Priest in TW Receives Over NT$10 Million in Relief Donation|義籍神父呂若瑟為家鄉求援 捐款破千萬 | 公視新聞網 PNN

Priest in TW Receives Over NT$10 Million in Relief Donation|義籍神父呂若瑟為家鄉求援 捐款破千萬

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Giuseppe Didone, an Italian priest who has been serving in Taiwan for close to 60 years recently asked for the public's help for his home country. In less than five days, he'd received over NT$10 million in donation. A vegetable seller even rode her bike for several kilometers to donate NT$800, which is her weekly income as well as 8 surgical masks.

An 83-year old woman brings several masks that she lined up to purchase to get to the Saint-Mary Hospital in Luodong to donate to Father Giuseppe Didone.

If they (people in Italy) need help, I'm willing to help. This is gesture a small gesture of mine.

The old lady sells vegetable for a living and makes only NT$150 a day. She has donated her one week's income and all eight of her surgical masks to the priest to thank him for serving his duty in Taiwan for over half a century.

A total of NT$800 along with 8 masks. These are auspicious numbers.

Thank you, thank you.

Italy has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The priest is worried about the people in his home country and began to ask for donation starting April 1. In less than 5 days, he received over 2,500 donations totaling more than NT$10 million.

The priest has been serving us in Yilan County for such a long time. This little donation is not much.

I thank you on behalf of them (people in Italy). They never expected Taiwan would be so nice to them.

The donation will run through April 15. The priest will transfer all the funds and resources to the Italian medical staff on the front line dealing with the outbreak.


捐款者 何阿鸞阿嬤表示:「他們有困難,我來幫忙,這只是小小心意。」


羅東聖母醫院公關 俞芳苓表示:「800塊錢、跟8個口罩,這數字很棒。」

天主教靈醫會神父 呂若瑟表示:「謝謝妳,謝謝妳。」



天主教靈醫會神父 呂若瑟表示:「我代表他們,向你們謝謝。他們沒有想到,台灣會對他們那麼好。」
