推行的擬 在職訓練
(a) All 18 placement officers of the 10 district offices of the Local Employment
Service (LES) will help monitor the
[...] proposed On-the-Job Training Scheme to be launched by the Employees Retraining Board.
教育訓練主要分為技職教育 在職訓練 等教育 三大類
Education and training can be divided into three categories: vocational education and training, on-the-job training, and higher [...]
7.9 目前,康文署為博物館員工提供一系列的培訓計劃,包括由博物館高級人員為 下屬提供在職訓練 政府部門和專業院校提供的入職及職業訓練、海外課 程及派駐實習、專題學術研討會或講座、經驗分享,以及由海外專家主講的座 談會或工作坊。
7.9 At present, LCSD
[...] provides a range of training programmes for the museum staff, including on-the-job training by senior staff, induction and vocational [...]
trainings by government
departments and professional institutes, overseas courses and attachment, topical symposia/lectures, experience sharing sessions, seminars/workshops to be conducted by overseas experts.
政 府 亦 為有關員工 提 供 課堂 在職訓練與本地及國際 的 資訊保安機 構 保 持 密 切 聯 繫,確 保員工 認識與 資訊保安有 關的事 故 、研究, 以 及科技發展 的 最 新 資訊和 知 識 , 從 而 能盡快地 偵 查 及 抵禦黑客的 干 擾 行 動 。
Moreover, we maintain close contact with local and international IT security institutions to ensure that our staff are kept abreast of the incidents and researches relating to IT security as well as the latest information and knowledge about IT development. This enables them to detect and defend against hackers' interference in the shortest possible time.
首批在蘇格蘭珀斯修畢兩年工程課程的員工,在各自位於耶加達、峇里島、 台北、曼谷及東京的家鄉進 在職訓練 將成為認可的飛機工程師。
The first batch of staff graduated from our two year engineering programme in Perth, Scotland and
will become fully licensed after a
[...] period of on-the-job training at their home ports [...]
of Jakarta, Denpasar, Taipei, Bangkok and Tokyo.
在 院 舍 防 護 工 作 方 面,衞生署 長 者 健 康 服
務的長者 健 康 外 展 隊 伍 會定期 到 訪 安 老 院 舍 , 評估院 舍 的 感 染控制措施, 並 因 應情況為院
[...] 舍 員工提供 有 關 感 染控制在職 訓 練 導 , 以 及傳染 病 的 知 [...]
識 和 感 染控制的 技 巧 。
Regarding the precautionary measures in residential institutions, the visiting health teams of the Elderly Health Services will visit residential care homes for the elderly on a regular basis to assess the infection control measures of the institutions, as well as
to provide the staff of the institutions
[...] with on-the-job training and guidance on [...]
infection control, knowledge of communicable
diseases and skills of infection control relevant to the situation.
設定政策和資源,就語言能力,支援持續的專業發展 在職訓練 級別)?
Policies and resources to support ongoing professional
[...] development and inservice training (at all levels) [...]
related to linguistic competence?
此外,您亦將得到悉心在職訓練 一份不賴的薪資。
What’s more, you’ll receive a competitive salary and benefits package
[...] together with excellent training opportunities.
生 署 及 醫 管 局 一
[...] 直 有舉辦推 廣和支持母乳餵哺的 訓 練 計 劃,包 括 贊 助醫護 人員參加由世界 生 組 織 與 聯合國兒童基 金 發 展 的 課程,以及提 在職 訓 練
The DH and the HA have been organizing training programmes on the promotion and management of breastfeeding, including sponsorship for medical and nursing
staff to attend courses developed by
[...] the World Health Organization/United Nations Children's Fund and in-service training.
這些大學畢業見習生實習期間,將接受與所修讀學科有 關在職訓練
During the
[...] period, on-the-job training in their respective [...]
fields will be provided to graduate trainees.
所有面對面在職訓練 放日,均應設有議程和提供食物。
Joint press releases For all
[...] face-to-face in-services, trainings, or open houses [...]
have an agenda and offer food.
管理知識訓練:公司每度固定規劃 TWI 督導員、MTP 管理才能、SOJT 結構在職訓練 部講師等管理知識訓練。
Managerial knowledge
[...] training: The company will regularly plan for TWI coaching, MTP management competence, SOJT structure job training, the knowledge training for internal [...]
instructors, etc.
(d) 建造業議會訓練學院所提供的課程,以及 為滿足少數族裔人在職訓練 的需 要所採取的措施
(d) courses provided by the Construction Industry Council Training Academy and the measures taken
[...] to meet the vocational training needs of ethnic [...]
[...] “指定行業”或非指定行業內的工作,按照“學徒訓練計劃”的 安排,他們都會在業內接受有系統 在職訓練 括日常實 務工作及相關教育課程,讓他們可以一邊工作實習,一邊學 [...]
Under the "Apprenticeship Scheme", regardless of whether they work in designated trades or non-designated
ones, apprentices should receive
[...] systematic on-the-job training which includes day-to-day [...]
practical work and relevant educational
courses, so that they can undertake studies while undergoing workplace attachment.
在職訓練 教授英 文科的學位教師和非學位教師,均可修讀㆒項由語文教育學院提供、為期 [...]
16 週的全日制複修課程,並在修畢該項課程後,再往英國修讀㆒項為期㆕週的 滲透計劃英語課程,為確保這些教師在回校任教後可獲得足夠的支援,語文 教育學院為㆗學英文科主任提供㆒項為期
12 週的複修課程,其㆗包括㆒項在 英國㆖課、為期㆕週的滲透計劃課程。
For in-service training, the Institute [...]
of Language in Education (ILE) provides a 16-week full-time refresher course for
both graduate and non-graduate secondary teachers of English, which is followed by a four-week immersion English course in the United Kingdom.
[...] 區議會交通及運輸委員會在意見書中要求當 在職訓 練( 下稱" 職訓局")新校園與都會 商場之間興建行人 [...]
The Chairman drew members' attention to a submission from the Traffic and Transport Committee of the Sai Kung District Council (SKDC) tabled at the meeting regarding the
request for the construction of a
[...] footbridge to provide a direct link between the new [...]
campus of the Vocational Training Council
(VTC) and the Metro Town shopping mall.
您既可在職與教訓練VE T)學院學習跟保健相關的學科,成為一名半專業工作人員,也可以在醫學研究學院攻讀博士學位,選擇範圍廣闊。
There are many course options within the health field - from studying in the Vocational and Education (VET) sector and [...]
becoming a para-professional
to gaining a doctoral degree in medical research - this field caters to every student’s level.
(4) 除職訓 以外地方運用第12(a)條所指 的立法會撥款執行其職能是為香港人的 育而執 行的,否則職訓局不得如此執行其職能。
(4) The Council may not perform any of its functions outside Hong Kong using any money appropriated by the Legislative Council under section [...]
12(a) unless the
functions so performed are for the training and education of Hong Kong persons.
教育體系中的層級,如高等教育 教育 訓練 小學或英語語言訓練。
The Australian education sector which the course is part of, e.g. higher education, vocational education and training, schools or English language training.
[...] 差異,而確實㆟數須視乎當時警察訓練學校所招聘警員㆟數,以及可接 訓練 在職 ㆟ 數而定,但可以說,所有警務㆟員都曾接受處理家庭暴力事件的訓練。
The exact number of officers undergoing training at any one time varies considerably
according to the number of officers
[...] recruited into the Police Training School and the availability [...]
of serving officers; but it
is fair to say that all police officers are trained to deal with cases of domestic violence.
他詢 問政 府當局會否 規 管公共小巴司機每天 的工作 時 數 , 並 強 制 新入行的司機接 訓練 在 職 提供復 修課 程,並 在 其 接 日子給予工資津貼。
He enquired whether the Administration would regulate the daily working
hours of PLB drivers,
[...] implement mandatory training for drivers who newly joined the trade, and provide refresher courses for the existing drivers with subsidy for the daily wages on the days of training.
操作指引內容包括:規定所有操作人員在使用長距離揚聲裝置前必須接 受有關的操作及安訓練使 長距離揚聲裝置前,必須獲有關單位 最高主管批准(即警司至總警 ); 在實地使用有關裝置時,需要由一 名督察/高級督察職級或以上的人員批准,及如需要使用最高音量範圍, 必須有另一名曾受訓人員協助觀察現場環境,以確保操作員在安全的情 [...]
The operational guidelines include: officers
[...] operating the LRADs are required to receive prior operational and safety training; any use of LRADs should be approved by the highest officer-in-charge [...]
of the formation
concerned (i.e. an officer of Superintendent to Chief Superintendent rank); any on-site use of LRADs should be approved by an officer of Inspector / Senior Inspector rank or above, and in case the highest volume range shall be used, another trained officer must be present to assist in observing the actual surrounding, to ensure that the operator achieves the objective of the operation in a safe manner without causing impairment to any persons around.
職業運動員是指由任 何機構或公司,以有薪 形式聘用的運動員。 訓練 獲得政府 或相關機構(如香港體育學院、中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會及體育總會) 資助或津貼的全職運動員則不計算在內。
Professional athletes are those who are employed
[...] under a full-time paid contract by any institution or company, excluding the full-time athletes who are undertaking training and receiving subvention [...]
or subsidy offered
by the government or relevant organisations (such as the Hong Kong Sports Institute, the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, and national sports associations).
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